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33 Tents and Tepees

Nomadic Shelter Comes in Many Shapes and Sizes

— September 6, 2010 — Art & Design
Tents and tepees, yurts and wigwams all offer portable shelter. Whether they are elaborate, like yurts, or transforming, like shirts that become tents, they have their origins in humanity's earliest attempts at putting a barrier between a person and the weather or nature's other elements.

The creativity of the nomadic culture is expressed in the many ways that tents and tepees manifest themselves in the modern world.

Implications - Camping continues to grow as a favourite cost-effective recreational activity. Activities such as this are gaining new momentum due to the fact that consumers are taking fewer high-end vacations due to economic uncertainty. Businesses that promote cost-effective recreational activities will continue to feel growth.
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Pitching a tent has never been so easy.
Pitching a tent has never been so easy.
North Face $7000 2 Meter Dome Tent
North Face $7000 2 Meter Dome Tent
Giant Outfoor Fireplaces
Giant Outfoor Fireplaces
A Circular Wooden Fire Hut by Haugen Zohar Architects
Tent Sofas
Tent Sofas
Camp Out in Your Living Room With this Unusual Couch by Philippe Malouin
Wigwam Win
Wigwam Win
Tee Pee Motel
Dress Tents
Dress Tents
When Fashion Becomes Architecture
N!ergy Tent
N!ergy Tent
Luxury Tent Comes With Power
Massive Glowing Tents
Massive Glowing Tents
The Khan Shatyr Entertainment Center of Kazakhstan is the World's Biggest Te
Tent Coats
Tent Coats
Justin Gargasz's 'Vessel' Lets You Carry Your House on Your Back
Urban Dining Tents
Urban Dining Tents
Cozy Tents as Restaurant Alternatives in Seoul
Fashion That Transforms Into Tents
Fashion That Transforms Into Tents
IZAT Clothing-to-Shelter
Tech Teepees
Tech Teepees
The Abilmo Solar Wifi Teepee Lets You Camp (and Surf the Internet) in Style
Crocheted Cabin Concepts
Crocheted Cabin Concepts
Kate Pokorny Wants to Crochet Homes for Project Yurt Alert
Tubular Tent Attachments
Tubular Tent Attachments
Becky Greeenwood Brings Social Catalyst 'Abri Socio' to Camp Sites
Swing, Tent, Teepee Wrapped in One
Swing, Tent, Teepee Wrapped in One
The Treepee
Puppy Teepees
Puppy Teepees
The Pup Tent by Slade Architecture Lets Your Dog Sleep in Comfort
Secret Urban Fort
Secret Urban Fort
Car Tent
Mobile Car Tents
Mobile Car Tents
Hannibal USA Rooftop Tents
Fireproof House Tents
Fireproof House Tents
'SAFE Quick Cover' Automatically Protects Structures from Flames
Solar-Powered Tents
Solar-Powered Tents
Daniel Thomas' 'Star Gazer' Tent Has Illuminated Interior
Sluggish Nomadic Abodes
Sluggish Nomadic Abodes
The Durica Snail House Provides Portable Shelter for the Traveller
$50,000 Treetent for Kids
$50,000 Treetent for Kids
Beckham Luxury Christmas Gifts
Hammock Tents
Hammock Tents
The Nyamuk
Backpack Tent + Hammock
Backpack Tent + Hammock
The Respite
Transparent Tents
Transparent Tents
The Outlife Shelter is for the Extreme Nature-Lover
Air Conditioned Tents
Air Conditioned Tents
a DIY That Turns a Basic Tent to a Cooled Haven
Hybrid Kayak Shelters
Hybrid Kayak Shelters
Kahuna Adventure Tent Kayak Makes Camping Sleek
Pop-Up Campgrounds
Pop-Up Campgrounds
Import.Export's Skyscraper-Like 'Urban Camping' Structure
Inflatable Homeless Shelters
Inflatable Homeless Shelters
The ParaSITE Project
Camping Bike Shelters
Camping Bike Shelters
The Nomad Motorcycle Tent Protects Both Rider and Ride
Glowing Tents
Glowing Tents
The Orange Solar Tent Communicates With Other Campers
Tents on Wheels
Tents on Wheels
Journeyman Mobile Shelter Bicycle Trailers Offer Tow-Behind Shelter
Circus Tent Guesthouses
Circus Tent Guesthouses
These Groovy Yurts Let Your Company Feel Like Nomads