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To stand out in a sea of ad ubiquity, interaction becomes critical

Implications - Engaging consumers in a media-drenched society is incredibly difficult. One proven way to get customer attention is to engage directly in activity — if you can stop them. As real-life customer service representatives are replaced by automated web services, interactivity is more important than ever.
Trend Themes
1. Increased Interactivity - Advertisers are resorting to interactive measures to grab consumer attention, as the replacement of human customer service reps with automated web services increases.
2. Incorporation of Technology in Fashion - Fashion houses are incorporating technology, such as QR codes and interactive windows, into fashion and shopping to increase engagement with customers.
3. Interactive Virtual Experiences - Virtual experiences, such as virtual beers or interactive movie theaters, are allowing participants to alter the way they understand their surroundings and senses, providing an opportunity for creative innovation.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing and Advertising - The use of interactive and technological measures in advertising creates an opportunity for increased consumer engagement and attention.
2. Fashion and Retail - Technology has become a fundamental component in the fashion industry, providing an opportunity for increased customer interaction and engagement.
3. Tourism and Travel - Interactive displays, such as the CityWall, have the power to engage and inform tourists in a more immersive and interactive way, providing opportunities in the tourism industry for innovative experiences.
12 Featured, 15 Examples:
257,918 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Apr 08 — Oct 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

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Interactive Animal Posters
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Interactive Dark Knight Promotions
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Fight for Gotham City Ad Campaign
Verizon wireless and Nokia have created an interactive web site to promote The Dark Knight movie and its merchandise. However, the coolest thing about this promotional site is that you can play a virtual… MORE
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Interactive Movie Theatres
M.A.S.T. Novabell
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