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Graffiti Consumer Insights

Luxe Minimalism
Marble and brass combine to create a quietly glamorous aesthetic
Implications - Transitioning away from the simplistic black and white interpretation of minimalism, marbled surfaces alongside brass accents are infusing modern design with touches of glamor. Maintaining the clean and effortless feel the modern minimalist aspires to, marble patterns create dynamic texture for the eye to travel along, while notes of brass and copper incorporate a sense of richness, mirroring the rose gold hue prevalent within the fashion industry. This up-leveled aesthetic predicates new shifts within the minimalist movement.
Workshop Question - In what ways could you add complexity to your brand without muddying the core message or aesthetic?
Street Art Sentimentality
Seeking public reaction, artists target consumer emotions for impact
Implications - Moving beyond shock value and anti-establishment sentiment, street artists are using romantic imagery to draw emotion from viewers. Referencing themes like love, artists are using public spaces to send a more heartfelt message to viewers.
Artistic Auto
Vehicles become utilized as a canvas for urban-inspired artistic expression
Implications - Car culture is fanatical in itself, which is something that artists are using to their advantage by transforming vehicles into literal works of art. As mediums like graffiti and urban art gain mainstream acceptance, the re-conceptualization of the ordinary as abstract is garnering the attention of consumers for being familiar, but also distinctly original.
Guerilla Fast Food Art
Artists pay homage to fast food culture imagery for enhanced brand status
Implications - Speaking to a consumer's sense of nostalgia and the ever-present status of fast food in America, artists are remixing fast food culture as a means of creating cross-cultural community connections. The use of fast food imagery in niche art communities solidifies their status as mainstay images and does double duty as breaking down the barrier between brand and consumer by reinforcing approachability.
Edgy Environmentalism
Consumers are responding to more subversive calls to action
Implications - Though the dialogue around environmentalism has never been more ubiquitous, those invested in the cause are turning to more unexpected ways of getting the message across, like graffiti. This edgy approach is not only more intriguing to viewers, but creates an appealing air of exclusivity to those invested in environmentalism by attaching itself to a sub-culture.
Street Artvertising
Using graffiti-inspired campaigns to capture attention
Implications - Last year, Trend Hunter noted how shoe brands are teaming up with famous street artists to create eye-catching and unique graffiti-like designs for their products. Now, brands are going one step further and taking street art into their own hands, creating large public displays that take on stunning visual effects or look as if they could have been executed by Banksy. This method of artvertising allows a brand to align itself with street culture, appealing to consumers who love public art statements and tend to ignore more traditional branding and marketing displays.
play_circle_filledColossal 3D Paintings
Colossal 3D Paintings
Reebok CrossFit and 3D Joe & Max Set a Guinness World Record
London's Canary Wharf has been turned into the world's longest and largest 3D painting, thanks to Reebok CrossFit and street artists 3D Joe & Max. Reebok and CrossFit (a developer of multifunctional… MORE
play_circle_filledGuerrilla Graffiti Footgear Campaigns
Guerrilla Graffiti Footgear Campaigns
The Converse 'Just Add Color' Projects Keeps Things Bright
I am an extreme fan of the Chuck Taylor All Star series and duly appreciate the most recent efforts of the Converse Just Add Color campaign. This is a guerrilla graffiti-esque effort taken by the... MORE
Robotic Graffiti Autos
Robotic Graffiti Autos
The 'Chevy Street Artist Car' Creates Beautiful Murals
Street artist Jeff Soto teamed up with Chevrolet to bring about the ‘Chevy Street Artist Car.’ This is the world’s first car that can actually spray paint murals. When Soto first... MORE
Shoe Street Art Festivals
Shoe Street Art Festivals
Off Canvas Graffiti Festival by Converse to Grow Following in China
In celebration of the Chinese design festival, Converse kicked off the ‘Off Canvas’ movement, which showcased graffiti artists from China and worldwide. Converse has long been associated with the rebel… MORE
play_circle_filledBanksy-Inspired Ads
Banksy-Inspired Ads
This IKEA Street Art is Reminiscent of the Anonymous Artists
During Milan Design Week 2012, IKEA bombed its own ads to create these cool Banksy-inspired IKEA street art designs. The company glued black and white street graffiti-style stencilled posters in... MORE
Conspicuous Camouflage
Artists show that blending in can mean standing out
Implications - Artists are using camouflage to depict subjects that are supposed to blend in but in actuality jump off their canvases. The images allude to a continuous, internal human conflict: to blend in or stand out? They highlight the consumer desire to “fit in” with the rest of society, yet also set himself apart as an individual. Such a concept can be translated to mass-produced goods that also offer customization options or individual attention-grabbing accents—these let the consumer blend in with her peers but express herself at the same time.
Digital Graffiti
Revolutionizing street art through digital mediums
Implications - You can do much more with digital art software than you can do with a can of spray paint. While most infamous street artists are happy to stick to their traditional mediums, other artists, as well as many consumers, are taking to virtual and digital tools to create graffiti art. Whether it is light graffiti or simulated street art via a projector, digital graffiti is changing the traditional definition of street art, and encouraging the participation of those who may have otherwise struggled with a real spray can.
Light Graffiti Fashiontography
Light Graffiti Fashiontography
The Flash of Light Photo Series is Electrically Illuminating
Although some may say that the light graffiti fad has died down a bit, I think that the Flash of Light photo series shows otherwise. It incorporates these nebulous elements in such a way as to create captivating… MORE
Street Tagging Apps
Street Tagging Apps
Inject Some Humor Into Dull Signs With the Sealy InBed Mobile App
For the mischievous individual who wants to commit graffiti but can't find the courage to do so, there's an app for that; meet the Sealy InBed Mobile App. Sealy is a large mattress company that decided… MORE
play_circle_filledUrban Wifi Landscapes
Urban Wifi Landscapes
Light Painting WiFi Takes Turns Internet Ports Around the City Into Art
Light Painting WiFi is the creation of Timo Arnall, Jorn Knutsen, Einar Sneve Martinussen and is interesting perspective on the wireless connections found around town. In Oslo, Norway the three of them… MORE
play_circle_filledIlluminated Street Animation
Illuminated Street Animation
The Vjsuave MTV Brasil Clip Brings Graphics to Real Life
This amazing Vjsuave MTV Brasil clip shows why anything that's illuminated is always striking and attractive. The director has animated light graffiti, but that's not all: VJsuave projected this animation… MORE
Skeletal Light Paintings
Skeletal Light Paintings
Janne Parviainen Sheds a New Light on Art With His Skeletal Creations
Light paintings and laser graffiti art pieces have risen in numbers recently, but none of them are quite as unique and sinister as the work by Janne Parviainen. Janne Parviainen sat in the snow for over… MORE
Branded Graffiti
Street artists join forces with brands for an ironic twist on fashion
Implications - Graffiti used to be a form of self-expression and commentary; now, it may be a commercial force to be reckoned with. Recognizing the cultural phenomenon of graffiti, major brands—especially footwear brands—are collaborating with popular and infamous street artists on designs, providing customers with items that speak to rebellion, individualism and expression. The purpose of graffiti may never have been to sell products, but that is exactly what it’s doing.
Polite Graffiti
Urban art is viewed less as vandalism, thanks to semi-permanent alternatives
Implications - The negative connotation behind street art is being alleviated with the development of semi-permanent alternatives. Though graffiti is a respected art form among many consumer groups, some still view it as vandalism, and alternative methods of urban marking serve as a more “polite” way to create graffiti. As such, this far-reaching urban subculture needs not to change, but to adapt.