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AI Training

Workplaces are using generative AI to train and improve employee efficiency

Trend - Workplaces are using generative artificial intelligence to craft training modules, provide feedback, and improve overall onboarding experiences for employees. These AI models deliver accurate feedback more quickly than human workers, saving companies time and money on onboarding.

Insight - For many businesses, onboarding is an expensive process, often requiring time and resources invested from multiple other employees and branches of the businesses. As a result, these businesses continually search for ways to streamline the onboarding process while ensuring that new employees are prepared for their jobs. These businesses desire no-compromises automation that is customizable to suit each required role, leading to generative AI being used to create onboarding models.
Workshop Question - How could your brand implement generative AI training processes to improve its overall workplace efficiency?
Trend Themes
1. Generative AI Onboarding - Workplaces are using generative AI to train and improve employee efficiency, saving companies time and money on onboarding.
2. Immersive Learning Solutions - Accenture invested in virtual reality-based immersive training solutions to address the global need for upskilling and engage remote workforces.
3. Metaverse Initiatives - KPMG announced a metaverse initiative to create a digital world for launching new ventures and inclusive spaces, solidifying their position as an early adopter.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Generative AI onboarding and immersive learning solutions are disruptive innovation opportunities that enhance training and talent development efforts.
2. Professional Services - Metaverse initiatives present disruptive innovation opportunities for professional services firms to leverage digital worlds for digital conferences and collaborative development.
3. Finance - Metaverse initiatives by KPMG highlight the disruptive innovation opportunity for finance industry players to embrace the metaverse for immersive learning and new digital ventures.
5 Featured, 43 Examples:
47,228 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Apr 22 — Aug 23
Consumer Insight Topics:

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