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Top 100 Lifestyle Trends in October

From Millennial Pink Chocolates to Prison-Themed Pop-Up Bars

— October 29, 2017 — Lifestyle
Life is a delicate miracle that we should marvel in every single day, and the October 2017 lifestyle trends are designed to make us do just that. One might not immediately think of the truly wondrous cosmic coincidence of life when they look at something like the Game of Thrones-themed cat furniture from MadeForPets, but they certainly should.

Lifestyle embodies so many different concepts that it's difficult to group it all into a single category or list, but there are patterns that emerge in any grouping, and such is the case this month. Snacking is one of the most apparent common themes in the lifestyle trends of this month, with everything from pink chocolate to Halloweed-themed candies making their way in. Not all the snacks are necessarily unhealthy, though: ONO's low-glycemic snacks are a safe option that make use of natural sweeteners rather than processed sugar.
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Chicken Sushi Burritos
Chicken Sushi Burritos
This Starbucks Sushi Burrito is Prepared with Slow-Cooked Shredded Chicken
Desk-Friendly Food Dispensers
Desk-Friendly Food Dispensers
This Dispenser Can Be Filled with Candies, Cereal or Granola
Cookie-Flavored Halloween Candies
Cookie-Flavored Halloween Candies
M&M's New Fall Flavor is Called 'Cookies and Screeem'
Tactile Knife Key Rings
Tactile Knife Key Rings
The 'Bandit' is a Tiny Knife That's Virtually Indestructible
VR Restaurant Training Programs
VR Restaurant Training Programs
KFC Employees are Learning to Make Food in Virtual Reality
Hangover-Preventing Wine Wands
Hangover-Preventing Wine Wands
The Wand from Pure Wine Filters Out Hangover-Causing Elements
Coal-Made Dessert Pop-Ups
Coal-Made Dessert Pop-Ups
'Coal Comforts' Seeks to Make a Point About Climate Change
Portable Allergen Detectors
Portable Allergen Detectors
Harvard Medical School's 'iEat' Knows If Your Meal Contains Peanuts
Frozen Vegetable Spirals
Frozen Vegetable Spirals
Green Giant's 'Veggie Spirals' Offer a New Way to Eat Frozen Vegetables
Chocolate Tyrannosaurus Rexes
Chocolate Tyrannosaurus Rexes
The Chocolate Construction T. Rex is an Archaeological Treat
Seasonal Produce Apps
Seasonal Produce Apps
The 'Seasonal Food Guide' Shows Local In-Season Produce
Nature-Inspired Wall Hooks
Nature-Inspired Wall Hooks
Maze Interior's Metal Hangers Boast a Whimsical Aesthetic
Low-Glycemic Superfood Snacks
Low-Glycemic Superfood Snacks
ONO's Low-Glycemic Snacks are Naturally Sweetened
Seasonless Metallic Sandals
Seasonless Metallic Sandals
Nike's New 'Benassi Slides' Feature a Metallic White Colorway
Breathable Waterproof Socks
Breathable Waterproof Socks
The ArcticDry Xtreme Socks for Men are Warm Yet Breathable
Sophisticated Sweeping Appliances
Sophisticated Sweeping Appliances
The 'Mundi Vacuum' Boasts an Unconventional Circular Shape
Portable LED Camping Lights
Portable LED Camping Lights
This Light Can Easily Illuminate a Tent Space
Prison-Themed Pop-Up Bars
Prison-Themed Pop-Up Bars
'Alcotraz' is a Cocktail Bar That Puts Patrons Behind Bars
Eclipse-Themed Ice Creams
Eclipse-Themed Ice Creams
The Eclipse Magic Cone Celebrated the Recent Solar Eclipse
Chocolate Dessert Kits
Chocolate Dessert Kits
Chef'd is Producing Dessert Meal Kits with The Hershey Company
Emotion-Detecting Condiment Apps
Emotion-Detecting Condiment Apps
Marmite's TasteFace Uses Facial Recognition to Read Reactions
Wearable Camping Blades
Wearable Camping Blades
The Para-Claw is a Camping Blade Disguised as a Paracord Bracelet
Celebratory Beer Cups
Celebratory Beer Cups
Bud Light's Light-Up Beer Glass Celebrates NFL Team Touchdowns
Monochromatic Kitchenware Collections
Monochromatic Kitchenware Collections
H&M and Chloe Coscarelli Created Stylish Kitchenware Items
Motion-Detecting Bike Lights
Motion-Detecting Bike Lights
The Vibe is a Smart Bike Light That Detects Pedaling
Exotic Plant-Inspired Furniture
Exotic Plant-Inspired Furniture
'Chlorophyll and Ink' Draws Inspiration from the Natural World
Transformative Particle Pillows
Transformative Particle Pillows
The 'Dreameets' Has a Filling Made from Different Types of Wood
