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Designer Injuries

Stylish ways to nurse epidermal injuries, turing flaws into fun

Implications - These bandaids go back to the childhood notion that fun bandages reduce pain. In adulthood, playing up or laughing at one’s weaknesses often helps boost confidence. Like the children who turn their discomfort into fun ways of showing off toughness, so too adults are comforting themselves with designer bandaids.
Trend Themes
1. Designer Bandages - Designer bandages offer a novelty experience for consumers and are a perfect way to infuse luxury and uniqueness into everyday products.
2. Personalized Bandages - Personalized bandage in multi-hued skin tones cater to customers who want a bandage to blend in with their natural skin tone and align with their professional attire.
3. High-tech Bandages - The high-tech bandage provides a sense of security and real-time monitoring functionality, thus, offering a fortifying medical experience to the buyers.
Industry Implications
1. Luxury Goods - Luxury goods industry can utilize designer bandages to create unique and exclusive products that appeal to affluent consumers.
2. Healthcare - The healthcare industry can leverage high-tech bandages to monitor and treat patients remotely, offering a better medical experience to the patients.
3. Fashion - The fashion industry can create playful and fashionable products with personalized bandages, offering a chic and trendy way to cover injuries.
10 Featured
100,497 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Aug 06 — Oct 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Crystal Encrusted Bandaids
Crystal Encrusted Bandaids
Just because you're injured doesn't mean you have to look bad. Add a little bling to your boo boo with crystal encrusted bandaids. Available in the MAK design shop in Vienna or online from 10 Euros for… MORE
Candy Scabs
Candy Scabs
Lick Your Wounds
I don't have much else to say about this one: "Totally gross! You know what we're talking about. You've skinned your elbow while crashing your bicycle getting extreme over a gnarly jump in your neighborhood.… MORE
a Bandage Made for Your Shade
You can now buy bandages in multi-hued skin tones. Ebon-aides come in a variety of color tones including mocha, coffee, cinnamon, and honey skin. This innovation seems long overdue! MORE
Fashion Bandages
Fashion Bandages
Artsy Band-Aids
Alexandre Herchcovitch is an up and coming Brazilian fashion designer whose work has often been described as irreverent and provocative in some quarters. To add a novel twist to their bandages, Johnson… MORE
Tattoo Bandages
Tattoo Bandages
Look Tough When You Cover Your Boo Boo
We may not have our mothers around to make our cuts and scrapes all better, but we can slap one of these artsy bandages on to pay homage to the woman who poured more than her share of peroxide on our open… MORE
Cartoon Bandages
Cartoon Bandages
Mariah Carey Reignites Old Trend
Mariah Carey has been all over the UK papers with Hello Kitty band aids on her fingers. Like happens to many products endorsed by celebrities, the old designer bandage trend is kicking off again. I hate… MORE
Kiss Bandaids
Kiss Bandaids
Boo Boo Adhesives
No one to nurse you better when you've injured yourself? Anyone can get those healing kisses with these wacky bandages. The Boo Boo Kisses Adhesive Bandages come in cute tin and feature 15 vibrant, pouty… MORE
18k Gold Boo Boo Brooches
18k Gold Boo Boo Brooches
Bandages for the Heart
These obviously aren’t real bandages. These rather poetic and brilliantly designed “Bandages for the Heart” by Alyssa Dee Krauss are brooches meant to be worn as badges of honor.... MORE
Hi-Tech Band-Aid
Hi-Tech Band-Aid
The Sensium
How could you make a bandage complex? Add a wireless chip that can wire your vitals to your doctor, of course! Start-up company, Toumaz Technology, has created a band-aid called The Sensium with an embedded… MORE
Bacon Bandages
Bacon Bandages
Sexy and Delicious
When I saw this picture, I was surprised about to see a bacon strips cut to look like small slabs of bacon in a bandages box? who wana use this bizarre stuff? Well, think, bandages are one of those categories… MORE
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Trend Report Pop Up
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