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Top 100 Health Trends of 2015

From Wearable Medical Devices to Festival Fitness Gear

— January 24, 2016 — Eco
The top 2015 health trends are a testament to the shifting consumer mindset towards a more healthy and wholesome lifestyle. As consumers become more informed on things like the importance of diet and exercise, the demand for healthier foods and unique fitness experiences continues to rise.

In the realm on food, consumers are looking for nutritious meals and dishes that still maintain the element of convenience. Products like pre-packaged health kits and meal delivery start-up services are enabling consumers to maintain a healthy diet without having to compromise their schedules.

Fitness has evolved to motivate people through gamification, virtual reality and exotic settings. As the attention spans of consumers continue to decrease, gyms and health clubs are creating unexpected and experiential workouts for consumers.

The growing demand for health-conscious products and services has even influenced the beauty world with vegan skincare lines and natural Middle Eastern cosmetic collections.

Discover how your brand can apply the top 2015 health trends with the data-driven research in Trend Hunter's 2016 Trend Report.
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Produce-Only Restaurants
Produce-Only Restaurants
CORE Kitchen's Healthy Fast Food is Made Purely From Fresh Produce
Artistic Vegan Cakes
Artistic Vegan Cakes
Chef Stephen McCarty Gives Art and Cuisine a Striking Spin
Chronic Pain Relievers
Chronic Pain Relievers
The Quell Wearable Offers Chronic Pain Relief
Superfood Face Serums
Superfood Face Serums
Goji Beaute's Cosmetic Product is Made with a Gem of Nutrition
3D Printed Casts
3D Printed Casts
This 3D-Printed Cast Excels the Healing Process of Broken Bones
Sickness-Detecting Bandaids
Sickness-Detecting Bandaids
This Liquid Bandaid Design Checks Wounds for Diseases Using Colors
Organic Marijuana Services
Organic Marijuana Services
Flow Kana Offers Farm-to-Table Weed That is Connoisseur Grade
Stimulating Balancing Boards
Stimulating Balancing Boards
The Level Board Takes Standing Desk Work to the Next Level
Minimalist Tea Lounges
Minimalist Tea Lounges
The Gourmet Tea Lounge in Sao Paulo is Colorful and Chic
Sleep Improving Guides
Sleep Improving Guides
This Infographic Addresses Getting Back to Sleep in the Middle of the Night
Bedroom Robotic Technology
Bedroom Robotic Technology
Wake by Lucera Labs Gets People Out of Slumbers Gently and Healthily
Movement-Encouraging Workstations
Movement-Encouraging Workstations
The Modern Workspace is Embedded with Tech To Make You Healthier
Mastectomized Barbie Dolls
Mastectomized Barbie Dolls
DDB's Breast Cancer Campaign for ALCC is Ethnically Eye-Opening
Replica 3D-Printed Faces
Replica 3D-Printed Faces
MirrorMe3D Introduces 3D Printing to the Cosmetic Surgery Industry
Intergalactic Meal Replacements
Intergalactic Meal Replacements
The '100%FOOD' Beverages are Astronaut-Approved Foods for Earth
Holographic Skipping Ropes
Holographic Skipping Ropes
An LED Jump Rope Displays Your Workout Stats As the Cord Whips Past You
Dessert Superfood Snacks
Dessert Superfood Snacks
Sneaky Protein Bars Turn Indulgent Flavors into Healthy Snacks
Festival Fitness Gear
Festival Fitness Gear
This Yoga Clothing Collaboration Blends Freedom, Flexibility and Fitness
Organic Middle Eastern Cosmetics
Organic Middle Eastern Cosmetics
Green Bar's Product Range Includes Botanical Oils and Skincare
Weight-Conscious Cutlery
Weight-Conscious Cutlery
The FitSpoon Features Holes to Slow Down the Eating Proccess
Ultramodern Dental Clinics
Ultramodern Dental Clinics
This Japanese Dental Clinic Boasts a State-of-the-Art Minimal Design
Inclusive Disability Dolls
Inclusive Disability Dolls
The Toy Like Me Campaign Spurs The Makies to Create More Diverse Dolls
Gigantic Public Saunas
Gigantic Public Saunas
The Arctic Circle Houses the World's Largest Public Sauna
Kombucha Tea Blends
Kombucha Tea Blends
Toronto's Pekoe Kombucha Bar is an Innovator in the World of Fermented Drinks
Classic Artisan Bread Branding
Classic Artisan Bread Branding
Bill's Organic Bread has Re-Invigorated its Brand after 10 Years
Elegant Tea Shops
Elegant Tea Shops
