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Social Media Art

Artistic expression is being influence by the pervasiveness of social media

Implications - Artists are using social media as a basis for artwork, exploring social media’s prevalence in today’s society by applying facets of the most popular social networking sites to their works. The tangible art created out of an intangible concept reveals a profound truth about social media: it has a strong-hold over everything, even free artistic expression.
Trend Themes
1. Social Media as Artistic Expression - Artists are exploring social media by incorporating its features to their works, showing how it has a strong-hold even over artistic expression.
2. Juxtaposition of Social Media and Traditional Settings - Artists such as Filippo Minelli use social media in the most unusual places to depict its effects on society.
3. Incorporating Social Media Platforms in Art Exhibits - Art exhibits such as 'G/RL: Girls in Real Life' praise the use of social media sites like Flickr and Tumblr to showcase art from talented women.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Artists are using social media as a medium and subject for their works, providing opportunities for a new form of artistic expression.
2. Social Media and Technology - The confluence of social media and traditional mediums such as painting is creating opportunities for new forms of art.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Business professionals can explore the use of social media platforms as a means of promoting art exhibits and artists to a wider audience.
6 Featured, 54 Examples:
966,887 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Aug 10 — Feb 11
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Social Media Illustrations
Social Media Illustrations
Twaggies is a Hilarious Picture Book Version of Twitter
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Social Media Artists
Social Media Artists
The 'G/RL: Girls in Real Life' Exhibit Praises Flickr and Tumblr
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Skype Paintings
Skype Paintings
Sandro Kopp's Skype Paintings Combine Technology with Water Colors
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Juxtaposed Social Media Art
Juxtaposed Social Media Art
Filippo Minelli Creates Contradictory Scenarios
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Medical Social Media Art
Medical Social Media Art
Anne Van Den Berg Sketches Insightful Illustrations
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Social Media Posters
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Make Your Own Facebook Canvas With Social Artworks
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