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37 Pumpkin-Spiced Snack Foods

From Autumnal Toaster Pastries to Spicy Squash-Flavored Salsas

— October 28, 2016 — Lifestyle
With fall in full swing and Halloween just around the corner, store shelves and restaurant menus are bursting with pumpkin-spiced snack foods. These treats range from sugary sweet pastries that can be enjoyed any time of day to traditionally savory items that have undergone a seasonal makeover.

On the sweet side, pumpkin spice has moved beyond lattes to be used in a wide variety of dessert-like treats. This include warm delicacies such as freshly baked donuts and cold concoctions such as ice cream sundaes.

On the savory side, pumpkin has been used to add an unexpectedly autumnal twist that is both sweet and salty at the same time. For instance, Mrs. Renfro's new Pumpkin Salsa uses a warm pumpkin spice blend to bring out the heat in its signature condiment. Similarly, Nabisco's traditionally salty Triscuit crackers have been infused with pumpkin to complement festive toppings such as cheese and cranberries.
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Autumnal Toaster Pastries
Autumnal Toaster Pastries
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The Pumpkin Spice Candy Melts Make it Easy to Make Candy-Coated Delights
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Krispy Kreme is Selling a Pumpkin Spice Original Glazed Donut
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Breakfast Pumpkin Tarts
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Pie-Flavored Candies
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