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Experiential Trailer

Automobile trailers receive a update with unexpected added functions

Implications - Seeking to heighten on-the-road experiences, drivers are seeking out trailers that provide more than just extra space and storage. Doubling as portable saunas, kitchens and even living spaces, these automobile attachments give travelers the chance to not only enjoy comforts of home, but also elevate the travel experiences with specialized forms of entertainment.
Workshop Question - How can you curate your product experience to engage consumers on a more personal level?
Trend Themes
1. Multipurpose Trailers - Consumers are looking for automobile attachments that provide more than just extra space and storage, doubling as portable saunas, kitchens, and even living spaces which creates disruptive innovation opportunities for manufacturers of compact and efficient multi-purpose trailers.
2. Luxury Off-roading - Consumers want to escape to nature without sacrificing comfort, eventually driving demand for off-road vehicles that feature luxuries such as flat-screen TV, surround sound, and other specialized forms of entertainment, which creates disruptive innovation opportunities for luxury off-road vehicle manufacturers.
3. Teardrop Trailers - As minimizing one's environmental footprint becomes an important criterion for a lot of outdoor recreation enthusiasts, minimalistic teardrop trailers that are easy to tow and offer a small physical footprint are becoming more popular, which creates disruptive innovation opportunities for manufacturers of efficient and eco-friendly lightweight trailers.
Industry Implications
1. Trailer Manufacturing - Manufacturers who invest in designing multi-purpose trailers with features beyond extra storage space will see competitive advantages in the industry.
2. Luxury Vehicle Manufacturing - Luxury off-road vehicle manufacturers seeking to satisfy consumers' demand for adventure and comfort will benefit from offering a variety of advanced technological entertainment features and luxuries.
3. Outdoor Recreation Equipment - With consumers interested in eco-friendly and minimalistic recreational equipment, manufacturers of lightweight, efficient, and eco-friendly trailers will benefit by designing eco-friendly and environmentally conscious trailers to meet consumer demand.
3 Featured, 27 Examples:
864,850 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 14 — May 15
Consumer Insight Topics:

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