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80 Healthy Breakfast Options

From Nut-Free Chickpea Spreads to Healthy Gothic Lattes

— March 9, 2018 — Lifestyle
Since the first meal of the day is the most important, this list of healthy breakfast options is a good catalog of what is out there in terms of nutrient-rich foods. Even if one is not hungry or is in a hurry in the morning, it is good practice to grab a small snack on the go to later reap the benefits.

Before we embark on our busy schedules, the first meal of the day is not only important in terms of energy, but it is also a source for nutrients we need throughout the day, including calcium, iron, Vitamin B, protein and fiber. If we don't eat within the first few hours of waking up, it is less likely that we will compensate for it with later meals.

These healthy breakfast options cover pretty much everything -- from probiotic energy bars and protein-rich pancake mixes to collagen-infused smoothies and vegan superfood sandwiches.
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Pesto Potato Porridge Recipes
Pesto Potato Porridge Recipes
The Homemade Cheesy Savory Oatmeal Bowls Feature Gouda and Garlic
Greek Spice Hummus Snacks
Greek Spice Hummus Snacks
Sabra's 'Greek Inspired Herbs & Olive Oil Hummus' Utilizes Unique Herbs
Artisan Matcha Pancakes
Artisan Matcha Pancakes
Matcha Mylkbar's 'Matcha Made in Heaven Pancakes' are Superfood-Infused
Protein-Rich Pancake Mixes
Protein-Rich Pancake Mixes
Bob's Red Mill Now Makes a Nourishing Protein Pancake Mix
Herbaceous Protein Crackers
Herbaceous Protein Crackers
Dr. Karg's Protein Crackers Contain Eight Grams of Protein Per Serving
Adaptogenic Holiday Granolas
Adaptogenic Holiday Granolas
These Purely Elizabeth Granolas are Packed Maca and Ashwagandha
Vegetable Grain Dips
Vegetable Grain Dips
Popp Feinkost Makes Chilled Vegetable Spreads Like Tomato-Freekeh
Chef-Created Breakfast Tacos
Chef-Created Breakfast Tacos
Shake Shack's Breakfast Taco Comes from an Acclaimed Noma Chef
Probiotic-Infused Hummus
Probiotic-Infused Hummus
JÙS by Julie’s Cashew Hummus is Made with Gut-Friendly Probiotics
Zesty Free-From Guacamoles
Zesty Free-From Guacamoles
The New Sabra Classic Guacamole with Lime is non-GMO and Kosher
Quinoa Meal Cups
Quinoa Meal Cups
Quinoa Queen Makes Protein-Rich "100-Calorie Mini Meals"
Seed-Based Snack Boxes
Seed-Based Snack Boxes
The 9NINE Brand Has Been Redesigned to Appeal to a Mainstream Audience
Dual-Antioxidant Ingredient Drinks
Dual-Antioxidant Ingredient Drinks
The Verday Chlorophyll Water Blueberry Drink is Crisp and Light
Flavored Ready-to-Eat Oats
Flavored Ready-to-Eat Oats
MUSH's Healthy Overnight Oats are Cold-Soaked and May Be Served Cold
Yolk-Free Egg Sandwiches
Yolk-Free Egg Sandwiches
Einstein Bros. Bagels' 'No Yolk Sandwich' Has Cage-Free Egg Whites
Avocado-Topped Breakfast Meals
Avocado-Topped Breakfast Meals
The Einstein Bros. No Yolk Breakfast Sandwich is a Lighter Option
Plant-Based Food Supplements
Plant-Based Food Supplements
These New Organic Native Supplements are Packed with Nutrients
Probiotic-Infused Chocolates
Probiotic-Infused Chocolates
The Good Day Chocolate Probiotic is Deliciously Beneficial
Organic Rice Crisp Snacks
Organic Rice Crisp Snacks
Annie's Organic Crispy Snack Bars Reimagine Unhealthy Crispy Rice Treats
Hearty Chicken Breakfast Bowls
Hearty Chicken Breakfast Bowls
These New Chick-fil-A Breakfast Bowls are Full of Protein
Bee-Saving Honey Granolas
Bee-Saving Honey Granolas
