Brands are leveraging AI technology for more efficient audio communication
Trend - As more people continue to work from home, tech companies are helping with work and school efficiency by eliminating audio distractions using artificial intelligence. They are leveraging AI technology to control background noise during classes or meetings for more efficient communication and concentration.
Insight - Due to COVID-19, consumers are staying home to practice social distancing. In the past year they've experienced a shift in work dynamics as they've transitioned to a work-from-home environment. As they transform their domestic space to accommodate this, they're still met with distractions and a changing of work-life dynamics. As a result, consumers seek out products and solutions that make the process of maintaining this new life easier.
Insight - Due to COVID-19, consumers are staying home to practice social distancing. In the past year they've experienced a shift in work dynamics as they've transitioned to a work-from-home environment. As they transform their domestic space to accommodate this, they're still met with distractions and a changing of work-life dynamics. As a result, consumers seek out products and solutions that make the process of maintaining this new life easier.
Workshop Question - How can your brand leverage AI technology for more streamlined experiences for consumers?
Trend Themes
1. AI Noise Control - Tech companies are leveraging AI technology to control background noise during classes or meetings for more efficient communication and concentration
2. Noise-canceling Devices - Devices that harness AI noise-cancelling technology such as earbuds, headsets, and call platforms are becoming more popular as more people work from home.
3. Google Meet AI Noise Cancellation - Google Meet's AI-powered noise cancellation feature filters out background noise like a dog barking or keystrokes while on virtual meetings.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Technology companies are harnessing AI technology to create noise-cancelling devices for more efficient communication while working from home.
2. Communication - Virtual communication platforms like Google Meet and call platforms like Krisp are investing in AI noise filtering technology to remove background noise during calls.
3. Audio Devices - Popular audio device manufacturers like ReduxBuds and Logitech are developing earbuds and headsets that feature AI-powered noise-cancellation technology.