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New technologies are bringing biometrics to bear on personal and corporate security

Implications - Western society is increasingly pre-occupied with privacy and protection, which leads to the quick embrace of related technologies. Biometrics is one of the strongest security innovations on the rise, and any products or services that pertain to safety and security are a growing demand.
Trend Themes
1. Biometric Security - Biometric technology has become a strong force in western society's growing concerns with personal and corporate protection, leading to the integration of features such as fingerprinting, iris scanning, and facial recognition in security systems.
2. RFID Integration - The use of Radio-frequency identification to track objects, animals, or people through radio waves has expanded into the integration of RFID tags on tickets, offering a high tech tour guide or preventing the use of fake passes in events.
3. Smart Home Security - Home security has become more discriminatory with the integration of finger print scanners that only allow pre-approved people to gain access to the door as well as the move toward smart home technology involving advanced security features such as RFID cards.
Industry Implications
1. Security - The security industry can adopt biometric technology, RFID tags, and smart home security devices to provide consumers with advanced protection solutions.
2. Retail - RFID tags can help retailers track items for inventory management, and offer location-based services and promotions through tracking customer movements, helping further integrate digital and physical retail experiences.
3. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can implement smart home technology or even biometric smart room keys to provide guests with a satisfying and heightened experience, while also improving security measures.
9 Featured
48,331 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Dec 07 — Oct 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Marijuana Via Fingerprint
Marijuana Via Fingerprint
So Cal Vending Machines Sell Pot
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Computer Security By Color Scheme
Computer Security By Color Scheme
Cheng-Li Hung's Rubik's Cube
So instead of memorizing numbers and letters, I will have to memorize color sequences? Say what? That's what designer Cheng-Li Hung has in mind when he designed the Rubik's cube as a security devise. The… MORE
Hotels Go High Tech
Hotels Go High Tech
Advanced Security Features Being Added
The next time you're on a business trip or vacation you might notice a little extra added security feature at your hotel that you’re probably going to love. Plastic key cards are already on their way out… MORE
Biometric Sleep Monitors
Biometric Sleep Monitors
Remy Records Your Actions
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RFID Tickets
RFID Tickets
Beijing 08 Olympic Security
Beijing has proposed a plan to install RFID tags on tickets to prevent those trying to enter with fake passes. It indicates the situation of the assigned seating and stores information like where the ticket… MORE
Fingerprinting at Traffic Stops
Fingerprinting at Traffic Stops
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As if it's not bad enough to get points on your driving record for speeding, rolling through a stop sign or running a red light, now cops have started fingerprinting along with each traffic ticket issued.… MORE
New Airline Security Mechanisms
New Airline Security Mechanisms
Tunnel of Truth
Although I am extremely sick of the obessesive airport security measures, I actually think this is a swell idea. Maybe the name 'Tunnel of Truth' makes it sound cool and geeky. The Transportation Security… MORE
Home Fingerprint Locks
Home Fingerprint Locks
iTouchless BM002U
The latest in home security is more discriminatory than ever, involving finger print scanners that only allow pre-approved people to gain access to the door. That means unless you register the prints in… MORE
Forensic Innovations
Forensic Innovations
Skin Scanner Recovers Fingerprints
The latest tool for forensic scientists is a scanner that can detect extremely faint fingerprints on the bodies of murder victims. Usually fingerprint dusting is the method employed for getting prints… MORE
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