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40 Addictive iPhone Apps

From Nudie Inked Apps to Sacrilegious Games

— July 8, 2009 — Tech
The iPhone is the hottest phone on the market and iPhone apps are making Apple a killing despite the economic recession. Thousands and thousands of iPhone applications have made their way onto the market (and into the hearts of iPhone users).

From $1000 iPhone apps to ones that help you paint your house or make you laugh out loud, iPhone apps are going to continue to keep on rolling out.

Implications - If you're the kind of person who wants to stay on the cutting edge while living a fast-paced, technology-infused lifestyle, don't get caught without this latest collection of amazing iPhone applications. After all, having a device as cool as an iPhone demands some funky application personalization!
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iPhone Apps for Boozers
iPhone Apps for Boozers
Merges Robots And iPhones And Beers... Oh My
Mobile Food Guides
Mobile Food Guides
Sushi iPhone App Translates Fish Names For You
iPhone AppStore Products
iPhone AppStore Products
Loopt (UPDATE)
Terrorist Spoof Apps
Terrorist Spoof Apps
'National Threat Advisory' iPhone App Pokes Fun at TSA
Youth-Inspired iPhone Apps
Youth-Inspired iPhone Apps
Harold's Real Life Purple Crayon Lets You Draw Like a Kid
Mobile Nightlife Finders
Mobile Nightlife Finders
Gigotron iPhone App Lets You Find Local Music in a Touch
Censoring Digital Books
Censoring Digital Books
iPhone App Store Execs Ban Explicit Literature
Turnkey iPhone Apps
Turnkey iPhone Apps
Kyte Provides Branded Apps for Celebs, Musicians and Brands Within 7 Days
Planting Trees via iPhone
Planting Trees via iPhone
The iPhorest iPhone App Lets You Virtually Dig to Plant Real Trees
Mobile Eco Detectives
Mobile Eco Detectives
Seventh Generation Releases iPhone App to Help You Read Labels
Wunderkind Programmers
Wunderkind Programmers
9-Year-Old Whiz Kid Writes iPhone App
Crowdsourced Ride-Sharing
Crowdsourced Ride-Sharing
Avego iPhone App
Sleuthy iPhone Apps
Sleuthy iPhone Apps
The Agile Lie Detector Measures Voice Stress
Hygienic iPhone Apps
Hygienic iPhone Apps
The Unique Automation iBath Lets You Run Water from a Distance
Useful iPhone Apps
Useful iPhone Apps
‘ATM Hunter' From MasterCard Finds Fee-Free Cash Machines
Sacrilegious iPhone Apps
Sacrilegious iPhone Apps
‘Me So Holy' Deemed Too Devilish by Apple
Paint Swatch Apps
Paint Swatch Apps
Benjamin Moore Makes Color Matching Breezy With Their iPhone Application
Crude Mobile Phone Games
Crude Mobile Phone Games
iPhone App Store Flooded with Gaseous Exuberance
iPhone Confessionals
iPhone Confessionals
Exclusive Video From American Idol Through iPhone Apps
Hi-Tech Political Campaigns
Hi-Tech Political Campaigns
Obama '08: The Official iPhone Application
iPhone Milestones
iPhone Milestones
500 Million iPhone App Downloads, from the iBeer to iFart
$1 Baby Monitors
$1 Baby Monitors
iPhone App Calls You When It Detects Noise
Flight Board iPhone Apps
Flight Board iPhone Apps
FlipTime Mimics Airport Information Monitors
iPhone Apps That Send Symptoms to Doctors
iPhone Apps That Send Symptoms to Doctors
Cell Phone Puzzle-Solving
Cell Phone Puzzle-Solving
'CubeCheater' iPhone App Solves Any Rubik's Cube
Rotary Phone iPhone App
Rotary Phone iPhone App
The iRetroPhone
Viral Hoaxes as Art
Viral Hoaxes as Art
Gallery Sells Prints of $999.99 iPhone App
Vibrating iPhone Apps
Vibrating iPhone Apps
iVibrateMe Lets You Use The Vibrate Function On Command
iPhone Apps for Skaters
iPhone Apps for Skaters
iSkateboard Finds Best Parks, Skate Shops and Street Spots Near You
$1000 iPhone Apps
$1000 iPhone Apps
Apple Pulls "I am Rich" Ruby
Carnivorous iPhone Apps
Carnivorous iPhone Apps
iBacon is Purely for Meat-Loving Mobile Users
Gross iPhone Apps
Gross iPhone Apps
The ‘Zit Picker' Game Sets New Low For Mobile Entertainment
Lip-Syncing iPhone Apps
Lip-Syncing iPhone Apps
'Mouth Off' Gives Your Words a Virtual Mouthpiece
Retro Cell Phone Camera Filters
Retro Cell Phone Camera Filters
CameraBag iPhone App Adds Spice to Mobile Photos
Jokerize Yourself
Jokerize Yourself
Free Dark Knight iPhone App
Inappropriate iPhone Apps
Inappropriate iPhone Apps
Underage BeautyMeter App Gets Pulled
Naughty iPhone Apps
Naughty iPhone Apps
The iPhone Finally Gets Seductive Software
Nudie Inked Apps
Nudie Inked Apps
The Official SuicideGirls Seductive Flip Strip iPhone App