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Top 100 Lifestyle Trends in October

From Wicked Wizardly Cocktails to Canine Selfie Devices

— October 12, 2015 — Lifestyle
These October 2015 lifestyle trends range from canine selfie devices to wizardly cocktail recipes -- Graphic Nerdity's set of 'Harry Shooters' recipes draws inspiration from Harry Potter characters and spell names. In addition to the month's pop culture-themed food and beverage examples, a focus on social business is also prevalent.

From pop-up community kitchens to sickness-detecting bandaids, the month's health and community innovations aim to end poverty while increasing health access for those who can't afford it. Furthermore, disabled pet portraits promote higher adoption rates among canines with conditions like blindness while cork yoga mats prove that sustainability is as healthy for the planet as fitness is for one's overall health.

Other memorable October 2015 lifestyle trends include 3D chocolate printers and single serve wine subscriptions. While Vinebox offers quality wine samples for those on a budget, Hershey's CocoJet makes custom treats available to the snack brand's loyal consumers.
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Tint-Changing Sunglasses
Tint-Changing Sunglasses
Uvex Variotronic Sports Shield Sunglasses Go From Dark to Light Fast
Rugged Phone Cases
Rugged Phone Cases
Griffin's Newest Survivor Cases Can Withstand Drops of Over Three Meters
Food Longevity Guides
Food Longevity Guides
This Infographic Determines How Long Food Actually Stays Good
Disabled Pet Portraits
Disabled Pet Portraits
This Empowering Pet Series Highlights the Courage of Handicapped Creatures
Stylish Hydration Equipment
Stylish Hydration Equipment
The Takeya Glass Water Bottle Ensures a Durable and Clean Experience
Pared-Down Fitness Watches
Pared-Down Fitness Watches
The TomTom 'Spark' is a Simplified Activity Monitor and Music Player
Canine Explorer Photography
Canine Explorer Photography
Henrik Vikse Makes his Husky the Star of His Adventure Photography
Four-Storey Island Resorts
Four-Storey Island Resorts
This Luxury Resort is Perched Atop a Rock in the Middle of the Ocean
Electric Static Ball Caps
Electric Static Ball Caps
This Line of Mitchell & Ness Uses Faux Suede and Static-Like Materials
Anime Princess Menus
Anime Princess Menus
Namja Town Offers a Sailor Moon-Themed Food Items for the 20th Anniversary
Teen Restauranteur Eateries
Teen Restauranteur Eateries
Eureka is a New NYC Restaurant Run by 16-Year-Old Chef Flynn McGarry
Interactive HIV Ads
Interactive HIV Ads
This Innovative Ad Encourages Patient Engagement Via Social Media
Homemade Trail Mix Bars
Homemade Trail Mix Bars
These Energizing Snacks Contain Chocolate and Energy-Boosting Ingredients
Inappropriate Proposal Pranks
Inappropriate Proposal Pranks
The Moon Ring Offers a Fart Rather Than a Diamond Ring When Opened
Chic Hydration Equipment
Chic Hydration Equipment
The Thermos Bottle by Alpine Modern Can Hold Hot or Cold Beverages
Ingredient-Focused Snack Packaging
Ingredient-Focused Snack Packaging
The Nii Food Bar Wrappers Highlight the All-Natural Ingredients
Glowing Basketball Sneakers
Glowing Basketball Sneakers
These Nike Collaboration Kicks Commend the Days of Driveway Basketball
Famous Painting Cakes
Famous Painting Cakes
Artist Maria A. Aristidou Transforms Desserts into Popular Works of Art
Masked Vigilante Baking Tools
Masked Vigilante Baking Tools
This Batman Cookie Cutter Allows You to Make DC-Approved Desserts
Cross-Dressing Superhero Cakes
Cross-Dressing Superhero Cakes
This Hulk Princess Cake is a Quirky Homemade Fan Tribute
Keyboard Waffle Irons
Keyboard Waffle Irons
This Tech Breakfast Gadget is Perfect for Frequent Computer Users
Japanese Snack Guides
Japanese Snack Guides
This Detailed Poster Explains Popular Desserts and Foods in Asian Cuisine
$75 Million Cakes
$75 Million Cakes
This Couture Designer Baked the World's Most Expensive Cake
Self-Extinguishing Candlesticks
Self-Extinguishing Candlesticks
'The Moment' is a Cast-Iron Candle Holder from Maison&Objet 2015
Bar-Themed Offices
Bar-Themed Offices
The William Grant & Sons Office Contains an Elegant Bar and Branded Products
Temperature-Regulating Jewelry
