Accommodating bicycles make riding a more convenient choice
Implications - A car is convenient, so is public transportation, but many people don't associate convenience with bicycles, yet there are so many benefits. Cycling aids the environment, cuts down on traffic, promotes a healthier lifestyle and saves money -- it's become a priority to make bikes more accommodating, starting with portability.
Trend Themes
1. Compact Bicycles - Consumers seek products that adapt to small spaces while still functioning efficiently.
2. Futuristic Bicycle Designs - Future-forward thinking products will continue to rise in popularity as consumers tire of traditional designs.
3. Portability - It has become a priority to make bikes more accommodating, starting with portability.
Industry Implications
1. Urban Transportation - Compact bicycles offer convenient transportation options within urban environments.
2. Outdoor Recreation - Folding portable bicycles cater to adventurers seeking alternate modes of transportation in outdoor environments.
3. Consumer Electronics - Futuristic bicycle designs appeal to modern consumers who value technological innovation in their products.