Pili nuts are used as alternative ingredients in snack items
Trend - Pili nuts, often consumed in Southeast and East Asia, are increasingly being adapted into diets in North America. Brands are using the nut as a nutritious alternative to various common snack items, including milk and yogurt.
Insight - Health-conscious consumers are increasingly prioritizing "alternative" ingredients, even if they don't have allergies, because they tend to be more nutritious options than their more traditional counterparts. These individuals are also more open to experimenting with their diet in order to find the best possible options for them, from both a taste and function perspective.
Insight - Health-conscious consumers are increasingly prioritizing "alternative" ingredients, even if they don't have allergies, because they tend to be more nutritious options than their more traditional counterparts. These individuals are also more open to experimenting with their diet in order to find the best possible options for them, from both a taste and function perspective.
Workshop Question - How is your brand finding new ways to prioritize its customers' health?
Trend Themes
1. Alternative Ingredients - Health-conscious consumers are increasingly prioritizing 'alternative' ingredients.
2. Plant-based Products - Heightened demand for plant-based products has inspired the creation of many non-dairy tree nut-based yogurt products.
3. Keto Friendly Products - Zero sugar keto-friendly nut-based yogurt products are especially appealing to the keto community.
Industry Implications
1. Food Industry - The food industry can tap into alternative ingredients and plant-based products to create innovative, nutritious, and eco-conscious offerings.
2. Health and Wellness Industry - The health and wellness industry can utilize alternative ingredients and keto-friendly products to develop supplements and functional foods.
3. Sustainable Agriculture Industry - The sustainable agriculture industry can cultivate and harvest alternative ingredients, such as pili nuts, for the food and beverage industry.