Temperature-Regulating Jewelry
A Cool Bracelet Either Chills You or Warms You for Personal Comfort
Lightweight Carbon Bicycles
Lightweight Carbon Bicycles
This Carbon Fiber Bike Boasts a Lightweight Frame and Sleek Style
Illusory Solar Photoshoots
Illusory Solar Photoshoots
The Pelicans' Anthony Davis Plays Ball with the Sun in These Photos
Single Serve Wine Subscriptions
Single Serve Wine Subscriptions
'Vinebox' is a Monthly Wine by the Glass Membership Club
Seasonal Fast Food Eateries
Seasonal Fast Food Eateries
This Restaurant Specializes in Local and Seasonal Ingredients
Custom Candy Printers
Custom Candy Printers
The Magic Candy Factory in Germany Creates All-Natural 3D Printed Gummies
Dangerous Food Charts
Dangerous Food Charts
This Infographic Lists the Most Treacherous Foods to Digest
Pop-Up Community Kitchens
Pop-Up Community Kitchens
This Kitchen-Free Restaurant Asks Locals to Cook for Patrons
Dog Surfing Photographs
Dog Surfing Photographs
This Surf Dog Contest Includes Costumes and a Red Carpet
Data-Storing Smart Backpacks
Data-Storing Smart Backpacks
The CO.ALITION Bag Has a Built-in Wireless Hard Drive and Charger
Stretchy Ice Cream Treats
Stretchy Ice Cream Treats
This Restaurateur Has Developed Ice Cream with an Elastic Texture
Versatile Sports Boards
Versatile Sports Boards
Seasons' Modular Skateboards Can Adapt to Sand, Snow, Sea and Streets
Dippable Finger Cookies
Dippable Finger Cookies
Paolo Ulian's Cone-Shaped Biscuit Designs are Ideal for Spreads and Syrups
Workout Partner-Seeking Apps
Workout Partner-Seeking Apps
The Sprinter App Helps Björn Borg Consumers Find Fitness Partners
Thick-Tired Electric Tricycles
Thick-Tired Electric Tricycles
This Fat Tire Tricycle Can Reach Speeds of Up to 20 Miles Per Hour
Factual Smile Infographics
Factual Smile Infographics
This Chart Shares Fun Facts About Smiling and How it Can Improve Moods
Cork Yoga Mats
Cork Yoga Mats
Yoloha Mats are Mindfully Made with Sustainable Materials
Dry Ice Drink Coolers
Dry Ice Drink Coolers
The 'Rocket' is a Beer-Chilling Container That Cools Bottles and Cans
Boozy Calorie Comparison Charts
Boozy Calorie Comparison Charts
These Infographics Compare Cocktails to Junk Food Using Emojis
Rustic Camping Equipment
Rustic Camping Equipment
The Frontier Plus Camp Stove is a Modern Take on a Classic Utility
Dessert-Themed Footwear
Dessert-Themed Footwear
The Latest Nike Shoe Collection is Inspired by Popular City Sweets
Foldable Cargo Bicycles
Foldable Cargo Bicycles
The Cargo Node Bike is Able to Fold Up When it Needs to Be Portable
Logger-Honoring Pubs
Logger-Honoring Pubs
The Timber Gastro Pub is Made of All Wood to Honor the Logging Community
Lightweight Scuba Gear
Lightweight Scuba Gear
The Express Dive System Allows for Easy Underwater Exploration
Hip-Hop Pug Portraits
Hip-Hop Pug Portraits
‘The Pug Life’ Series Shows Adorable Dogs Dressed as Famous Artists
Home Honeybee Units
Home Honeybee Units
The 'BEEcosystem' is an In-House Bee Hive That Displays Insect Lives
Resistance Activewear Lines
Resistance Activewear Lines
Physiclo Fitness Wear Gives You a Better Workout With the Same Moves
Canine Selfie Devices
Canine Selfie Devices
The PoochSelfie is a Smartphone Attachment that Gets Your Dog to Smile
Watercolor Fashion Sketches
Watercolor Fashion Sketches
These Images Present Bold Colors & Brightly Patterned Fashion Designs
Tech-Obsessed Editorials
Tech-Obsessed Editorials
This Image Series Highlights Society's Crazy Addiction to Cell Phones
Lip-Locking Coffee Cups
Lip-Locking Coffee Cups
Coffee Kiss Packaging Places a Pair of Smoochers Into the Lid
Soda Brand Factory Visits
Soda Brand Factory Visits
This Coca-Cola Brazil Campaign Was a Response to Negative Rumors
Futuristic Beer Dispensers
Futuristic Beer Dispensers
The 'Stella Artois Nova' is a Beer Draught Dispenser for Commercial Use
Ferocious Gin Bottles
Ferocious Gin Bottles
The Blind Tiger Gin Labels Honor Traditions of the Prohibition Period
Collapsible Modular Kayaks
Collapsible Modular Kayaks
The Boner Kayak Breaks Down For Easy Transportation
Equestrian Wine Branding
Equestrian Wine Branding
The Pirineos Wines Reveal Horse Wine Labels with a Majestic Black Horse
Steet-Dancer Fashion Editorials
