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Infant food brands contain allergens to prevent the development of allergies

Trend - With research suggesting that early introduction to common allergens can stop them from developing altogether, infant food brands are offering food items for infants that introduce these allergens to them at a young age. The promise is that consuming these allergens when they're young may help build a tolerance and prevent allergies down the line.

Insight - Millennial parents in-particular are concerned with what their children consume, as this generation is more knowledgeable on well-rounded diets and nutritious eating than their predecessors. These parents prioritize well-rounded lifestyles and focus on the long-term impacts of what their children consume or engage with--whether that's food, recreation or education.
Workshop Question - How is your brand prioritizing long-term health for its customers?
Trend Themes
1. Early Allergen Introduction - Infant food brands are offering food items for infants that introduce allergens at a young age to prevent allergies from developing, and millennial parents drivethis trend for a well-rounded lifestyle.
2. Allergy-friendly Baby Food Products - Companies such as Happy Baby Organics and Square Baby offer baby food products that contain allergens while being kid-friendly and safe for consumption, so parents can feel more confident with the foods they give to their children.
3. Allergen Introduction Systems - Ready, Set, Food! and other companies have created unique systems and guided processes that help parents gradually introduce allergens to children while partnering with hospitals to provide products and resources for larger populations of infants.
Industry Implications
1. Baby Food - Companies in the baby food industry are creating new lines of products to encourage early allergen introduction and ensuring they are safe for consumption.
2. Healthcare - Allergen introduction companies partner with hospitals and healthcare professionals to provide support and resources to parents of newborns and infants.
3. Nutrition - The push for early allergen introduction highlights the importance of nutrition and a well-rounded diet from the start of a child's life, a trend that will likely encourage more companies to develop products focused on nutrition for infants.
5 Featured, 22 Examples:
32,074 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 20 — Mar 22
Consumer Insight Topics:

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