Health-Promoting Sugar Installments
Health-Promoting Sugar Installments
KIND's Sugar Sculptures Warn Parents of Unhealthy Snacks
Graffiti-Inspired Beer Labels
Graffiti-Inspired Beer Labels
2Kids Brewing Co. and Chargefield Created Street Art Beer Packaging
Interaction-Encouraging Grills
Interaction-Encouraging Grills
David Rockwell's 'Caliber Grill' Promotes Social Interaction
Fitness Wearable Headphones
Fitness Wearable Headphones
The Fitbit Flyer Wireless Headphones Enable Intense Workouts
Futuristic Urban Cereal Bars
Futuristic Urban Cereal Bars
New York's Cereal Bar is Expanding Globally with 'Kith Treats Tokyo'
App-Enabled Cooking Utensils
App-Enabled Cooking Utensils
The 'Temp Smart Spoon' Promises the Perfect Bowl of Pasta
Triangular Notebook Designs
Triangular Notebook Designs
'Slice' Takes a Daring Form for "Dreamers and Thinkers"
Millennial Pink Chocolates
Millennial Pink Chocolates
Barry Callebaut Has Created 'Ruby Chocolate'
Informative Fountain Drink Cups
Informative Fountain Drink Cups
'The Sweet Facts' are Now Printed on Panera's Fountain Drink Cups
Drinkable Skincare Products
Drinkable Skincare Products
'Hyaluronic Molecule' is a Skincare Product in the Form of a Beverage
Hybridized Home Furniture Designs
Hybridized Home Furniture Designs
The 'Bijou' is Both a Coffee Table and a Floor Lamp
Elegant Chrome Bicycles
Elegant Chrome Bicycles
This Vintage Bicycle Features Traditional Japanese Art
Mess-Free Dosing Caps
Mess-Free Dosing Caps
This Dosing Cap From Raepak Gives Exact Measurements
Connectivity-Boosting Power Banks
Connectivity-Boosting Power Banks
The Skyroam Solis Offers a 4G LTE Hotspot and a Power Bank
Motion-Tracking Artistic Wearables
Motion-Tracking Artistic Wearables
synapseWear is a Wearable Device That Creates Visualizations
Nostalgic Food Delivery Promotions
Nostalgic Food Delivery Promotions
Foodora's Back to School Promotion Recreates Lunchbox Favorites
Millennial Parent Restaurant Rebrandings
Millennial Parent Restaurant Rebrandings
Chuck E. Cheese Restaurants Have Been Stylishly Revamped
Edible Dessert Bowl Appliances
Edible Dessert Bowl Appliances
The Presto Belgian Bowl Waffle Maker Crafts Perfect Edible Dishes
Organic Big Box Eateries
Organic Big Box Eateries
Walmart Has Partnered with Grown Restaurant to Open a New Location
Opulent QSR Burger Packaging
Opulent QSR Burger Packaging
These McDonald's Burger Boxes are Accented with Crystals
Gelatinous Dessert Cubes
Gelatinous Dessert Cubes
Japan's Natural Lawson Convenience Store Sells Cube-Shaped Treats
Shelving-Incorporated Luggage
Shelving-Incorporated Luggage
The Weekender Duffel Bag Contains Extendable Built-In Shelving
Modern Ceramic Dog Bowls
Modern Ceramic Dog Bowls
Prunkhund's Handmade Ceramic Bowl Collection Includes Matte Finishes
Printed Basketball Sneakers
Printed Basketball Sneakers
PEAK's Basketball Sport Sneakers Were Made with Additive Manufacturing
Tap-to-Pay Smartwatches
Tap-to-Pay Smartwatches
The Vivo Smartwatch Buys You a Post-Workout Smoothie
Disguised Rabbit Hutches
Disguised Rabbit Hutches
Designer Ariele Alasko Hides This Pet Abode in Plain Sight
Handcrafted Pizza Boxes
Handcrafted Pizza Boxes
These Pizza Box Designs Illustrate the Stories Behind Pizza Hut Orders
Fast Food Mooncakes
Fast Food Mooncakes
McDonald's is Now Boxing Baked Mooncakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival
Collaborative Dormitory Makeovers
Collaborative Dormitory Makeovers
IKEA and Hypebeast Partnered to Help Decorate College Dorms
Awkward Swan Pool Floats
Awkward Swan Pool Floats
The 'Ridiculous Inflatable Swan-Thing' is Adorably Unattractive
Takeaway Soup Cups
Takeaway Soup Cups
Fast&Fresco's Soup Packaging Takes Cues from To-Go Coffee Cups
Protective Hybrid Camping Rafts
Protective Hybrid Camping Rafts
The 'Traft' Combines a Packraft with a Tent for Added Protection
Scenic Jelly Desserts
Scenic Jelly Desserts
Nagatoya's 'Fly Me to the Moon' Can Be Sliced to Reveal Different Scenes
Lever-Press Espresso Makers
Lever-Press Espresso Makers
The Newton Espresso Coffee Maker Features a Simply Elegant Design
Food-Preserving Pet Bowls
Food-Preserving Pet Bowls
The 'Mario Feeder' Automatic Pet Bowl Provides Peace of Mind for Owners
Compact Electric Skateboards