Steet-Dancer Fashion Editorials
This Fall Fashion Line Lookbook Features Intricate Dance Poses
Mystical Gin Liqueurs
Mystical Gin Liqueurs
Unicorn Tears From is a Magical Specialty Alcohol Product
Sickness-Detecting Bandaids
Sickness-Detecting Bandaids
This Liquid Bandaid Design Checks Wounds for Diseases Using Colors
Alchemist Coffee Sets
Alchemist Coffee Sets
This Transparent Drip Coffee Machine Resembles Laboratory Equipment
Wicked Wizardly Shots
Wicked Wizardly Shots
These Punny Harry Potter Drinks are for Hardcore Fans
Bike-Inspired Eateries
Bike-Inspired Eateries
The Ham on Wheels Restaurant Combines Fast Food & Bike Culture
Inhaled Insulin Ads
Inhaled Insulin Ads
These Ads Demonstrate a Better Way for Patients to Manage Diabetes
Wireless Fish Finders
Wireless Fish Finders
This Portable Angling Accessory Acts Like a Miniature Smart Sonar
Scar-Covering Tattoos
Scar-Covering Tattoos
Flavia Carvalho Offers Victims of Domestic Abuse Free Tattoos to Cover Scars
Tree Trunk Bookcases
Tree Trunk Bookcases
This Raw Wooden Shelf by Antoniazzi & Piovesana Brings Nature Right Inside
Intimate Patio Lounges
Intimate Patio Lounges
This Downtown Lounge is an Urban Oasis with a Moody Atmosphere
Cookie Shot Glasses
Cookie Shot Glasses
This California Cafe Serves Delicious Cream-Filled Cookie Cups
Screw-Inspired Beer Coolers
Screw-Inspired Beer Coolers
The 'Chill Drill' Uses Sand's Natural Insulation for Beer Cooling
Explosively-Shaped Survival Kits
Explosively-Shaped Survival Kits
The Paracord Survival Grenade Has Your Covered in Emergencies
Self-Cleaning Litter Boxes
Self-Cleaning Litter Boxes
The Continuous-Clean Litter Box by PetSafe Ensures a Clean Box
Alignment-Aiding Yoga Mats
Alignment-Aiding Yoga Mats
The Liforme Mat Helps with Alignment in a Yoga Pose Practice
Luxury Travel Kits
Luxury Travel Kits
Chivas Joined Globe Trotter to Create the 'Made for Gentlemen' Collectible Line
Pre-Packaged Lunch Kits
Pre-Packaged Lunch Kits
Scrumpt is a Food Delivery Service That Aids Time-Starved Parents
Smart Cannabis-Growing Planters
Smart Cannabis-Growing Planters
The Leaf is a Smartphone-Connected Home Growing Environment
Characterized Breakfast Charts
Characterized Breakfast Charts
This Breakfast Guide Reveals What a Consumer's Meal Choice Means
3D Chocolate Printing Machines
3D Chocolate Printing Machines
Hershey's CocoJet Prints Unique 3D Designs Like Life-Like Figurines
Couture Pastry Shops
Couture Pastry Shops
This New Bakery Provides the Perfect Blend of Food and Fashion
DIY Whiskey Kits
DIY Whiskey Kits
This Brewing Chamber from the Whiskey Still Company is Handcrafted
Paper Water Bottle Concepts
Paper Water Bottle Concepts
Flowater is a Reclaimed Water Brand Concept Based on Tetra Paks
Warm Asian Eatery Interiors
Warm Asian Eatery Interiors
This Prague Restaurant is Inspired by Traditional Asian Ingredients
Habitual Success Charts
Habitual Success Charts
This Infographic Explores the Differences Between Accomplished Mentalities
Semi-Natural Wooden Jewelry
Semi-Natural Wooden Jewelry
These Artistic Accessories are Made of Wood and Resin Materials
Homey Bar Cafes
Homey Bar Cafes
The La Maison Bleue Cafe Combines an Eatery, a Bar and a Quaint Cafe
Monochromatic Eatery Interiors
Monochromatic Eatery Interiors
The Eat Rice & Noodle Restaurant Uses One Color for Decoration
Submarine-Carried Islands
Submarine-Carried Islands
This Man-Made Island of Luxury Floats Atop the Roofs of Submarines
Food Factory Eateries
Food Factory Eateries
This Korean BBQ Restaurant was Designed by ARTTA Concept Studio
Tiny Off-Grid Cabins
Tiny Off-Grid Cabins
This Secluded Cabin Comes Equipped with Everything You Need to Get Away
Triple Expansion Campers
Triple Expansion Campers
The 3X by BeauEr Expands Three Sizes in Under One Minute
Modern Industrial Grill Restaurants
Modern Industrial Grill Restaurants
Hurricane's Grill is a Steak and Ribs Restaurant in Jakarta
Luxe Nostalgic Velomobiles
Luxe Nostalgic Velomobiles
The 'Picar' is a Combination Recumbent Trike and Pedal Car
Voyeuristic Neighbor Photography
Voyeuristic Neighbor Photography
This Series by Ole Marius Jøergensen Depicts a Modern Peeping Tom
Herb-Covered Eateries
Herb-Covered Eateries
This Restaurant is Decorated with Herbs the Chef Uses to Prepare Meals