Cosmetic and skincare products are being infused with skin-enhancing spices
Trend - The topical use of spices to treat various skincare concerns has been prevalent historically in many cultures, and North American corporations are now following suit by offering skincare and cosmetic items that incorporate these skin-healing natural ingredients.
Insight - For some consumers, the cosmetic space can be overwhelming as they're faced with brands, ingredients, and formulations that aren't known to them. This has, in part, been the reason why more people are turning to natural ingredients and notations on products, as products with ingredients they're already familiar with are less intimidating and require less research before purchasing.
Insight - For some consumers, the cosmetic space can be overwhelming as they're faced with brands, ingredients, and formulations that aren't known to them. This has, in part, been the reason why more people are turning to natural ingredients and notations on products, as products with ingredients they're already familiar with are less intimidating and require less research before purchasing.
Workshop Question - How could your brand draw inspiration from other cultures in a respectful and productive way?
Trend Themes
1. Natural Ingredients - Consumers are increasingly turning to natural ingredients in their skincare and cosmetic products.
2. Superfoods in Skincare - Superfoods like turmeric are being integrated into skincare and cosmetic products to provide topical health benefits.
3. Circular Economy - Eco beauty brands are utilizing repurposed ingredients to create sustainable products and reduce waste.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Care - The personal care industry can incorporate natural ingredients or superfoods into cosmetic and skincare products for their functional benefits.
2. Sustainability - Eco beauty is a growing trend, with a focus on using circular economy principles to reduce waste and utilize repurposed ingredients.
3. Athletic Recovery - Athletic recovery products that utilize natural, clean ingredients offer a safer and healthier alternative to traditional pain relief products.