Compact Electric Skateboards
The I-Ride Electric Skateboard Weighs Just 15 Pounds
Floral Pet Fountains
Floral Pet Fountains
The 'Catit Flower Fountain' Provides Fresh Water for Your Pet
AR Dentistry Mirrors
AR Dentistry Mirrors
This AR Cosmetic Dentistry Aid Helps Patients Try on Different Smiles
Automated Aromatherapy Diffusers
Automated Aromatherapy Diffusers
The 'Pium' Home Fragrance Diffuser Connects to Smart Technology
Building Block Chocolate Packaging
Building Block Chocolate Packaging
The Hershey's Magic Box Conceptually Contains Multiple Treats
Fantasy Series Cat Furniture
Fantasy Series Cat Furniture
The MadeForPets Game of Thrones Cat Furniture Bed is Handmade
Child-Friendly Dining Tongs
Child-Friendly Dining Tongs
Crocodile Tongs Playfully Helps Children Eat Without Making a Mess
Walking-Friendly Water Flippers
Walking-Friendly Water Flippers
The 'TailFins' Swim Fins Enable Users to Walk and Climb
Minimalist In-Store Promotions
Minimalist In-Store Promotions
Target's Minimalist Redesign Eliminates Its Promotional Signage
First Apartment Decor Collections
First Apartment Decor Collections
'apt by Dormify' Makes Decorating for Small Spaces Easy
Unisex Self-Defense Jewelry
Unisex Self-Defense Jewelry
The Phoenix Outdoor Self-Defense Hand Bracelet Chain is Protective
Ridiculously Artisanal Subscription Boxes
Ridiculously Artisanal Subscription Boxes
The Awful Box Contains One-of-a-kind Novelty Items
Inclusive eCommerce Retail Brands
Inclusive eCommerce Retail Brands
Fashion Retailer Addition Elle Launches a US eCommerce Website
Augmented Reality Menus
Augmented Reality Menus
'Kabaq' Offers 3D Renderings of Restaurant Menu Items
AR Beer Labels
AR Beer Labels
This Snoqualmie American Pale Ale Boasts an Interactive Label
Low-Impact Portable Exercise Bikes
Low-Impact Portable Exercise Bikes
The Excy Portable Recumbent Exercise Bike Works Indoors or Out
Intricate Architectural Pastries
Intricate Architectural Pastries
'Kinetic Tarts' Transform Architectural Concepts into Cakes
Feline-Friendly Tiny Homes
Feline-Friendly Tiny Homes
This Pet-Friendly Home Lets Your Cat Enjoy Mobile Living
Versatile Wooden Packaging
Versatile Wooden Packaging
A Coffee and Spices Package Collection Reduces Waste and Enhances Use
Magnetized Cord-Holding Platforms
Magnetized Cord-Holding Platforms
'The Base' by Peel Will Stop Cords from Falling on the Floor
Dumbbell-Upgrading Handles
Dumbbell-Upgrading Handles
The Kettle Gryp Expands the Functionality of Existing Gym Gear
Desk-Friendly Jellyfish Aquariums
Desk-Friendly Jellyfish Aquariums
The 'Orbit20' was Made for Juvenile Jellyfish
Clothes-Folding Laundry Machines
Clothes-Folding Laundry Machines
Panasonic's Sustainable Maintainer Will Fold Your Clean Laundry
Multipurpose Motorcyclist Packs
Multipurpose Motorcyclist Packs
The Angry Lane Rider Daypack Backpack Has Pacsafe Technology
Design-Conscious Pet Furniture
Design-Conscious Pet Furniture
The Vesper Cat Furniture Pieces are Elegant Yet Practical
Adult Fitness Jungle Gyms
Adult Fitness Jungle Gyms
The Kompan Functional Training Systems Enable Better Outdoor Exercises
Cat-Friendly Bookshelves
Cat-Friendly Bookshelves
This Bookshelf for Cats is Complete with Trap Doors
Sci-Fi Fitness Equipment
Sci-Fi Fitness Equipment
Onnit Has Released Star Wars-Themed Fitness Equipment
Sun-Following Folding Caravans
Sun-Following Folding Caravans
The 'sCarabane' Caravan Camper Harnesses Natural Energy for Power
Hands-Free Breastfeeding Lamps
Hands-Free Breastfeeding Lamps
The Angel Ring Can Be Worn Around a Parent's Arm
Mess-Free Egg Peelers
Mess-Free Egg Peelers
The NEGG Boiled Egg Peeler Instantly Removes the Shell From Eggs
Autonomous Fast Food Trucks
Autonomous Fast Food Trucks
The 'Culinary Coach' Food Truck Concept is Designed for Quick Service
Curvacious Wooden Dog Beds
Curvacious Wooden Dog Beds
The 'Covo Pet Bed' Was Designed for Modern Interiors
Disney Bridal Gowns
Disney Bridal Gowns
Kuraudia Co. Launched an Officially Licensed Line of Princess Dresses
Futuristic Food Pop-Ups
Futuristic Food Pop-Ups
IKEA's 'Space10' Lab is Opening a Six Day Food Production Pop-Up
Intelligent Organizational Backpacks
Intelligent Organizational Backpacks
The 'Moovy' Bag Doubles as a Mobile Work Station