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38 Potato Chip Creations

From Potato Chip Cupcakes to Savory Soda Cupcakes

— July 29, 2014 — Lifestyle
Potato chips are a popular snack item that many like to enjoy while watching TV or relaxing. While potato chips are perfect in their classic sea salt form, there are hundreds if not thousands of ways to enjoy these delicious savory snacks in a wide multitude of ways. Companies are encouraging consumers to try and help reinvent the classic potato chip whether its through new flavors, contests or recipes.

In an attempt to reinvent the traditional look and flavor of potato chips, brands are inviting consumers to become part of the brainstorming team. For example, Lays has created several contests that invite foodies to pitch their ideas for new and outlandish chip flavors in exchange for a percent of the profits if the chip flavor becomes a reality. Infusing potato chips into recipes, like cupcakes and chocolate, is another interesting way consumers are creating new rituals for potato chips.
Chocolate-Covered Chips
Chocolate-Covered Chips
These DIY Chocolatey Potato Chips Merges Sweet and Salty Flavors
Crunchy Taco Cupcakes
Crunchy Taco Cupcakes
These Savory Cupcakes are Made with Refried Beans and Corn Chips
Cappuccino-Flavored Chips
Cappuccino-Flavored Chips
These Lays Coffee Chips are Part of the Latest Lays Chip Flavors Contest
Anxiety-Ridden Spicy Chips
Anxiety-Ridden Spicy Chips
The Doritos Roulette Bag Contains a Few Painfully Hot Chips
Soup Broth Chip Flavors
Soup Broth Chip Flavors
The Cheetos Cream Stew Flavor Infuses Broth Ingredients into Chip Form
Piquante Ketchup Chips
Piquante Ketchup Chips
The Srirachup Kettle Chips by the Neal Brothers Pack a Spicy Punch
Frozen Chocolate Tacos
Frozen Chocolate Tacos
These Homemade Choco Tacos are a Delicious Frozen Dessert
DIY Deep-Fried Cheese Recipes
DIY Deep-Fried Cheese Recipes
These Deep Fried Cheese-Stuffed Doritos are for the Cheese Lovers
Pie Crust Texture Chips
Pie Crust Texture Chips
These New Lattice Chips are Lay's Latest Innovation
Elephantine Ice Cream Cones
Elephantine Ice Cream Cones
Zou-No-Hana's Cute Ice Cream is Shaped Like an Elephant
Crunchy Bat Cheese Balls
Crunchy Bat Cheese Balls
This Halloween Cheese Recipe Makes an Assortment of Edible Bats
Salsa-Flavored Potato Chips
Salsa-Flavored Potato Chips
The Newest Lay's Chips Taste Like Spicy, Tangy Pico de Gallo
Potato Chip Burgers
Potato Chip Burgers
The New Calbee Kitchen Mixes Snacks and Fast Food
Fishy-Flavored Chips
Fishy-Flavored Chips
Shrimp Mayonnaise Doritos are Perfect for Adventurous Snackers
Potato Chip Cupcakes
Potato Chip Cupcakes
These Potato Chip Confectionaries by Matt Robicelli are Savory and Sweet
Savory Chip Cheesecakes
Savory Chip Cheesecakes
Guy Fieri's Cheesecake Challenge is a Medley of Junk Food
Chocolate-Coated Chips
Chocolate-Coated Chips
Lay’s Created Chocolate Potato Chips to Please All Your Taste Buds
Cookie Nachos
Cookie Nachos
Michael Voltaggio Created a New Type of Oreo Snack
Mystery Chip Flavors
Mystery Chip Flavors
The Three New Doritos Jacked Flavors Are a Surprise
Guilt-Free Coconut Crisps
Guilt-Free Coconut Crisps
Dang Chips are a Cholesterol and Gluten Free
Savory Soda Cupcakes
Savory Soda Cupcakes
YouTuber Rosanna Pansino Tests Out the Mountain Dew Doritos Chip Cupcakes
Fried Cheese-Filled Chips
Fried Cheese-Filled Chips
7-Eleven is Releasing an Exclusive Cheesy Snack Called Doritos Loaded
Edible Fantasy Thrones
Edible Fantasy Thrones
This Game of Thrones Iron Throne is a Real Treat
Dessert-Infused Chips
Dessert-Infused Chips
Switch Out Your Sour Cream and BBQ for the New Pringles Holiday Flavors
Ketchup-Scooping Fries
Ketchup-Scooping Fries
KFC Romania's Dipping French Fries Are Trough-Like For Holding More Sauce
Potato Chip Pasta
Potato Chip Pasta
Carb-Load Creatively With This DIY Recipe
Comforting Chip Flavors
Comforting Chip Flavors
One of This Year's Finalists for Lay's Do Us a Flavor is a Bacon Macaroni
Gourmet Date Night Snacks
Gourmet Date Night Snacks
Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi and Miss Vickie's Make the Perfect Couple
Fried Chicken Potato Crisps
Fried Chicken Potato Crisps
The KFC Chicken Flavored Chips are a Savory Dish Without the Meat
Spacey Chip Packaging
Spacey Chip Packaging
Earth Control Natural Potato Chips Flavors Are Really Out of This World
Healthy Homemade DIY Chips
Healthy Homemade DIY Chips
Make Sweet Potato Chips When You Have a Craving for Store-Bought Snacks
Caffeinated Chips
Caffeinated Chips
Hipster Chip Branding
Hipster Chip Branding
This Line of Branded Potato Chips Looks Modern and Quirky
Chipper Chip Ads
Chipper Chip Ads
These Chio Natura Chip Ads are Positive & Health-Promoting
Protein-Packed Chips
Protein-Packed Chips
Quest Nutrition's Protein Chips Are a Satisfying, Healthy Way to Indulge
Doughnut Chips
Doughnut Chips
Homer Simpson's Dream Fries Are Deep-Fried 'Psycho Donuts'
Bizarre Chip Flavor Contests
Bizarre Chip Flavor Contests
Lay's Do Us a Flavor Contest Suggests Some Strange Combinations
Utensil Tortilla Chips
Utensil Tortilla Chips
Spoonachos by Denis Bostandzic are Made to Shovel Delectable Nachos Better
Naturally Harvested Ocean Chips
Naturally Harvested Ocean Chips
These Seaweed Chips Swim Against the Tide of Traditional Snacks