T Lounge by Studio pha is a Luxurious Tea-Tasting Experience
Udder-Mimicking Milk Dispensers
Udder-Mimicking Milk Dispensers
‘Vache à Lait’ Seeks to Recreate the Farm-to-Table Experience
Underwear Campaigns
Underwear Campaigns
Play Out Underwear Taps Breast Cancer Survivors for Its Latest Advertisement
Health Awareness Installations
Health Awareness Installations
This Ontario Pharmacy Marketing Stunt Informs Consumers
Creative Weight-Loss Photography
Creative Weight-Loss Photography
Blake Morrow's The Beth Project Blends Before and After Photos
Virtual Workout Systems
Virtual Workout Systems
The RhinoBoss Virtual is a Versatile At-Home Workout
Tattoo Removal Creams
Tattoo Removal Creams
This Topical Cream Gets Rid Of Tattoos Painlessly
Elegant Cannabis Dispensaries
Elegant Cannabis Dispensaries
This Albuquerque Dispensary Puts a New Spin on Pot Branding
DIY Watermelon Pizza
DIY Watermelon Pizza
This Fruit-Infused Watermelon Pizza is a Satisfyingly Healthy Treat
Fast Organic Burger Chains
Fast Organic Burger Chains
This Greek Burger Chain Boasts Sleek Packaging for the Design Lover
Alignment-Aiding Yoga Mats
Alignment-Aiding Yoga Mats
The Liforme Mat Helps with Alignment in a Yoga Pose Practice
Cheeky Health Campaigns
Cheeky Health Campaigns
Cancer Awareness Campaign for Colon Health Brings Humor to Buses
Bioactive Beauty Drinks
Bioactive Beauty Drinks
Beauty & Go's Drinks Promote a Healthy Glow from the Inside Out
Sculptural Smoking Systems
Sculptural Smoking Systems
The Aura Water Pipe Design Updates Looks & Functions of Smoking Devices
Wearable Medical Devices
Wearable Medical Devices
The AmpStrip is Being Repackaged For Medical Applications
Elegant Bottle Branding
Elegant Bottle Branding
Leeds Juicery Relies on a Simple and Clean Design for a Healthy Spin
Pre-Packaged Lunch Kits
Pre-Packaged Lunch Kits
Scrumpt is a Food Delivery Service That Aids Time-Starved Parents
Cannabis Cafe Hotels
Cannabis Cafe Hotels
The Surrey Cannabis Club is Housed Within a Guildford Apartment
Chic Blood Sugar Bands
Chic Blood Sugar Bands
Hi-Tech Wearable Accessory Measures Glucose Levels by a Futuristic Fashion
Baby Smart Socks (UPDATE)
Baby Smart Socks (UPDATE)
Owlet Introduces a Comfortable Wearable to Track a Baby's Health
Floral Juice Packaging
Floral Juice Packaging
'Gestus Juice' Blends Fruit and Flowers in its Labels for a Fresh Look
Comfortable Standing Desk Mats
Comfortable Standing Desk Mats
The 'Wurf Board' by JumpSport Makes an Ergonomic Desk Even Better
Characterized Breakfast Charts
Characterized Breakfast Charts
This Breakfast Guide Reveals What a Consumer's Meal Choice Means
Garage-Grown Produce
Garage-Grown Produce
Vertical Fresh Farms is an Urban Farming Initiative in Buffalo
Simple Fitness Seats
Simple Fitness Seats
The Balance Stool by Darryl Agawin Provides an Unstable Surface For the Core
Healthy Sandwich Boxes
Healthy Sandwich Boxes
Lifestyle Foods' Grab-and-Go Line Makes Eating Right Easy
Workout-Bartered Subway Fare
Workout-Bartered Subway Fare
Mexico City is Offering Free Subway Rides in Exchange for Squats
Wine-Inspired Water Bottles
Wine-Inspired Water Bottles
This Water Design Concept Brands Spring Water Like a Fine Wine
Office Napping Chairs
Office Napping Chairs
Viva's Ergonomic Workplace Nap Chair Doubles as a Bed
Mood-Boosting Fitness Charts
Mood-Boosting Fitness Charts
This Infographic Explores the Link Between Exercise and Happiness
Surf-Like Office Decks
Surf-Like Office Decks
The Level Encourages Better Physical Health and More Movement at Work
Pie Chart Packaging
Pie Chart Packaging
Bags of This Nutritious Soup Break Down Their Food Group Contents into Slices
Shopping Mall Fitness Facilities
Shopping Mall Fitness Facilities
The Top of Morinomiya Q's Mall Boasts a Runnable Track
Posture-Perfecting Systems
Posture-Perfecting Systems
Low-Tech Wearable Device BetterBack is Designed to Improve Posture
Toxic Surfing Photography
Toxic Surfing Photography
The 'HAZMAT Surfing' Series Imagines the Grim Future of Surfing
De-Stressing Office Pods
De-Stressing Office Pods
The Orrb Provides a Womb-Like Cocoon to Escape the Worker Grind
Wholesome Superfood Packets
Wholesome Superfood Packets
Nutriboost's Healthy Packaging Designs Show the Power of Superfoods
Earthy Organic Juice Bars
Earthy Organic Juice Bars
Roots & Bulbs is a Stylish London Juice Bar with a Personality
