Brands offer virtual wellness services for people affected by COVID-19
Trend - The "wellness" market isn't going away amid the COVID-19 pandemic, but brands in this space are shifting course to cater to consumers who are currently being told to stay at home. Virtual workshops, consultations and routines related to wellness are allowing individuals to take care of their various mental and physical needs indoors.
Insight - Right now, the physical and psychological impact of people having to stay inside for an indefinite period of time is unknown--but the agreement is that it will have negative consequences. For consumers who were already wellness-minded prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining those routines (or developing them), is more crucial now than it was before. These individuals are turning to virtual alternatives that provide them with similar, if not the same, wellness experiences that they took part in when they weren't physically distancing.
Insight - Right now, the physical and psychological impact of people having to stay inside for an indefinite period of time is unknown--but the agreement is that it will have negative consequences. For consumers who were already wellness-minded prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining those routines (or developing them), is more crucial now than it was before. These individuals are turning to virtual alternatives that provide them with similar, if not the same, wellness experiences that they took part in when they weren't physically distancing.
Workshop Question - How is your brand addressing the health-related impacts that COVID-19 has on its customers or employees?
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Wellness Services - As COVID-19 has forced individuals to stay indoors, brands in the wellness industry are pivoting towards virtual wellness experiences such as virtual workshops, consultations and routines.
2. Shifting to Online Workshops and Services - Industries are shifting their services from in-person counseling sessions to the virtual world to continue supporting their clients from remote locations.
3. Interactive Healthcare Apps - The pandemic has motivated the development of interactive healthcare apps that offer personalized health and wellness goals, routines, and supplement plans.
Industry Implications
1. Wellness Industry - Virtual experiences from online consultations to virtual workshops have redefined this industry, attracting more customers that seek instant and remote wellness services.
2. Healthcare Industry - The integration of telemedicine platforms has presented new possibilities for healthcare professionals to provide secure and safe medical consultations amid the pandemic.
3. Mental Health Industry - Companies are promoting mental health awareness by partnering with organizations to provide virtual support and community programs for individuals to access professional help and reduce stigma.