Beauty brands are launching products directed at the gaming and esports fans
Trend - In recent years, beauty brands have embraced campaigns in partnership with the esports industry and now, they are going a step further by creating specialized products and/or routines that are tailored to answer the needs of the gaming community.
Insight - Either out of habit or motivated by the health and wellness movement, individuals are emphasizing their skincare routines because taking care of themselves allows them to feel refreshed. Many, however, have hobbies, professional occupations, and everyday lifestyles that are faced-paced and as a result, they are looking for options that will provide a seamless experience, without interrupting their day-to-day activities, ensuring comfort and efficiency.
Insight - Either out of habit or motivated by the health and wellness movement, individuals are emphasizing their skincare routines because taking care of themselves allows them to feel refreshed. Many, however, have hobbies, professional occupations, and everyday lifestyles that are faced-paced and as a result, they are looking for options that will provide a seamless experience, without interrupting their day-to-day activities, ensuring comfort and efficiency.
Workshop Question - How can your brand target the needs of the gaming/esports consumer?
Trend Themes
1. Hybrid Esports Partnerships - Beauty brands are collaborating with esports organizations to create tailor made skincare products for gamers
2. Functional Gaming Cosmetics - Brands are developing products like antiperspirants and hand creams that increase grip and improve performance for gamers
3. Gaming Beauty Channels - Beauty brands are creating channels on gaming platforms to explore gaming and beauty intersections and share their products and services
Industry Implications
1. Beauty - Collaborations are occurring between beauty brands and esports organizations, setting a new standard for niche cosmetic product development
2. Gaming and Esports - Functional gaming cosmetics and beauty-related channels are being developed on gaming platforms, providing new opportunities for companies in the gaming industry
3. Marketing and Advertising - Brands are increasing their reach and engagement through collaborations on niche topics like gaming and beauty, signaling new engagement opportunities for targeted marketing campaigns