Back to Nature Foods' Gluten-Free Honey-Nut Granola Helps Save the Bees
Tasty Allergen-Free Oatmeal
Tasty Allergen-Free Oatmeal
Rocket Foods' Products are Free of the 10 Most Common Allergens
Flavorful Japanese Yogurts
Flavorful Japanese Yogurts
These New ALOVE Yogurt Flavors are Packed with Aloe Vera Gel
Freshly Prepared Morning Sandwiches
Freshly Prepared Morning Sandwiches
The New Panera Bread Breakfast Sandwiches are Made-to-Order
Nut-Free Chickpea Spreads
Nut-Free Chickpea Spreads
The Amazing Chickpea Makes Flavorful Alternatives to Peanut Butter
Wholesome Peanut Butter Biscuits
Wholesome Peanut Butter Biscuits
V-Dog's Wiggle Biscuits Feature Essential Oils and Minerals
Healthy Gut-Supporting Drinks
Healthy Gut-Supporting Drinks
The Phivida Nano-CBD Iced Tea Blends are Tasty and Beneficial
Nutty Plant Protein Cereals
Nutty Plant Protein Cereals
The Kashi Golean Peanut Butter Crunch Cereal is Healthy and Tasty
Seed-Packed Paleo Spreads
Seed-Packed Paleo Spreads
The Nuttzo Paleo Chocolate Power Fuel Contains No Palm Oil
Savory Natural Protein Treats
Savory Natural Protein Treats
The Kind 'Protein From Real Food' Bars Have 12 Grams of Protein Each
Probiotic Oatmeal Breakfasts
Probiotic Oatmeal Breakfasts
Earnest Eats is Launching a Protein-Rich Probiotic Oatmeal
Premium Reduced Sugar Yogurts
Premium Reduced Sugar Yogurts
The siggi's No Added Sugar Yogurt is Flavored with Fruit
Wholesome Seed Cereal Bars
Wholesome Seed Cereal Bars
The Nestlé Clusters Breakfast Cereal Bars are Ideal for Morning Snacks
Vegetable-Rich Kids' Smoothies
Vegetable-Rich Kids' Smoothies
Happy Monkey Now Offers Fruit & Vegetable Smoothies for Kids
Cricket-Based Energy Bars
Cricket-Based Energy Bars
The Swedish Cricket Bar Contains Only Six Ingredients
Breakfast Meal Protein Shakes
Breakfast Meal Protein Shakes
The New Optimum Nutrition Shakes are Both Packed with Nutrients
Eggplant Jerky Strips
Eggplant Jerky Strips
Dr Smood Cafes Serve Seasoned Eggplant Jerky as a Healthy Snack
Premium Tea Sachets
Premium Tea Sachets
'Cusa Tea' Makes Organic Cold-Brew Tea Powders That Dissolve in Hot Water
Topical Superfood Breakfast Bowls
Topical Superfood Breakfast Bowls
Nékter Juice Bar's New Superfood Bowl is Made with Graviola
Nutritious Flavored Milk Powders
Nutritious Flavored Milk Powders
Dano Flavoured Milk Now Comes in Chocolate and Strawberry Flavors
Herbal Dessert Hummus
Herbal Dessert Hummus
Delighted By's Choc-O-Mint Hummus is a Vegan-Friendly Dessert Dip
Coconut Milk Mousse Cups
Coconut Milk Mousse Cups
Amai's Vegan Cococreme Mousse is Free From Soy, Dairy and Gluten
Veggie-Rich Kids Meals
Veggie-Rich Kids Meals
Kidfresh's Comfort Foods are Packed with Hidden Vegetable Ingredients
Flavored Algae-Based Smoothies
Flavored Algae-Based Smoothies
Algarithm's Omega Smoothies are Offered in Food Flavors
Pistachio Propolis Spreads
Pistachio Propolis Spreads
Bee & You's Raw Honey Spread Offers Unique Flavors and Health Benefits
Two-Ingredient Hot Cereals
Two-Ingredient Hot Cereals
This Cereal Introduces Quinoa and Rice Grains for for Breakfast
Youth-Targeted Protein Foods
Youth-Targeted Protein Foods
The New Fuel10K Protein Breakfast Products are Deliciously Healthy
Vegan Superfood Sandwiches
Vegan Superfood Sandwiches
Marks & Spencer Launched Two Vegan Healthy Sandwiches
Vegan Caviar Alternatives
Vegan Caviar Alternatives
'Cavi-art' is a Plant-Based Caviar Made from Seaweed
Collagen-Infused Smoothies
Collagen-Infused Smoothies
The Jamba Juice Poolside Fit and Watermelon Breeze Smoothies are Tasty
Raw Ingredient Snack Bars
