Refuge for the disenfranchised is becoming more accessible
Implications - Many people find themselves without decent accommodation, and so organizations and artists are pushing initiatives that are designed to shelter vulnerable people. This shift comes as a response to the rise of income inequality and the refugee crisis – two issues that brands should be considering as consumers become increasingly concerned with the current political climate.
Workshop Question - If your brand were to launch a philanthropic project, what issue would it be addressing?
Trend Themes
1. Inclusive Accommodation - Growing need for inclusive accommodation for refugees and the disenfranchised population.
2. Eco-friendly Refugee Housing - The need for eco-friendly, sustainable, and low-cost housing to cater to the increasing number of refugees.
3. Pop-up Emergency Shelters - The use of foldable, cost-effective pop-up emergency shelters to provide quick and easy accommodation and prevent the spread of diseases during natural disasters and conflicts.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture and Construction - To design efficient and affordable solutions for refugee housing and emergency shelters using innovative construction methods.
2. Social Welfare - To address the need for more inclusive accommodation for refugees and the disenfranchised population, and to provide rehabilitation and support services.
3. Environmental Sustainability - To create eco-friendly, sustainable, and resilient housing for refugees, and to design disaster shelters that utilize environmental dynamics to withstand natural calamities.
9 Featured, 79 Examples:
503,689 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Apr 16 — Aug 19
V. Hot
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