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Connected Pleasure

Products for personal stimulation are given a connectivity focused overhaul

Implications - As consumers become increasingly unable to part with digital devices, brands are responding in kind with connected intimacy toys. Features like Bluetooth or Internet connectivity offer consumers the option to never disconnect even during private moments, which speaks to a preference for technology over privacy.
Trend Themes
1. Connected Intimacy - Consumer preference for technology over privacy has led to the development of intimate pleasure products with Bluetooth or internet connectivity a.k.a connected intimacy gadgets.
2. App-controlled Intimacy - Intimacy gadgets with app functionality enable a hands-free, effortless user experience and offer worldwide access to maximal pleasure.
3. Teledildonics - Teledildonics refers to electronic adult toys and is a term used for the innovative pleasure products that are built for consumer convenience and satisfaction.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Technology - The pursuit of enhancing consumer satisfaction with technology has led to the continuation of adult industry innovations in the world of consumer technology.
2. Entertainment & Media - The trend of including visual aids and pleasurable experiences in intimate moments has opened up brandnew opportunities in the category of entertainment and media.
3. Sex & Wellness - Pleasure has been studied to deliver satisfaction on a wellness level so new businesses are utilizing pleasure products in the market to explore new markets and expand existing ones.
5 Featured, 30 Examples:
828,922 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 13 — Nov 14
Consumer Insight Topics:

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