Restaurants serve more than just food to enhance patronage
Implications - More restaurants and eateries are straying from the traditional expectation of serving only food and embarking on new ventures that entice consumers with specific preferences. These establishments go beyond a theme; they offer a unique additional service or activitiy—such as animal petting, clothes-cleaning and even tattooing—to draw in patrons who might otherwise not be interested in the food aspect of the business.
Trend Themes
1. Augmented Dining - Restaurants are offering unique activities to draw in patrons who may not be interested in the food aspect of the business.
2. Creative Hybrid Cafes - Businesses are combining multiple experiences into one establishment, such as cat petting and coffee-drinking, and handbag shopping and coffee-drinking.
3. Immersive Restaurant Experiences - Eateries are creating elaborate, playful, artful, and sometimes even creepy atmospheres through decor, lighting, and music to complement the food and enhance the dining experience.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Food and beverage businesses can explore creative ways to attract customers through innovative food pairing, unique experiences, and interactive environments.
2. Retail - The retail industry can learn from hybrid businesses by combining products and services to create a unique shopping and hangout experience.
3. Media - Media companies can increase engagement and community involvement by creating physical spaces where customers can interact with journalists and editors, and attend events related to the publication.