Raw Ingredient Snack Bars
The Pereg Raw Bars are a Healthy Alternative to Traditional Candy Bars
Numbered Organic Juice Detoxes
Numbered Organic Juice Detoxes
Dietox Offers Consumers The Chance to Cleanse Their Bodies
Avocado-Based Spreads
Avocado-Based Spreads
Wholly Guacamole's 'Simply Avocado' Dips and Spreads are Vibrantly Flavored
Quinoa Superfood Spreads
Quinoa Superfood Spreads
Roland Foods' Quinoa Spreads Mix the Ancient Grain with Pesto and Pepper
Nutrient-Dense Yogurts
Nutrient-Dense Yogurts
The Clover Sonoma Organic Whole Milk Greek Yogurt is Packed with Protein
Vegan Grain Bowls
Vegan Grain Bowls
Luvo's Gluten-Free Planted Power Bowls Boast Globally Inspired Tastes
Plant-Powered Probiotic Snacks
Plant-Powered Probiotic Snacks
KunaPops' Superfood Snack Combines Chia, Quinoa and Probiotics
Rice Crisp Protein Bars
Rice Crisp Protein Bars
The Dough Bar's 'Crispy Bar' is a Rice Crisp Snack with Added Protein
Grain-Based Beauty Smoothies
Grain-Based Beauty Smoothies
This Grain Smoothie Focuses on Enhancing the Skin
Athlete-Focused Peanut Butters
Athlete-Focused Peanut Butters
The Wake Up Arequipe Light Peanut Butter Has 36 Grams of Protein
Fiber-Infused Snack Yogurts
Fiber-Infused Snack Yogurts
The Arla Fibre Yogurts Have a Low-Fat Profile
Nutritious Superfood Fruit Chews
Nutritious Superfood Fruit Chews
BaoBest's BaoBites are Made from Ethically Harvested Baobab Fruit
Algae Superfood Bowls
Algae Superfood Bowls
Juice It Up! and Vital Proteins Created the Limited 'Blue Vitality' Bowl
Caffeine-Infused Meal Replacements
Caffeine-Infused Meal Replacements
Soylent Cafe Launches Vanilla and Chai Flavors
Plant-Powered Snack Clusters
Plant-Powered Snack Clusters
Unilever's 'Growing Roots' Brand Evolved Out of a Social Mission
Amino Acid-Enriched Waters
Amino Acid-Enriched Waters
The Rejuvenation Spring Water Drinks Boost Metabolism
Smoothie-Inspired Yogurts
Smoothie-Inspired Yogurts
Waitrose's Blended Yogurt Range Boasts Bright, Vibrant Varieties
Mushroom Granola Bars
Mushroom Granola Bars
Purola Bars Combine Granola with Medicinal Mushrooms for Healthful Snacking
Vitamin-Enriched Protein Powders
Vitamin-Enriched Protein Powders
The Protein World Peaches & Cream Slender Blend is Nutrient-Rich
Low-Glycemic Superfood Snacks
Low-Glycemic Superfood Snacks
ONO's Low-Glycemic Snacks are Naturally Sweetened
High-Protein Cottage Cheese Flavors
High-Protein Cottage Cheese Flavors
These Flavors from Muuna Cottage Cheese are Research-Backed
Preservative-Free Bottled Juices
Preservative-Free Bottled Juices
The Ocean Spray Organic 100% Juice Blends Have No Added Sugars
Bean-Based Egg Alternatives
Bean-Based Egg Alternatives
Hampton Creek's Vegan Scrambled Eggs are Made with Mung Beans
Metabolism-Boosting Teas
Metabolism-Boosting Teas
The Pukka Herbs Lean Matcha Green Tea Reduces Inflammation and More
Probiotic Snack Bars
Probiotic Snack Bars
GoodBelly's On-the-Go Snack Bars Have a Billion Probiotics Per Serving
Private-Label Plant-Based Products
Private-Label Plant-Based Products
Aldi's 'Earth Grown' is a Line of Vegan and Vegetarian Products
Grain-Based Meal Jars
Grain-Based Meal Jars
Farmer's Fridge Launched Two Hearty New Grab-and-Go Meal Options
Healthy Gothic Lattes
Healthy Gothic Lattes
This Charcoal Latte From Damson & Co Has a Distinctive Black Color
Probiotic Wellness Shots
Probiotic Wellness Shots
So Good So You's Compact Shots Support Support Digestive & Immune Health
Ready-to-Drink Bottled Meals
Ready-to-Drink Bottled Meals
Saturo's Meal Replacement Drink Fights Decision Fatigue