The desire for everything that touches the body to be ethical and sustainable
Implications - The desire for sustainable and ethical consumer goods has been rising over the years, and the integration of organic and ‘green’ elements in shoes demonstrates just how strong this demand is. Consumers want everything that touches their body, from skincare to sneakers, to be in line with their values.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainability - The integration of organic and ‘green’ elements in shoes demonstrates the demand for sustainable and ethical consumer goods.
2. Animal Conservation - The Endangered Species Collection by Puma, Atmos and photographer Mitsuaki Iwago brings attention to the impact human activity has on these endangered animals.
3. Nature Connection - Businesses can benefit from providing accessible eco-friendly footwear through which consumers can reconnect with the planet.
Industry Implications
1. Eco-friendly Footwear - There is a rising demand for eco-friendly shoes with 99% environmentally sustainable materials, and high-quality vegan microfibers replacing leather.
2. Outdoor Apparel - With increasing urbanization and a weakening connection to the great outdoors, businesses can benefit by providing accessible products through which consumers can reconnect with nature.
3. Wildlife Conservation - Sustainable and ethical footwear like the Endangered Species Collection by Puma, Atmos, and Mitsuaki Iwago can bring attention to the impact of human activity on endangered animals and their habitats.