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Top 100 Charity Trends of 2015

From Clean Water Vending Machines to Non-Profit Grocery Shops

— January 23, 2016 — Social Good
The top 2015 chairty trends serve as a reminder that not everyone is able to meet their basic needs. For millions of people around the world, access to safe water, nutricious food and permanent housing is hard to come by. As a result, there are numerous charities working to ensure that no one is forced to go without these necessities.

One of the most pressing concerns in urban areas is access to affordable housing. From New York to New Delhi, charitable organizations are working to come up with ways to house rapidly expanding populations. These solutions include innovative projects such as stackable apartment buildings, portable winter shelters and homeless-accommodating additions.

Beyond basic housing, access to food and water are other pressing concerns. In rural areas, some charities have turned to new technology to install items such as off-grid water kiosks and clean water vending machines. In urban areas, non-profit organizations are solving food insecurity with initiatives such as low-cost food shops and food waste donation apps.

To learn about more of the top 2015 charity trends, turn to Trend Hunter's 2016 Trend Report.
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Underprivileged Networking Stunts
Underprivileged Networking Stunts
This Charity Marketing Stunt Involves a Mock Profile on LinkedIn
Charitable Singing Mockumentaries
Charitable Singing Mockumentaries
Coldplay Helps to Create an Unofficial Game of Thrones Musical
Heat-Sharing Switches
Heat-Sharing Switches
The Rootswitch Donation Button Helps Homeowners Heat Others' Homes
Non Profit Beer Companies
Non Profit Beer Companies
Finnegans Hopes to Eliminate Hunger by 'Turning Beer into Food'
Kind Shovelling Campaigns
Kind Shovelling Campaigns
Canadian Tire's Shovel It Forward Encourages Kindness Among Neighbors
Easy-Access Donation Buttons
Easy-Access Donation Buttons
Google Added a 'Donate' Button to Help Aid in the Refugee Crisis
Recycled Pacemaker Charities
Recycled Pacemaker Charities
Pace 4 Life Reuses Donated Pacemakers in the Developing World
Family Food Campaigns
Family Food Campaigns
KFC, Pizza Hut & World Hunger Relief Provide Food to Families in Need
Athlete Incentive Platforms
Athlete Incentive Platforms
FanPay Rewards Student Athletes with a Crowdfunded Graduation Gift
Vaccine Transportation Systems
Vaccine Transportation Systems
This Clever Device is Set to Revolutionize the Way We Move Vaccines
Mobile-Mining Malaria Strategies
Mobile-Mining Malaria Strategies
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Bathroom Tissue Bridal Gowns
Bathroom Tissue Bridal Gowns
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Extreme Poverty Initiatives
Extreme Poverty Initiatives
Joey Adler Discusses the Live Below the Line Poverty Campaign
Humanitarian VR Experiences
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Lonely Cancer Campaigns
Lonely Cancer Campaigns
Macmillan's Cancer Campaign Simulates the Disease with an Isolation Box
Heroic Paper Towel Packaging
Heroic Paper Towel Packaging
Brawny Joins the Wounded Warriors Project with Special Packaging
Clean Water Storage Bags
Clean Water Storage Bags
This Water Pouch Helps Maintain a Barrier Between Liquid and Contaminants
Smokeless Cookstoves
Smokeless Cookstoves
This Clean Cookstove Prevents Exposure to Harmful Cooking and Heating Fires
Charitable Nintendo Tables
Charitable Nintendo Tables
This NES Console Table Will Benefit a Children's Hospital Once Sold
Charitable Connected Laundry Machines
Charitable Connected Laundry Machines
Whirlpool's Appliances Manifest the Internet of Good Things
Digital Genealogy Services
Digital Genealogy Services
This New Project Aims to Trace the Descendants of Freed Slaves
Tech Expertise-Donating Platforms
Tech Expertise-Donating Platforms
#charity Asks You to Volunteer Skills in Technology to Charities
Non-Profit Grocery Shops
Non-Profit Grocery Shops
The Daily Table Sells Food Donated by Wholesalers
Immunization-Centered Art Collections
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The Gates Foundation's Vaccination Campaign Focuses on Story
Charitable Coat Donations
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Designer Charity Apparel
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This Stella McCartney T-Shirt Collection Raises Money for War Child UK
Pop-Up Relief Restaurants
Pop-Up Relief Restaurants
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Charitable Fitness Bands (UPDATE)
Charitable Fitness Bands (UPDATE)
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Cancer-Fighting Burgers
Cancer-Fighting Burgers
The Think Pink Burger Collects Proceeds for Canadian Breast Cancer
Weaponry Bottle Poppers
Weaponry Bottle Poppers
The Bottle Axe Wages War on Capped Beverages and Wins Every Time
Water Awareness Toilets
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Charitable Hockey Beer
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The NHL and the Lake of Bays Brewing Company Collaborate to Support Kids
Water-Providing Watches
Water-Providing Watches
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Awareness-Raising Socks
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Charitable Water Apparel
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Homeless Painted Portraits
