Farm fashions point to a simpler, more rugged lifestyle
Implications - Futurism may seem like fashion’s natural course, but a more simplistic look is returning to the fore: country. Farm fashion, including overalls, boots, plaid and prairie-style getups are getting a winning vote among fashionistas and fashionistos who are shedding today’s more restrictive, contemporary pieces in favor of relaxed, roll-in-the-hay styles. This down-home chic is perfect for the consumer who would trade society’s fast-paced “progress” for life’s simple comforts any day.
Trend Themes
1. Farm Fashion - More simplistic farm fashion is returning to the fore, shedding today's more restrictive, contemporary pieces in favor of relaxed, roll-in-the-hay styles.
2. Androgynous Fashion - Designers have shifted toward androgynous fashion, allowing brands to redefine what it means to be a 'real' man or woman, challenging the norms of standard attire.
3. Countryside Couture - Glamorizing a product or concept that is typically not that popular among consumers can appeal to the masses and turn something drab into dapper, as showcased in the countryside couture trend.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - The fashion industry can embrace farm fashion, androgynous fashion, and countryside couture trends.
2. Marketing Industry - The marketing industry can utilize glamorization tactics to appeal to the masses.
3. Retail Industry - The retail industry can incorporate and market farm-inspired pieces, such as overalls and plaid button-ups.
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Date Range:
Nov 10 — Jun 11
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