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Top 100 Lifestyle Trends in 2015

From Authentic Female Fitness Ads to No-Wait Coffee Shops

— January 16, 2016 — Lifestyle
Redesigned food containers, pet shelters and sporting equipment are all ideas that are shaping the top 2015 lifestyle trends.

With so many apps and gadgets that are designed to simplify daily life, consumers are looking to the make the most of their time in other places. Brands are responding by stressing convenience in packaging, delivery services, as well as store concepts like one from Starbucks that completely eliminates traditional lineups at the cash.

This attitude of wanting to perform to one's highest abilities and get the most out of life can also seen in food and drinks that have been fortified with additional vitamins and nutrients, as well as products that are designed to serve as many purposes as possible.

As well as providing an overview of what to look forward to in the year ahead, the 2016 Trend Report dives into specific lifestyle components from food and health to pets and weddings.
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Indy Welcomes All to March Madness
Indy Welcomes All to March Madness
#ExperienceBuick in Indianapolis
Snogging Valentine Cards
Snogging Valentine Cards
This Make Out Valentine's Day Card Gets Intimate
#ExperienceBuick: Detroit
#ExperienceBuick: Detroit
How a Brand and a City are Reinventing Themselves
Hilarious Parenthood Instagrams
Hilarious Parenthood Instagrams
'Asshole Parents' is a Safe Place to Share Universal Experiences
Tipsy Task Chairs
Tipsy Task Chairs
This Spring-Framed Chair Offsets the Drunken Sway of the Sitter
Designer Youth Sportswear
Designer Youth Sportswear
The adidas StellaSport Collection is Bolder and More Affordable
Posture-Perfecting Systems
Posture-Perfecting Systems
Low-Tech Wearable Device BetterBack is Designed to Improve Posture
Lava-Charred Steaks
Lava-Charred Steaks
The Syracuse University Lava Project Experiments by Cooking Steak with Lava
Desert Water Makers
Desert Water Makers
This Innovative Concept Imagines Gathering H2O in the Driest Conditions
Specialized Snow Cycles
Specialized Snow Cycles
Sno Vehicle was Designed to Accommodate Avid Cyclists in the Wintertime
Smart Storage Jars
Smart Storage Jars
The Neo Smart Jar Enhances Food Storage with Bluetooth Technology
World Living Condition Infographics
World Living Condition Infographics
Movehub Illustrates the Cost of Living Around the World
Secret Agent-Inspired Swimwear
Secret Agent-Inspired Swimwear
These James Bond Girl Bikinis were Inspired by 007 Star Halle Barry
Helical Folding Bicycles
Helical Folding Bicycles
The Helix Bike Folds Smaller Than Any Other Folding Bike
Minimalist Affordable Bikes
Minimalist Affordable Bikes
The Brilliant Bicycle Cater to Casual Cyclists Who Value Design
Authentic Female Fitness Ads
Authentic Female Fitness Ads
Sport England's This Girl Can Campaign Embraces All Body Types
Cyclist-Protecting Campaigns
Cyclist-Protecting Campaigns
The Volvo Life Paint Makes Bikes and Helmets Much More Visible
Vulgar Valentine Cards
Vulgar Valentine Cards
This Hilarious Valentine's Day Card Uses a Little Obscenity
Roof Rack Camping Shelters
Roof Rack Camping Shelters
This Very Portable Carport Tent Provides Cover During Road Trips
Eco-Friendly Burial Pods
Eco-Friendly Burial Pods
Capsula Mundi Creates Coffin Containers that Act as Fertilizer for Trees
Romantic Metalwork Rings
Romantic Metalwork Rings
The Oldfield Forge Academy Lets Couples Forge Their Own DIY Wedding Rings
Vibrantly Patterned Activewear
Vibrantly Patterned Activewear
The Fabletics Spring Collection Motivates Women Through Bold Style
Multi-Mode Motorcycles
Multi-Mode Motorcycles
The 'Tesla Model M' Transitions from Race Mode to Eco Mode Via Computer
Personality-Based Income Charts
Personality-Based Income Charts
This Income Infographic Looks at the Myers-Briggs Type Indicators
Habitual Success Charts
Habitual Success Charts
This Infographic Explores the Differences Between Accomplished Mentalities
Quirky Surf Apparel
Quirky Surf Apparel
This Ladies Surf Swimwear Lookbook Offers Plenty of Vibrant Prints
Eerie Female Portraits
Eerie Female Portraits
These Eerie Portraits Feature Females in Harsh & Vacant Locations
Wine Drinking Hacks
