Opening sugar alternatives up to a bigger market through comfort foods
Implications - Though alternative sweeteners such as yucon syrup and stevia are well-known, they are only truly accepted by a small group of health-conscious consumers. Familiarizing alternative sweeteners by incorporating them into non-threatening food forms or packaging addresses this issue in a way that satiates both the need for a healthier alternative, and the desire to stay within the comfort zone.
Trend Themes
1. Alternative Sweeteners - Familiarizing alternative sweeteners creates opportunities to extend its market beyond health-conscious consumers through comfort food.
2. Socially Conscious Products - Products infused with social causes open opportunities for businesses to connect with consumers and share social values.
3. Healthy Sugar Alternatives - The search for natural sugar alternatives that are healthy and effective creates disruptive opportunities in the health and wellness space.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Food and beverage businesses can explore the use of alternative sweeteners and healthy sugar alternatives to cater to consumers' growing health and wellness concerns.
2. Social Enterprises - Social enterprises can learn from Project 7's model and leverage products with social causes to connect with consumers through shared values.
3. Health and Wellness - The health and wellness industry can innovate by exploring and developing new healthy sugar alternatives using root vegetables and other natural ingredients.