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Workplace Workouts

Office exercise becomes efficient with desk-ready gym equipment

Implications - Although there has been an increasing emphasis on health and fitness over the last few years, there has also been a countering emphasis on longer work hours, leaving people little time to hit the gym. Alleviating this problem are office-based exercise innovations that allow consumers to actually work out at their desks. Such efficiency- and health-promoting devices are still new, but their benefits are not hard to digest: workers are getting their work done while at the same time increasing their energy and reducing their health risks.
Trend Themes
1. Office-based Exercise Equipment - As the emphasis on health and fitness grows, office-based exercise equipment innovations that allow consumers to work out at their desks are becoming popular.
2. Efficiency-promoting Devices - Efficiency-promoting devices that increase energy and reduce health risks, such as motorized office desks and executive exercise seating, are gaining popularity and are likely to be in demand.
3. Standing Desks - Health benefits offered by standing desks are becoming more recognized, leading to a potential for wider adoption and future innovations in this field.
Industry Implications
1. Office Furniture Industry - The office furniture industry could leverage innovation opportunities by creating gym-inspired work stations and promoting healthier work positions through ergonomic-friendly desks and chairs.
2. Fitness Equipment Industry - Efficiency-promoting devices and office-based exercise equipment innovations can open up new markets and revenue streams for the fitness equipment industry.
3. Education Industry - Standing chairs, which help burn off excess energy and provide long-term health benefits, could become a new addition for classrooms and schools within the education industry.
5 Featured, 43 Examples:
722,369 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Dec 10 — Sep 11

Featured Examples

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