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Community-Building Wedding Pictures
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Charitable Fitness Apps
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Accessibility Awareness Art
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Prefabricated Solar Classrooms
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HIV-Fighting Accessory Collections
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Adjustable Kids' Footwear
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H2O Aid Initiatives
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Mindful Water Taps
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WWF Reveals the Water Consumption Journey with a Special Sink
Homeless-Helping Sock Companies
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This Non-Profit Organization Provides Socks for the Homeless
Hunger-Fighting Apps
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Kissable Cause Marketing
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Social Good Currency
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Charitable Sci-Fi Couture
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Considerate Waste Bins
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E-Book Data Compendiums
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Graphic Woven Towels
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Whimiscal Coin Receptacles
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Charitable Hunger Apps
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Robot Building Kits
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Clean Water Vending Machines
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Child-Designed Cameras
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Donation Vending Machines
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One-for-One Water Filters
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Futuristic Hoverboard Boots
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Kid-Designed Stuffed Toys
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Touchless Donation Posters
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Space-Maximizing Homeless Shelters
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These Temporary Pods Turn Unused Wall Space into Homes
Charitable Toilet Papers
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Off-Grid Water Kiosks
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Coca-Cola is Rolling Out Water Purification Booths in Rural Communities
Patriotic Beer Labels
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Charitable Fashion Portraits
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This Alexander Wang Photoshoot Features 38 Different Celebrities
Food Redistribution Initiatives
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Moisson Montreal's Food Recovery Program Reallocates Usable Goods
Feline Yoga Classes
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Dog-Saving Wines
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Bottled Burger Dressings
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Extraordinarily Wholesome Snacks
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Community-Inspiring Signage
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Conflict-Battling Bottles
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Discreet Feminine Hygiene Bags
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Homeless Youth Photography
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Organized Clothing Donation
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Humanitarian Drone Contests
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Solar Food Storage Containers
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Mobile Homeless Shelters
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Low-Cost Lighting Solutions
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Compelling Donation Posters
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Temporary Friendship Bracelets
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Heart-Shaped Pizzas
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Boston Pizza's Valentine's Day Special Raises Money for Charity
Pop-Up Water Bars
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Rubble-Based Emergency Shelters
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These Modular Shelters are Made from Brick Rubble
Low-Cost Refugee Camps
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These Flat-Pack Homes Provide a Long-Term Solution for Housing Refugees
Upscale Low-Income Housing
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These Sleek Apartments Provide Social Housing for Homeless Individuals
Pop-Up Homeless Shelters
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These Activists Created a Cozy Bedroom Set for the Homeless
Homeless Laundry Trailers
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Non-Profit Project WeHOPE is Crowdfunding Their Mobile Shower Facilities
Portable Winter Shelters
Portable Winter Shelters
This Sleeping Bag Converts into a Tent on the Go
Charitable Arcade Games
Charitable Arcade Games
These Charity Arcades in Swedish Airports Raise Money for the Red Cross
Homeless-Helping Sleeping Bags
Homeless-Helping Sleeping Bags
These Jackets Transform into Waterproof Sleeping Bags