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Intimate Campaigning

Medical campaigns turn to street-level marketing for heightened connection

Implications - Medical and health organizations have returned to the art of street campaigning for more direct contact with their target audience. By trading in wide-scale, polished campaigns for mobile stations and undercover publicity stunts, this approach seeks to not only raise awareness, but also connect people to a cause in a way that feels more personal.
Workshop Question - Where can you create more personal touch-points with your consumers?
Trend Themes
1. Street-level Marketing - Medical campaigns are focusing on street campaign to raise awareness as well as connect more personally with the audience.
2. Awareness Stunts - PSAs and campaigns are involving awareness stunts to get attention and raise consciousness among audience through drama and cheekiness.
3. Humor as a Means for Medical Marketing - Health campaigns are using humor and lighthearted messaging as a means to catch the audience's attention and inspire them to take steps towards prevention.
Industry Implications
1. Medical Industry - Medical organizations are focusing on street campaigning to connect with the audience and inspire awareness.
2. Advertising Industry - Advertising agencies are devising unique advertising ideas involving awareness stunts, puns and humor to attract audience attention to important social issues.
3. Non-profit Industry - Non-profit organizations are partnering with advertising agencies to devise marketing campaigns that focus on humor and awareness stunts for creating impact.
5 Featured, 39 Examples:
215,948 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Aug 14 — Oct 16

Featured Examples

Health-Focused Bounce Houses
Health-Focused Bounce Houses
This Pop-Up for the #CheckYoSelf Campaign Encourages Self-Exams
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play_circle_filledUnderage Smoking Experiments
Underage Smoking Experiments
YTV Network's Social Experiment Video Makes Smokers Question Health
This social experiment video from India’s YTV Network causes smokers to question why they keep up with the nasty habit. In the video, a young boy approaches adults who are smoking and asks... MORE
Topless Mannequin Campaigns
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Havas Chicago Created a Cancer Awareness Peep Show
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play_circle_filledLumpy Sidewalk Stunts
Lumpy Sidewalk Stunts
Cancer Research UK's Awareness Campaign Shows a Bump Going Unnoticed
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play_circle_filledAIDS Awareness Coffee
AIDS Awareness Coffee
AIDS Concern Hong Kong's Free Coffee Truck Addresses HIV Stigma
AIDS Concern Hong Kong put together an experiment to see if the lure of free products would be enough to get people to push past HIV stigma. The vehicle for this awareness stunt was a truck giving... MORE

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