Hair customization is revolutionized with new makeup-style products
Trend - Hair makeup refers to products or techniques used to enhance or alter the appearance of hair without making permanent changes. These products often include concealers, powders, and temporary colors that help consumers give their hair an elevated look.
Insight - As a result of the pandemic, Millennial consumers are embracing vintage trends to evoke nostalgia and find solace in the familiar comforts of the past. Hair cosmetics, crafted with a nod to 90s trends, cater to a consumer desire for familiarity, customization, and reconnection with the elements of youth. Brands that cater to this demand can create a strong emotional connection with nostalgia-driven consumers, translating into brand loyalty over time.
Insight - As a result of the pandemic, Millennial consumers are embracing vintage trends to evoke nostalgia and find solace in the familiar comforts of the past. Hair cosmetics, crafted with a nod to 90s trends, cater to a consumer desire for familiarity, customization, and reconnection with the elements of youth. Brands that cater to this demand can create a strong emotional connection with nostalgia-driven consumers, translating into brand loyalty over time.
Workshop Question - How can your brand use trends of the past to influence the present?
Trend Themes
1. Nostalgic Hair - Hair cosmetics, crafted with a nod to 90s trends, cater to a consumer desire for familiarity, customization, and reconnection with the elements of youth.
2. Makeup-inspired Hair - Hair products inspired by makeup primers and moisturizers offer a luxurious alternative to traditional formulas.
3. Hair as Makeup - Hair collections described as 'makeup for hair' provide fashion fans with more ways to express themselves creatively.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty & Cosmetics - Brands in the beauty and cosmetics industry can explore nostalgic hair products, makeup-inspired hair products, and hair collections that serve as 'makeup for hair' to cater to consumers' desire for customization, familiarity, and self-expression.
2. Fashion & Apparel - Fashion brands can collaborate with hairstylists to create hair collections that align with their clothing offerings, providing consumers with a complete head-to-toe expression of their personal style.
3. Personal Care & Grooming - Companies in the personal care and grooming industry can develop hair products that draw inspiration from makeup primers and moisturizers, offering consumers a luxurious and innovative experience for maintaining their hair.