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Imagined 2012

Designers and futurists are offering insight into what's to come

Implications - A range of mass scale innovations and designs are expected to be created by 2012, and an endless stream of promises are being made for the changes we should expect. In the next three years, the world is hopeful to see many more green innovations and dedicated advances to help moderate climate change.
Trend Themes
1. Green Innovations - Mass scale innovations and designs promoting moderation of climate change by being eco-friendly were promised by experts by 2012.
2. Preparation for Disasters and Unforeseen Circumstances - Increasing discussions about natural disasters and nuclear threats have led to the importance of being prepared for the worst by developing products that appeal to safety-conscious consumers.
3. High-speed Broadband - BT Telecom's projected £1.5 billion investment for faster, more reliable internet access to both urban and rural areas was proposed, with the possibility of speeds reaching up to 1,000 Mb/s.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Opportunities for creating unique hotel experiences through exotic and luxury accommodations like space, sea, and air travel and eco-friendly features.
2. Technology - Innovative products and services that address disaster preparation and safety concerns are significant opportunities for companies in the technology field.
3. Construction and Architecture - Opportunities to build sustainable structures like flat-pack stadiums and eco-friendy buildings.
12 Featured, 8 Examples:
200,704 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Aug 07 — Sep 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Indoor City 2
Indoor City 2
Crystal Island in Moscow
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Super Hybrid Cars
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$4 Million Space Hotel
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MGM Mirage Abu Dhabi
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Flatpack Stadiums
Flatpack Stadiums
2012 London Olympics Architecture
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Backyard Reactors by 2012
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World's Longest Arch Bridge
World's Longest Arch Bridge
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Google's Lunar Lure
Google's Lunar Lure
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Google and the X-Prize Foundation have launched a contest offering $12 million to the first group to perform a series of tasks on a private moon landing. The contest will run until 2012, at which time… MORE
Faster Broadband in the UK
Faster Broadband in the UK
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Multicultural Event Planning
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