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Inmate Innovation

The potential prisoners hold for entrepreneurial and marketing opportunities

Implications - From an Alcatraz-based hotel to fashion lines designed and created by inmates, to carbon-reducing exteriors, these prison-related innovations prove that entrepreneurial and advertising opportunities lie everywhere. The internet in particular opens doors to a whole range of untapped opportunities.
Trend Themes
1. Inmate Entrepreneurship - Prison-related innovations prove that entrepreneurial and advertising opportunities lie everywhere, as inmates use their time to create successful companies and products.
2. Luxury Prison - The trend of luxury prisons proves that consumers are looking for unique and exclusive experiences, and businesses can capitalize on this by offering one-of-a-kind accommodation and experiences.
3. Eco-friendly Prisons - The trend of eco-friendly prisons demonstrates that consumers are increasingly interested in sustainability and environmentally-friendly practices, providing opportunities for businesses in the energy, waste management, and construction industries.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality Industry - Businesses in the hospitality industry can explore the trend of luxury prisons to create unique, exclusive accommodation experiences for consumers.
2. Fashion Industry - The fashion industry can capitalize on the trend of recycled prison couture and inmate-created fashion lines, creating sustainable and socially responsible clothing options for consumers.
3. Renewable Energy Industry - The trend of eco-friendly prisons creates opportunities for businesses in the renewable energy industry to implement sustainable practices and technologies within prison systems.
12 Featured, 11 Examples:
495,652 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 07 — Oct 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Luxury Prison
Luxury Prison
A Sweet Prison for Austrian Criminals
It’s cruel to live in a prison but not for Austrian criminals. The building may look like a modern office. But actually it’s a five-star prison in Styria, Austria. The building is made of beautiful… MORE
Dancing Inmates
Dancing Inmates
1,500 Filipino Prisoners Re-enact Michael Jackson's "Thriller"
The latest viral sensation are videos shot in the prison yard of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Centre in the Philippines, which show several large-scale dance routines with impressive… MORE
play_circle_filledSex And The Cell
Sex And The Cell
SJP In Jail In Covet Perfume Ads
It makes perfect scents that Sarah Jessica Parker is using the release of her new Sex and The City Movie to gain publicity for her new perfume, “Covet”, the second scent she’s developed. The ads… MORE
Norway's Green Jail
Norway's Green Jail
Bastoey Eco-Prison
Bastoey, the world's first ecological prison opened in Norway, is a place where inmates learn about the environment. Prisoners of the minimum security facility play important roles in keeping the jail… MORE
Upgradable Prison Stays
Upgradable Prison Stays
Book A Five Star Jail Cell For $82 A Day
Last month we featured a Luxury Austrian Prison. Now in America you can pay for a prison upgrade. Are you a minor offender required to serve jail time? Then you may be eligible for lock up in a Five… MORE
Recycled Prison Couture
Recycled Prison Couture
Fashion From Old Jail Shirts
These beautiful creations from LA-based fashion designer Raquel Allegra were made using discarded shirts from the LA County Jail. The ultimate in eco-chic couture, Allegra transforms the reclaimed pieces… MORE
Prison-Themed Restaurants
Prison-Themed Restaurants
Alcatraz in Tokyo
Alcatraz is a prison-themed restaurant in Tokyo, Japan. This establishment is a bit too quaint and esoteric for my taste, but if this place holds some allure for you, then you will undoubtedly get... MORE
Female Prisoners Launch Charity Fashion Label
Female Prisoners Launch Charity Fashion Label
Jail Cats
Instead of complaining about their time behind bars, prisoners in an Italian jail have put their sentence to good use by applying their creative talents. Paola Mazzini, 60, is one of these designers… MORE
Inmate Charities
Inmate Charities
Puppies Behind Bars
Puppies Behind Bars (PBB) is one of the most innovative programs I have ever come across. Prison inmates actually help train guide dogs for the disabled and to work as explosive detectors for law enforcement.… MORE
play_circle_filledLuxury Prison Hotels?
Luxury Prison Hotels?
Sentenced to Alcratraz
The U.S. National Park Service wants to add a luxury hotel to one of the world’s most famous islands: Alcatraz. Plans are to offer accommodations like the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park. Alcatraz… MORE
Prison Runway Shows
Prison Runway Shows
Fashion Created Behind Bars
On September 17th, inmates held a fashion show in the El Salvador prison Rosa Virginia Pelletier in Ilopango, San Salvador. They showed off casual fashions created within the prison walls on an improvised… MORE
Prison Food Trays
Prison Food Trays
Eat Like You're In Jail
Now you don’t need to be in jail to eat like your in Sing Sing jail. This very sturdy (would you expect less?) and shatter-proof tray means you can know enjoy eating like a prisoner in the comfort of your… MORE
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