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DIY Sci-Fi

The word "impossible" no longer applies with scientifically advanced home projects

Implications - The "geeky" consumer group is growing increasingly tech-savvy, embarking on advanced DIY projects centered around objects that were once deemed fictional. Today's tech consumers is going above and beyond with these DIY projects, creating functional, non-fictional sci-fi tools to defy the laws of physics and prove their status as the future Bill Gates.
Trend Themes
1. DIY Sci-fi Projects - The growing tech-savvy geeky consumer group is creating advanced DIY non-fictional sci-fi tools to defy the laws of physics.
2. Incorporating Hobbies Into Product Designs - Consumers appreciate products that support their interests or hobbies by incorporating them into their designs, encouraging social interaction and discussion.
3. Science-inspired DIY Weapons - DIY weapons are the newest and hottest fun-filled activity for science geeks, which is causing potential dangers.
Industry Implications
1. DIY Hobbyist Industry - Companies can appeal to certain niche markets by determining what they value and incorporating those ideals into their product designs.
2. Science and Technology Industry - The trend is causing disruption by making science and technology accessible even to non-professionals, giving rise to new creations that defy the laws of physics.
3. Home-based Garage Industry - Advanced DIY projects are being created in home-based garages which are disrupting traditional manufacturing and production methods.
6 Featured, 51 Examples:
1,626,126 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 10 — Feb 11

Featured Examples

Homemade Death Rays
Homemade Death Rays
19-Year-Old Eric Jacqmain is Shaping Up to be the World's Dr. Evil
By the look of his homemade death ray, I think I can safely assume that 19-year-old Eric Jacqmain probably won every science fair he's ever participated in. By building a "death ray" "intensity of 5,000… MORE
play_circle_filledDangerous DIY weapons
Dangerous DIY weapons
The CG-33 Portable Coilgun is Deadly
I’ve always wondered what people who love to study science might do in their spare time. The answer seems to be creating kick-ass weapons like the CG-33 Portable Coilgun. This coilgun is one hundred… MORE
DIY Mechanical Arms
DIY Mechanical Arms
The Philip Valdez Steampunk Arm is an Amazing Creation
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The LEGO Collection by Futura Displays Some Destructive Delights
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play_circle_filledDIY Jet-Powered Bikes (UPDATE)
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Bob Maddox's Motorbike is the Ultimate Garage Project
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Sci-Fi-Inspired DIY
Life-Sized Aliens Power Loader Costume is Frighteningly Realistic
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