Wine Drinking Hacks
These Extremely Helpful Wine Tips are Here Just in Time for the Weekend
Mermaid Swimming Schools
Mermaid Swimming Schools
L'académie Aquasirène Offers Canada's First Mermaid Lessons
Three-Part Footwear Systems
Three-Part Footwear Systems
The Nike Studio Wrap Pack 3 is Made for the Spring Season
Art Gallery Eateries
Art Gallery Eateries
'Art House Moscow' is Equal Parts Gallery and Locally Sourced Restuarant
Disruptive Sportswear Collections
Disruptive Sportswear Collections
The Nikelab x sacai Collab is Set to Redefine Fitness Fashion
Skin-Scrubbing Devices
Skin-Scrubbing Devices
The Labelle Ultrasonic Spatula by Trophy Skin Removes Dirt Without a Brush
DIY Moonshine Machines
DIY Moonshine Machines
This Stainless Steel Moonshine Still is Ideal for Beginner Distillers
International School Lunches
International School Lunches
Salad Chain Sweetgreen Recreates Midday Meals from Around the World
Dusty Dancer Photography
Dusty Dancer Photography
These Photographs Feature Clouds of Dust to Accentuate the Dancers Moves
Wearable Multi-Tools
Wearable Multi-Tools
The Leatherman Tread Makes Everyday Tools More Accessible
Meal Delivery Startups
Meal Delivery Startups
Chowdy is a Healthy Meal Subscription Service in Toronto
Weatherproof Modular Housing
Weatherproof Modular Housing
Cubicco Created This Resilient Dwellings Designed for Well-Being
Animal Friendship Portraits
Animal Friendship Portraits
Harper and Lola Pose in This Pet Photography Series by Rebeca Leimbach
Plus-Size Padding Portraits
Plus-Size Padding Portraits
Refinery29 Uncovers a Plus-Size Practice That's Bad for Body Image
DIY Mason Jar Gardens
DIY Mason Jar Gardens
This Home Herb Garden Tutorial is Practical, Eco-Conscious and Adorable
LED Standing Desks
LED Standing Desks
The Height of TableAir is Controlled By Way of Motion Sensors
Body-Positive Superheroes
Body-Positive Superheroes
This Campaign Recreates ESPN's Body-Positive Issue with Nude Superheroes
Beautiful Bike Furniture
Beautiful Bike Furniture
Designer Manuel Rossel Creates Stylish Storage for Bicycles in the Home
Clever Photography Infographics
Clever Photography Infographics
Marion Luttenberger's Infographics Creatively Display Common Items
$100 Million Penthouses
$100 Million Penthouses
These Penthouse is Located in the One57 Tower in Midtown Manhattan
Minimalist Basketball Shoes
Minimalist Basketball Shoes
The Nike Kobe X Fundamentals is Inspired by His On-Court Philosophy
Futuristic Circular Skates
Futuristic Circular Skates
The Unattached Orbitwheel Platforms Let You Skateboard in a New Way
Vertical Aeroponic Gardens
Vertical Aeroponic Gardens
LA Urban Farms' Tower Gardens Save Water, Space and Time
Eco-Friendly Portable Treehouses
Eco-Friendly Portable Treehouses
This Suspension Treehouse Tent is for the Young at Heart
Spacey Pet Beds
Spacey Pet Beds
A Futuristic Dog House Assumes an Alien Appearance and Hidden Hi-Tech Features
Elegant Ribbon Urinals
Elegant Ribbon Urinals
This New Toilet Concept Proposes a Sculptural Form That Reuses Water
DIY Wallpaper Cakes
DIY Wallpaper Cakes
This Unique Recipe Lets You Cover Your Cake in Any Pattern Imaginable
Package-Inspired Merchandising
Package-Inspired Merchandising
This Laughing Cow Cheese Retail Display Replicates its Packaging
Modular Designer Sportswear
Modular Designer Sportswear
The JFS x NikeLab Summer Line is Meant to be Layered for Versatility
Expressive Pet Portraits
Expressive Pet Portraits
Human Animal by Vincent Legrange Captures a Range of Adorable Expressions
Graphical Food Branding
Graphical Food Branding
This Contemporary Processed Meat Packaging Design Targets Millennials
Mobile Eatery Concepts
Mobile Eatery Concepts
The Peugeot Food Truck Converts into a Pop-Up Restaurant
Tiny Off-Grid Cabins
Tiny Off-Grid Cabins
This Secluded Cabin Comes Equipped with Everything You Need to Get Away
Compact Eight-Person Homes
Compact Eight-Person Homes
The 'ESCAPE Traveler XL' is a Portable Large Family Home
Efficient Folding Suitcases
Efficient Folding Suitcases
Nendo Kame Luggage Has a Flexible Fabric Cover That Simply Rolls Aside
No-Wait Coffee Shops
No-Wait Coffee Shops
The Starbucks Line is Eliminated with an Efficient Location in New York City
Shape-Shifting Brass Knuckles
Shape-Shifting Brass Knuckles
