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Rubber from old tires becomes a valuable eco-friendly resource

Implications - Tires are one of the world's largest sources of waste, a fact that isn't going unnoticed by consumers. Many are taking it upon themselves to reuse and recycle the problematic rubber material through DIY crafts, or are contributing to the growing market by purchasing products made out of scrap rubber.
Trend Themes
1. Upcycling - More consumers are taking it upon themselves to reuse and recycle problematic materials through DIY crafts, contributing to the growing market by purchasing products made out of scrap material.
2. Environmental Conservation - Businesses understand just how interested people are in helping the environment, presenting products that can be reused in an alternate way after their original purpose has expired.
3. Recycling - The use of recycled materials in creating art and items is beneficial to the company, as it is cost-efficient and appeals to buyers for whom the reuse of old products is important.
Industry Implications
1. Sustainability and Environmental Conservation - Businesses that operate in ways that minimize damage to the environment, limit their carbon footprint and manage their waste output better.
2. Crafts and DIY - Businesses focusing on creating products that allow individuals to take up DIY projects and reuse items to create something completely new and functional.
3. Waste Management - Companies that specialize in handling waste disposal processes, preferably in an eco-friendly, responsible and sustainable manner while creating value from waste.
8 Featured, 58 Examples:
1,395,314 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 09 — Mar 10
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

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Wearable Transportation
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Bike Tire Belts
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Tire Gardens
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Recycled Trash Art
Recycled Trash Art
Jim Darling Creates 'Junk Man' Out of Mattresses and Tires
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