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Electrode Enhancement

Companies are stimulating experiences using electrodes in lifestyle items

Trend - Lifestyle brands are leveraging electrode technology and its response to human biology in seamless ways. Consumer experiences are elevated as electrodes contact the body through items such as wearables and houseware to enhance performance.

Insight - As consumers become accustomed to their repetitive daily lifestyle, they can feel a sense of boredom. They are always looking for ways to enhance their existing routines to add multi-level efficiency. Lifestyle products and services that offer seamless enhancements give consumers a dose of excitement, as well as a promise of improvement.
Workshop Question - How can your brand leverage biological science to enhance consumer experience?
Trend Themes
1. Electrode Technology - Lifestyle brands are leveraging electrode technology and its response to human biology in seamless ways to enhance consumer experiences.
2. Neurostimulation Technology - The brain stimulator headset and other similar products are using neurostimulation technology to help users fine-tune their cognitive abilities.
3. Flavor Enhancement - The SpoonTEK spoon is a flavor-enhancing piece of flatware that utilizes electrodes for stimulating the tastebuds.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness Industry - With the Balanx EMS Training Suit and the KaHa Shirt, the fitness industry has an opportunity to develop more innovative workout gear with enhanced capabilities.
2. Lifestyle Industry - The electrode technology trend presents an opportunity for the lifestyle industry to create seamless enhancements that bring excitement and improvement to consumers' daily routines.
3. Health Industry - The neurostimulation technology trend presents an opportunity for the health industry to develop more products that can help people fine-tune their cognitive abilities for maximum performance.
4 Featured, 36 Examples:
130,006 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Dec 18 — Oct 20
Consumer Insight Topics:

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