The OCATO Kung Fu Power Self-Defense Ring Changes Shape in a Snap
Wrap Packaging Concepts
Wrap Packaging Concepts
This Convenient To-Go Packaging for Wrap Sandwiches is a Gamechanger
Modern Dog Houses
Modern Dog Houses
Puphaus by Pryamid Design Co. is a Stylish Outdoor Abode for Man's Best Friend
Disney Princess Hair Makeovers
Disney Princess Hair Makeovers
These Short-Haired Princess Shots Show Disney Stars with Short Cuts
Experiential Retail Booths
Experiential Retail Booths
This Dairy Retail Booth Design is an Escape Within the Grocery Aisle
Luxe Nostalgic Velomobiles
Luxe Nostalgic Velomobiles
The 'Picar' is a Combination Recumbent Trike and Pedal Car
Urban Survival Kits
Urban Survival Kits
The Jackfish Survival System Helps Those in Cities Make it Through the Day
Voyeuristic Neighbor Photography
Voyeuristic Neighbor Photography
This Series by Ole Marius Jøergensen Depicts a Modern Peeping Tom
Keychain Camping Elements
Keychain Camping Elements
This Portable Camping Stove Packs Up for Easy Carrying in One Hand
Hilarious Cat Comics
Hilarious Cat Comics
This Graphic Compares the Joy of Having a Cat to the Horror of Having a Baby
Eco Garden Kits
Eco Garden Kits
The Vive Planting Set Prepares Kids for Easily Growing Greenery in Their Backyards
Artisanal Japanese Cafes
Artisanal Japanese Cafes
Tokyo's Sarutahiko Coffee Boasts Local Products and Home-Grown Goodies
Branded Confectionery Kiosks
Branded Confectionery Kiosks
This Delicious Nutella Pop-Up in Brazil is the First of Its Kind
Survival Kit Walking Sticks
Survival Kit Walking Sticks
The Survival Hiking Stick 2.0 Puts Necessary Items in a Compact Design
Mobile Champagne Bars
Mobile Champagne Bars
Veuve Clicquot's Pop-Up Bar Concept Offers Luxury On the Go
Fashion-Forward Breathing Masks
Fashion-Forward Breathing Masks
Airinum Designed Stylish Urban Masks That Filter Air Pollution
Sophisticated Raw Juice Branding
Sophisticated Raw Juice Branding
Belmonte Raw is a New Juice Brand That Boasts Luxurious Packaging
Portable Yogurt Packaging
Portable Yogurt Packaging
Ugo Offers an Easy-to-Eat Yogurt to Go Container and Spoon
Cozy Backyard Bunkies
Cozy Backyard Bunkies
The Collingwood Shepherd Hut Offers Comfy Permit-Free Overflow Accommodation
Cooking USB Speakers
Cooking USB Speakers
Thanko's Rice Cooker Sits by Your Computer and Serves as a Speaker
Burger Delivery Boxes
Burger Delivery Boxes
Sierra Nevada Takeout Packaging Arranges Your Combo Meal Compactly
Shipping Container Campuses
Shipping Container Campuses
Pop Brixton Aims to Bring A Sense of Community to the District
Recipe-Based Grocery Stores
Recipe-Based Grocery Stores
This Store Will Allow Shoppers to Buy Recipe Kits and Ingredients
Community Hub Supermarkets
Community Hub Supermarkets
This Award-Winning Whole Foods Austin Location is a Retail Playground
Ethereal Breastfeeding Portraits
Ethereal Breastfeeding Portraits
Ivette Ivens Turns a Taboo Motherhood Issue on Its Head
Uncovered Tattoo Portraits
Uncovered Tattoo Portraits
This Photoseries Reveals Hidden Tattoos on Everyday Individuals
Home Farming Boxes
Home Farming Boxes
The Mini-Farm Grow Box Lets You Easily Grow Greens At Home
Experiential Breakfast Pop-Ups
Experiential Breakfast Pop-Ups
Dorset Cereals Brand Launched a Breakfast Lodge Activation
Complete Lunch Kits
Complete Lunch Kits
Al Parque's Portable Lunch Box Design Totes a Salad, Sandwich and Drink
Urban Water Slide Events
Urban Water Slide Events
Lipton Ice Tea Recently Created a 100-Meter-Long 'Rise & Slide'
Luxurious Tent Pods
Luxurious Tent Pods
This Glamping Tent Collection Will Turn Camping Into an Idulgent Vacation
Fresh Market Grocers
Fresh Market Grocers
This Gourmet Supermarket Design Takes Shoppers on a Culinary Journey
Shipping Container Food Trucks
Shipping Container Food Trucks
This Company Sells Wood Oven Pizza from a Converted Truck
Authentic Gourmet Grocers
Authentic Gourmet Grocers
This Specialty Supermarket Boasts Sophisticated Rustic Branding
Branded Experiential Pop-Up Bars
Branded Experiential Pop-Up Bars
This Fun Pimm's Pop-up Teapot Bar Was at Wimbledon 2015
Smoothie Bar Concepts
Smoothie Bar Concepts
This Juice Bar Reduces Fruit Waste in This Stockholm Supermarket
Mental Illness Tattoos
Mental Illness Tattoos
These Tattoos Represent the Fight of Those Struggling with Mental Illness