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Productivity Priority

Products fuel the consumer demand for high-efficiency living

Implications - Consumers today don’t know what it’s like to not have something to do. Some are working longer hours and on weekends; others prefer a distraction at all times, whether it be from their iPad, iPod or iPhone. Feeding this need to “get things done” are products and designs that maximize a person’s productivity. As different aspects of living receive “efficiency makeovers,” more productivity-obsessed consumers are given day-to-day peace of mind.
Trend Themes
1. Efficiency Makeovers - Maximizing a person's productivity with products and designs that optimize different aspects of living.
2. Wearable Technology - New types of devices, such as PCs on wrists or smartwatches, are emerging as innovative solutions to increase productivity in different industries.
3. Micro-organizing - Tools such as Thoughtboxes have been developed to break down general ideas and tasks into more actionable goals, resulting in more efficient and effective work.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Fitness - Companies creating unique physical fitness items such as the FitDesk give people the ability to do important daily things simultaneously that they wouldn't normally have time for.
2. Technology - The Eurotech Zypad WL 1500 is aimed at field workers and medical professionals, who would need a computer that can be operated with a single hand.
3. Office Design - Offices, such as the SEI Corporate Headquarters, designed with the idea of maximizing employee benefits and making the corporate work flow more efficient, result in more productive employees.
5 Featured, 45 Examples:
708,577 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 11 — Jul 11
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