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Urban Gardening

Fake and real gardens are springing up outside traditional yards

Implications - People have an affinity for nature, even in the home. There is an array of alternatives to traditional backyards for those who may not have the space or time for one. These innovations remove the limitations of the material desire for a garden, making them available without the traditional obstacles.
Trend Themes
1. Alternative Gardening Solutions - Innovations offer alternatives ways to experience gardening for urban or limited spaced individuals.
2. Integration of Nature and Technology - Designs using technology to simulate natural elements are emerging with the growing demand for more nature experiences.
3. Adaptive Greenery in Interior Design - The trend of integrating natural elements and greenery into interior design is increasingly popular.
Industry Implications
1. Urban Gardening - The trend of urban gardening is increasingly popular and provides a growth opportunity for retailers who provide urban gardening solutions.
2. Interior Design - As the demand for natural and green living spaces grow, interior designers who incorporate greenery into their design are in high demand.
3. Technology - The integration of natural elements with technology creates opportunities for the tech and home decor industry to design new and innovative products.
11 Featured
181,368 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 08 — Oct 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Urban Gardens
Urban Gardens
Living Wall Planters
Imagine wall art that was eco-friendly, added Mother Nature to your living room and was a constantly changing spectacle, and you will come close to envisioning something like the creative Living Wall Planters.… MORE
Guerrilla Gardeners
Guerrilla Gardeners
Seed Bombs for Green Rebels
Frustrated that so much potential green space was being wasted in their cities, groups of "guerrilla gardeners" have organized late night sneak outs which involve planting miniature gardens around town.… MORE
Real Magic Beanstalks
Real Magic Beanstalks
Plants Grows "I LOVE YOU" on Leaf
If you give your sweetheart a plant that can sprout a leaf that says, "I Love You", isn't that taking a big risk if the plant dies? Eh, not my problem. Some way, some how, this cute little beanstalk in… MORE
Terrace Farming
Terrace Farming
Urban Gardens Boom in NYC
In the past when I've stayed with friends in New York, they - and it seems everyone else they know - eat out for every meal. That's all changing though. With the soaring cost of food prices, urban vegetable… MORE
Garden On Your Desktop
Garden On Your Desktop
The Sensory Lamp Concept
Are you sitting in front of the computer all day? You forgot how fresh air, nature and sunlight feels? If this is the case, close the browser, switch off the computer, and go out for a walk while the sun… MORE
Flat Pack Garden Pot
Flat Pack Garden Pot
Electricwig Design
Founded by Tim Denton and Johanna Van Daalen in 2001, Electricwig has a reputation for creating furniture, objects and installations with a stylish sense of humour. The 123 Garden aims to help people… MORE
Flower Stem Speakers
Flower Stem Speakers
Constant Garden
The Constant Garden allows you to take a break from the monotone world of stylish yet cold speaker designs by bringing a splash of color and a whole lot of funk in form. Each stem (which looks like Shrek's… MORE
Adopt an Olive Tree
Adopt an Olive Tree
Nudo Virtual Plant Fostering
Have you always imagined having your very own olive tree on a romantic Italian hillside? Now you can! Olive oil producers Nudo, lets you ‘foster’ an olive tree in their groves in La Marche Italy. You… MORE
Flower Camouflage
Flower Camouflage
Grass Vases
This really unique and funky grass vase is made by Claydies from Copenhagen. The vases are available in three sizes and would make even the most rubbish bunch of flowers look awesome. With my gardening… MORE
Folding Greenhouses
Folding Greenhouses
Daniel Schipper's Urban Gardening Idea
Designer Daniel Schipper came up with this Folding Greenhouse which is perfect for city dwellers. "This light-weight, flexible and modular greenhouse is perfect for small spaces and unfolds faster than… MORE
Potted Tables
Potted Tables
Little Garden Table
I love how this stylish table by Tokujin Yoshioka incorporates a convenient little garden right into the design allowing you to save space by having your plants and flowers flourish right under your table.… MORE
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