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30 Social Shopping Innovations

From In-Store Instagram Displays to Short Shoppable Videos

— November 19, 2015 — Social Media
From in-store selfie stations to Twitter-powered retail displays, these social shopping innovations show how peer-to-peer connectivity is being used as a tool to drive sales and increase communal engagement.

In order to make the experience of engaging with other users on social media feel tangible, many retailers are installing physical stations to fuel online conversations. For instance, Macy's large-scale interactive Instagram board, or the 'Like it or Love it Polling Station' used for the opening of a new Tanger Outlets location. In order to acknowledge a young shopper's social currency, a OnePiece pop-up shop even offered discounts based on how many followers a consumer had on certain social networks.

In the online realm, Facebook and Pinterest recently introduced tools to make the most of social media's influence for e-commerce. With millions of active users across social media influencing buying decisions, it's becoming more important than ever for retailers to facilitate conversations.
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Social Check-In Reward Systems
Social Check-In Reward Systems
The Swarm Perks and Challenges Encourages Users to Access Perks
Short Shoppable Videos
Short Shoppable Videos
MikMak Lets Viewers Shop Videos for American Express, GE Content and More
Idea Catalog Boutiques
Idea Catalog Boutiques
Pinterest Now Has Buyable Pins and Its Own Online Store
Social Shopping Concierges
Social Shopping Concierges
Operator on Facebook Uses Both Human and AI Expertise for Finding Items
Social Media Shopping Services
Social Media Shopping Services
'Like2Buy' Allows Target's Instagram Followers to Purchase Products
Social Media E-Commerce Platforms
Social Media E-Commerce Platforms
Shopping Twitter is Now Possible Through Purchase Buttons
Jacket Shopping Quizzes
Jacket Shopping Quizzes
The Arc’teryx Shell Finder Helps Consumers Buy a Jacket Through a Quiz
Favored Fashion Platforms
Favored Fashion Platforms
The Wantering App Helps You Shop Only What's Popular
In-Store Customization Apps
In-Store Customization Apps
The Urban Outfitters App Has Exclusive Offers and Insider Events
Social Media Shopping Platforms
Social Media Shopping Platforms
Facebook and Shopify Now Allow Users to Buy and Sell Poducts
Social E-Commerce Sites
Social E-Commerce Sites
Facebook is Introducing a Shopping Section to Connect Users with Brands
Social Loyalty Apps
Social Loyalty Apps
This Loyalty App Leverages Instagram to Offer Unique Deals to Shoppers
Immediate Shopping Apps
Immediate Shopping Apps
Project September Allows Shoppers to Click an Image to Buy
Social Media Shopping Carts
Social Media Shopping Carts
#AmazonCart Lets You Add Items to Checkout Later from Twitter
E-Commerce Recommendation Platforms
E-Commerce Recommendation Platforms
Shopping Opinion Platform Askourt Enhances Customer Experience
Incentivized Fashion Apps
Incentivized Fashion Apps
Tagspire Gives You Money When People Purchase the Products You Post
Social Shopping List Tools
Social Shopping List Tools
Target Teams Up With Web Influencers for a Custom Shopping Platform
Hashtag-Driven Fashion Recommendations
Hashtag-Driven Fashion Recommendations
Zappos Teams with Instagram to send #OOTD Shopping Tips
Social Influence Cloth Racks
Social Influence Cloth Racks
The Life-Feed Clothing Rails at Tyrers Show Social Media Likes
Social Media Retail Stores
Social Media Retail Stores
The Paytagz Website Makes a Full Retail Experience Out of Instagram
In-Store Instagram Displays
In-Store Instagram Displays
The New Macy's Location Features Millennial-Focused Tech Displays
Personal Shopping Services
Personal Shopping Services
Zappos' Free Personal Web Shopper Service Suggests Style Matches
Shopping Consultation Apps
Shopping Consultation Apps
The Fitt App Provides a Second Opinion When Shopping
Social Shopping Apps
Social Shopping Apps
The Fun Feature on Alibaba's Tmall App Tags Visible Brands in Photos
Shoppable Instagram Accounts
Shoppable Instagram Accounts
Vogue Instagram Sends Followers Links to Purchase Liked Items
Media-Connected Retail Stores
Media-Connected Retail Stores
This Furniture Store Partnered with Pinterest for a Unique Campaign
Twitter-Powered Shopping Cranes
Twitter-Powered Shopping Cranes
The Topshop Playland Pop-Up Lets Visitors Pay with a Tweet
Social Shopping Pop-Ups
Social Shopping Pop-Ups
Tanger Outlets Celebrates Its New Location with Fun Pop-Up Stations
In-Store Selfie Contests
In-Store Selfie Contests
Joe Fresh Embraces Social Media to Focus on Word-of-Mouth Promotion