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39 Strangely Flavored Grocery Store Snacks

From Breast Milk Ice Cream to Soup Broth Chip Flavors

— March 28, 2014 — Lifestyle
When a brand puts out its usual product in a new flavor, it’s nice to come across something different from the same old grocery store snacks that you’re used to seeing time and time again. It’s no secret that formulas and flavors are slightly tweaked based on the taste preferences of a particular region, but these wacky snack food flavors from big name brands offer something totally different from the original variety.

These cookies, candies and chips explore the savory, sweet and spicy, looking to unusual dishes like pies, soup and meats for inspiration. These wacky flavors are usually only around for a short period of time because the flavors are seasonal, part of a contest or are being tested for a limited time to gauge interest in certain markets.
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Haggis-Flavored Junk Food
Haggis-Flavored Junk Food
The Much Requested Taste of Haggis is Now a Chip Flavor
Delicious Pork-Infused Crackers
Delicious Pork-Infused Crackers
Nabisco Introduces Bacon Flavored Ritz Crackers
Festive Halloween-Inspired Cookies
Festive Halloween-Inspired Cookies
The Candy Corn Oreos Finally Hit Shelves in Time for Autumn
Cheesy Pop-Infused Snacks
Cheesy Pop-Infused Snacks
The Pepsi-Flavored Cheetos Make for a Strange Marriage of Taste
Deliciously Porky Sticks
Deliciously Porky Sticks
These Savory Bacon Sticks are Great Salty Snacks
Cake-Flavored Classic Candies
Cake-Flavored Classic Candies
These Tasty Cake Flavored M&M's Will Be Available Come May 2014
Cola Chicken Crisps
Cola Chicken Crisps
Pepsi Lays Chips Introduces Soda-Marinated Poultry Snacks Exclusively in China
Soup Broth Chip Flavors
Soup Broth Chip Flavors
The Cheetos Cream Stew Flavor Infuses Broth Ingredients into Chip Form
Sriarcha-Flavored Iconic Chips
Sriarcha-Flavored Iconic Chips
This New Spicy Snack Packs a Delicious and Mouthwatering Punch
Pie-Flavored Potato Chips
Pie-Flavored Potato Chips
The New Pecan Pie Pringles Hit Shelves Just in Time for the Holidays
Pumpkin-Flavored Chocolate Candies
Pumpkin-Flavored Chocolate Candies
The Pumpkin Spice M&Ms are an Exciting Fall Treat
Fishy-Flavored Chips
Fishy-Flavored Chips
Shrimp Mayonnaise Doritos are Perfect for Adventurous Snackers
Decadent Breakfast Delights
Decadent Breakfast Delights
The Kellogg's Confetti Cake Pop-Tarts Make Mornings Sweet Again
Pork-Flavored Popcorn
Pork-Flavored Popcorn
Bacon Pop is A Crispy Tasty Snack Food for Satisfying Cravings
Festive Snack Flavors
Festive Snack Flavors
Gingerbread Twix and M&Ms are the Perfect Holiday Snacks
Chocolate-Coated Chips
Chocolate-Coated Chips
Lay’s Created Chocolate Potato Chips to Please All Your Taste Buds
Savory Sweet Cookie Flavors
Savory Sweet Cookie Flavors
There Will Soon be Two New Oreo Cookie Flavors in the Family
Cheesy Snack Food Pastas
Cheesy Snack Food Pastas
Pepperidge Farm Now has Goldfish-Themed Macaroni and Cheese
Creamy Packaged Christmas Cookies
Creamy Packaged Christmas Cookies
The Gingerbread Oreos Will Only be Sold for a Limited Time
Cheeseburger-Flavored Meals
Cheeseburger-Flavored Meals
CheeseburgerOs are an Easy and Yummy Treat
Spring Blossom Chocolates
Spring Blossom Chocolates
The Green Tea Cherry Kit Kat Bar Says Goodbye to Winter
Dessert-Infused Chips
Dessert-Infused Chips
Switch Out Your Sour Cream and BBQ for the New Pringles Holiday Flavors
Center-filled Ice Creams
Center-filled Ice Creams
Ben and Jerry Core Ice Creams are Jam-Packed with Delectable Centers
Pop-Inspired Cheesy Snacks
Pop-Inspired Cheesy Snacks
Mountain Dew Cheetos Makes for a Strange Combination
Gourmet Date Night Snacks
Gourmet Date Night Snacks
Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi and Miss Vickie's Make the Perfect Couple
Fried Chicken Potato Crisps
Fried Chicken Potato Crisps
The KFC Chicken Flavored Chips are a Savory Dish Without the Meat
Succulent Sustainable Packaging
Succulent Sustainable Packaging
Ben & Jerry's Latest Initiative is a Scream
Pop Culture Ice Creams
Pop Culture Ice Creams
Jon Defreest Creates Spoof Ben and Jerry's Flavors
Bean-Flavored Chocolate Bars
Bean-Flavored Chocolate Bars
The Green Zunda Kit Kat is Made from Ground Edamame
Chunky Gourmet Potato Chips
Chunky Gourmet Potato Chips
These Thick Cut Potato Chips Boast Unusual Flavors and High Prices
Toastable Chocolate Bars
Toastable Chocolate Bars
The Baked Pudding Kit Kat Bars Are Meant to Be Lightly Toasted
Fruity Special Edition Cookies
Fruity Special Edition Cookies
These Watermelon Oreos Aim to Become a New Summer Symbol
Inaugural Ice Cream
Inaugural Ice Cream
Ben and Jerry's “Yes, Pecan” Mixes in Barack Obama Branding
Cultural Chocolatiers
Cultural Chocolatiers
These Japanese Kit Kat Bars will Satisfy your Hunger for New Sweet Tastes
Birthday Cake Cookies
Birthday Cake Cookies
Birthday Cake Oreos Celebrate the Treat's 100th Birthday
Green Tea Kit Kat in Japan
Green Tea Kit Kat in Japan
Literary Ice Cream Concepts
Literary Ice Cream Concepts
Classic Novels are Represented with These Book-Inspired Ice Creams
Bizarre Chip Flavor Contests
Bizarre Chip Flavor Contests
Lay's Do Us a Flavor Contest Suggests Some Strange Combinations
Breast Milk Ice Cream
Breast Milk Ice Cream
PETA Asks Ben & Jerry's To Use Human Dairy