A healthful addition, vegetables are being integrated to create unexpected recipes
Implications - Reflecting an emphasis on healthy eating and integrating nutritional ingredients into all sorts of recipes, vegetables are being added into dishes that wouldn't traditionally use them. Emphasizing the way in which consumers are looking for products that offer two purposes in one, these innovations are indicative of the future of health food.
Trend Themes
1. Veggie-based Creativity - Innovation using veggies, unexpected combinations, and combining health benefits with flavors.
2. Homemade Veggie Revelry - DIY food preparation with veggies, creative fusion of flavors with easy-to-find resources, and home-cooked meals with a more unique range of nutrients.
3. Healthy Food Mixology - Healthier versions of traditional recipes, fusion of health and taste to enhance meals with unique flavors and nutrient benefits.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Industry - This industry can benefit from the trend by offering unique veggie-based items as a main focus or as an alternative twist to existing product offerings.
2. Health and Wellness Industry - The health industry can look for ways to inject more veggies to the meals of their clients to promote a more balanced diet and wellness for patients.
3. Agriculture and Farming Industry - This industry has room to grow by harnessing the increased demand for newly discovered veggies, and meets the needs of a more diverse range of consumers looking for healthier vegetable-based options.