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25 Delightful Toy Campaigns

From Excited Eyeball Ads to Planetary Building Block Ads

— June 8, 2013 — Marketing
While toys are often the type of playthings associated with little children, if is often the parents who have to be persuaded to buy them, and that's why these creative toy advertisements are more so geared toward adults than kids.

Sometimes all it takes for a child to want something is simply seeing it nicely packaged and new in a store, but it certainly takes a bit more convincing for the parent or adult to make the purchase. These creative toy advertisements are featuring these playful products in all sorts of unusual and thought-provoking ways, surely capturing the attention of any person that happens to walk by.

From LEGO ads that encourages the creativity of children to up-close doll campaigns, these creative toy advertisements are certainly going above and beyond what the average toy ad used to be.
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Germ-Transforming Toy Ads
Germ-Transforming Toy Ads
The Lifebuoy Hand Wash Campaign Targets Children's Playthings
Toy-Entwined Weapon Ads
Toy-Entwined Weapon Ads
The War Child Campaign Shows 'Where Childhood Thrives, War Does Not'
Deceiving Puddy Ads
Deceiving Puddy Ads
The Monami My Dough Campaign Shows Kids Manipulating Kids
Excited Eyeball Ads
Excited Eyeball Ads
The Hotwheels Elite Collection Campaign Will 'Make Daddy Jealous'
Wide-Eye Toy Campaigns
Wide-Eye Toy Campaigns
The BIC Alcaline Battery Ads are Intense
Matching Game Marketing
Matching Game Marketing
This Domino's Pizza Campaign Connects You to Your Food
Sleepy Toy Campaigns
Sleepy Toy Campaigns
The Horlicks Ads Makes You Sleepy Just Looking at Them
Planetary Building Block Ads
Planetary Building Block Ads
This LEGO Mars Ad by Grey Paris Showcases the Capacity of These Toys
Close Encounter Toy Ads
Close Encounter Toy Ads
The LEGO Meet Your Imagination Campaign is Adventurously Thrilling
Toy Addiction Ads
Toy Addiction Ads
TRENDS Encourages Placing Phones Out of Reach For Prevention
Eco-Friendly Toy Ads
Eco-Friendly Toy Ads
The WWF We Should Never Stop Recycling Campaign Promotes Playful Alternatives
Lovable Doll Campaigns
Lovable Doll Campaigns
The Polly Pocket Ogilvy Ads Use Subtle Details to Show Significance
Animal-Substituted Building Block Ads
Animal-Substituted Building Block Ads
The LEGO Imagine Ad Campaign Follows a Cute Pet Theme
Censored Toy Ads
Censored Toy Ads
The Naked Rubik's Cube is Too Hot for Print
Deconstructed Toy Appliance Ads
Deconstructed Toy Appliance Ads
This 'Toaster' Ad for LEGO Technic Encourages Child Creativity
Minimalist Toy Marketing
Minimalist Toy Marketing
LEGO Story Print Ad Launches Four Page Campaign
Space Exploration LEGO Sets
Space Exploration LEGO Sets
The Space Shuttle and Launchpad LEGO Kit is Historical and Humorous
Toy Historical Re-Creations
Toy Historical Re-Creations
LEGO Makes History by Creating Well-Known Past Events
Gory Toy Campaigns
Gory Toy Campaigns
The Caritas Ad Campaign Warns Parents of Violent Playthings
Alterable Toy Ads
Alterable Toy Ads
The New LEGO Advertisements Disobey Directions to Initiate Imagination
Kid-Friendly Retro Ads
Kid-Friendly Retro Ads
The Museum of Childhood Campaign Reads 'Playing is Learning'
Imaginative Plaything Prints
Imaginative Plaything Prints
The Mattel 'We Create' Campaign Inspires Children's Minds
Child-Frightening Toy Ads
Child-Frightening Toy Ads
The Limited Edition Collectible Toys Campaign is Not Geared Towards Kids