Virtual Reality Home Gyms
Virtual Reality Home Gyms
Icaros by HYVE Provides a Stimulating and Entertaining Way to Work Out
DIY Urban Farming Kits
DIY Urban Farming Kits
The Shroombox by Fungaea Will Help You Grow Fresh Ingredients at Home
Cardio Workout Desks
Cardio Workout Desks
This Design Fuses Office Furniture and Workout Equipment
Smart Storage Jars
Smart Storage Jars
The Neo Smart Jar Enhances Food Storage with Bluetooth Technology
All-Natural Sensorial Skincare
All-Natural Sensorial Skincare
Herbivore Botanicals is a Forward-Thinking Organic Beauty Company
Punny Juice Packaging
Punny Juice Packaging
Purearth's Drink Bottles Combine Good Humor and Health
Rustic Raw Dessert Bars
Rustic Raw Dessert Bars
This Quaint Cafe by StudioY Serves Up Raw, Vegan and Paleo Desserts
Air Filtration Fashion
Air Filtration Fashion
Qiadan Yin Peng's Runway Collection Showcases Face Mask Designs
Opulent Cannabis Dispensaries
Opulent Cannabis Dispensaries
The Silverpeak Apothecary Wants to Make Buying Weed Luxurious
Compact Sleep Apnea Masks
Compact Sleep Apnea Masks
This Compact Device Helps Open Up Your Airways While You Sleep
Scholarly Boutique Gyms
Scholarly Boutique Gyms
The Library Gym is Transforming Training into an Upscale Activity
Secret Garden Branding
Secret Garden Branding
This Organic Cafe Branding Channels Images of an Idyllic Forest
Skin-Scrubbing Devices
Skin-Scrubbing Devices
The Labelle Ultrasonic Spatula by Trophy Skin Removes Dirt Without a Brush
Floating Fitness Studios
Floating Fitness Studios
The Nike Crystal Coliseum was a Pop-Up for Training Classes
Detoxifying Juice Branding
Detoxifying Juice Branding
Verve Juices Has a New Look for Its Line of Healthy Cleansing Drinks
Delicate Milk Tea Branding
Delicate Milk Tea Branding
This Pretty Milk Tea Packaging Design is Feminine and Organic
International School Lunches
International School Lunches
Salad Chain Sweetgreen Recreates Midday Meals from Around the World
Mobile Juice Bars
Mobile Juice Bars
This New Boston Juice Bar is Adapting the Food Truck Business Model
Meal Delivery Startups
Meal Delivery Startups
Chowdy is a Healthy Meal Subscription Service in Toronto
Plus-Size Padding Portraits
Plus-Size Padding Portraits
Refinery29 Uncovers a Plus-Size Practice That's Bad for Body Image
Uplifting Superfood Packaging
Uplifting Superfood Packaging
Rise's Health Food Branding Incites Challenge and Change
LED Standing Desks
LED Standing Desks
The Height of TableAir is Controlled By Way of Motion Sensors
Body-Positive Superheroes
Body-Positive Superheroes
This Campaign Recreates ESPN's Body-Positive Issue with Nude Superheroes
Clever Photography Infographics
Clever Photography Infographics
Marion Luttenberger's Infographics Creatively Display Common Items
Raw Juice Labratory Branding
Raw Juice Labratory Branding
ELXR is a Toronto Cold-Pressed Juice Bar with Clever Packaging
Eco-Friendly Superfood Packaging
Eco-Friendly Superfood Packaging
Inspiral's New Branding is Streamlined and Sustainable
Shape-Shifting Brass Knuckles
Shape-Shifting Brass Knuckles
The OCATO Kung Fu Power Self-Defense Ring Changes Shape in a Snap
Contemporary Boutique Gyms
Contemporary Boutique Gyms
1Rebel in London is a Former Office Turned Theatrical Luxury Gym
Upscale Water Brand Pop-Ups
Upscale Water Brand Pop-Ups
The Evian Pop-Up Experience Opened Ahead of Wimbledon 2015
Wheeled Walking Sticks
Wheeled Walking Sticks
'Take Me Away' is a Smart Cane for Guiding the Visually Impaired
Garden-to-Table Cafes
Garden-to-Table Cafes
This Kreuzberg Garden Project is an Organic Food Hub with a Quaint Cafe
Fashion-Forward Breathing Masks
Fashion-Forward Breathing Masks
Airinum Designed Stylish Urban Masks That Filter Air Pollution
Sophisticated Raw Juice Branding
Sophisticated Raw Juice Branding
Belmonte Raw is a New Juice Brand That Boasts Luxurious Packaging
Home Farming Boxes
Home Farming Boxes
The Mini-Farm Grow Box Lets You Easily Grow Greens At Home
Experiential Breakfast Pop-Ups
Experiential Breakfast Pop-Ups
Dorset Cereals Brand Launched a Breakfast Lodge Activation
Rustic Juice Establishments
Rustic Juice Establishments
The Cold Pressery in Mississauga is a Stylish Healthy Lifestyle Bar
Smoothie Bar Concepts
Smoothie Bar Concepts
This Juice Bar Reduces Fruit Waste in This Stockholm Supermarket