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Top 55 Virtual Reality Trends in November

From Haunting VR Elevators to VR Retail Showcases

— November 26, 2017 — Tech
It doesn't take a technological virtuoso to recognize the strides that have been made in the November 2017 virtual reality trends. Even just one year ago, the scale and the capabilities of virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality technologies weren't anywhere near the points they're at today, and that potential only promises to grow and grow in the years to come.

One of the best things about virtual reality technology is its versatility. Whereas many new technologies end up getting pigeonholed into a single purpose, the sky is the limit as far as virtual reality producers are concerned. Of course, gaming has been an important drive behind the development of VR tech, but that's far from the only industry involved. For example, many in the healthcare industry see promise for VR, from experiences that palliate and distract from pain to one's designed to help people's eyesight or slow dementia.
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VR Stroke Diagnosis Systems
VR Stroke Diagnosis Systems
Qualcomm's 'Think F.A.S.T.' Trains Doctors on Stroke Symptoms
AR Sci-Fi Lenses
AR Sci-Fi Lenses
Snapchat and Shazam Created an AR Portal to the World of Stranger Things
Immersive Animation Experiences
Immersive Animation Experiences
Pixar's 'Coco VR' is Described as a "Next-Level Social Experience"
Sci-Fi VR Attractions
Sci-Fi VR Attractions
'Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire' is a Group Hyper-Reality Experience
VR Comedy Series
VR Comedy Series
'The Confessional' is a 360-Degree Webseries Set in a Confessional Booth
VR Stand-Up Shows
VR Stand-Up Shows
Freddy Quinne's 'Quite the Catch' is Set to Be Filmed for Virtual Reality
Shakespearean VR Experiences
Shakespearean VR Experiences
'Theatre VR' Has People Enact Hamlet Alongside Virtual Actors
AR Neurosurgery Practices
AR Neurosurgery Practices
The Glow AR Tool is Enabling a More Efficient Vascular Neurosurgery
AR News Apps
AR News Apps
The Quartz App Enriches News Stories with Relevant Augmented Reality Models
AR Quote Apps
AR Quote Apps
'Streem' Uses Augmented Tech to Provide Estimates for Home Services
VR Travel Series
VR Travel Series
'Discovery TRVLR' Offers a Virtual Journey to All Seven Continents
VR Surgical Training Systems
VR Surgical Training Systems
Side Effects Asia Pacific Simulates Stressful Medical Environments
Lightweight Crushproof VR Headsets
Lightweight Crushproof VR Headsets
The Model A by ANMLY VR Headset is Affordable and Universal
Immersive 4D Cinemas
Immersive 4D Cinemas
Village Cinemas in Melbourne is Equipped with Fog Machines and Mechanic Seats
Empathetic VR Training Tools
Empathetic VR Training Tools
Embodied Labs Helps Users Understand Life from Patients' Perspective
Standalone VR Headsets
Standalone VR Headsets
The 'Oculus Go' Operates Without Cables or a Mobile Phone
Memory-Boosting Bike Simulators
Memory-Boosting Bike Simulators
BikeAround Uses Google Street View to Assist People with Dementia
Haptic Surgical VR Models
Haptic Surgical VR Models
ImmersiveTouch Provides Doctors with Haptic Feedback
Haunting VR Elevators
Haunting VR Elevators
Fanta Created 'The 13th Floor' VR Experience for Halloween
AR Flag-Capturing Games
AR Flag-Capturing Games
Doritos and Mountain Dew are Hosting 'The Drop Zone' AR Events
Mixed-Reality Shopping Events
Mixed-Reality Shopping Events
chloma x STYLY are Introducing the Future of Shopping
Flight-Upgrading VR Headsets
Flight-Upgrading VR Headsets
KLM Airline Gave Virtual Reality Headsets to Budget Airline Travelers
Augmented Art Platforms
Augmented Art Platforms
'art.snapchat' Places AR Artworks in Real-Life Destinations
Kid-Friendly VR Cartoons
Kid-Friendly VR Cartoons
'Morgan Lives in a Rocket House in VR' Offers New Ways to Watch
Virtual Video Game Tours
Virtual Video Game Tours
Ubisoft is Promoting Assassin's Creed Origins with Virtual Tours of Egypt
Virtual Reality Live Streaming
Virtual Reality Live Streaming
VisitU Enables Bedridden Patients to Experience Events in Real-Time
Adaptable Virtual Reality Headsets
Adaptable Virtual Reality Headsets
The HMD Odyssey Headset Offers Heightened Movement-Sensing
VR Horror Cinema Pop-Ups
VR Horror Cinema Pop-Ups
Veero and WeAreCinema are Hosting a 'Haunted Cinema' for Halloween
VR Stroke Rehabilitation Systems
VR Stroke Rehabilitation Systems
MindMaze Offers Customized VR Exercises to Treat Stroke Patients
AR Shopping Experiences
AR Shopping Experiences
Mastercard's AR Experience Lets Customers Scan Their Eyes to Pay
VR Haunted Houses
VR Haunted Houses
Toronto's House of VR is Creating an Unforgettable Haunted House for Halloween
Virtual Reality Documentaries
Virtual Reality Documentaries
WITHIN's 'LOOK BUT WITH LOVE' Looks at Five Different Lives
Digitally Defaced Sculptures
Digitally Defaced Sculptures
Sebastian Errazuriz Created a Graffiti-Covered Sculpture in Protest
Eye-Strengthening VR Systems
Eye-Strengthening VR Systems
Vivid Vision is Replacing More Traditional Forms of Vision Therapy
Immersive Zombie Experiences
Immersive Zombie Experiences
'The Walking Dead: Negan Under Attack' is a VR Horror Experience
AR Eyewear Apps
AR Eyewear Apps
Topology Eyewear Uses AR to Let Consumers Try on Glasses
Athlete Virtual Reality Cameras
Athlete Virtual Reality Cameras
The 'LucidCam' Could Help Improve Sports Performance
Pain-Distracting VR Games
Pain-Distracting VR Games
The SnowWorld VR Game Treats Pain More Effectively Than Morphine
Patient Education VR Programs
Patient Education VR Programs
Sharecare Reality Lab Offers a Deeper Understanding of a Diagnosis
AR Music Apps
AR Music Apps
'Firstage' Encourages Music Discovery Through Augmented Reality Performances
AR Biology Books
AR Biology Books
'Imagina Books' are Augmented Reality Books That Come to Life with an App
High-Def Low Vision Aids
High-Def Low Vision Aids
IrisVision was Developed by LVS in Partnership with Samsung
VR Album Experiences
VR Album Experiences
TOKiMONSTA Fans Can Experience the World of 'Lune Rouge' in Virtual Reality
Digitally Focused Airplane Events
Digitally Focused Airplane Events
FlyingLab Offers Immersive On-Board Events for Passengers
Entertaining Virtual Reality Trilogies
Entertaining Virtual Reality Trilogies
Blade Runner 2049: Memory Lab is a Free VR Experience
VR Hand Controller Devices
VR Hand Controller Devices
The 'Finch Hands' VR Controllers are Worn Rather Than Held
Team-Specific AR Basketball Games
Team-Specific AR Basketball Games
The 'NBA AR' App Lets Users Practice Their Shot Anywhere
AR Toy Aisle Apps
AR Toy Aisle Apps
Toys "R" Us' 'Play Chaser' App Brings Its Retail Store to Life
Interactive AR Gardens
Interactive AR Gardens
Perrier-Jouët Created a Fantastical, High-Tech Garden Installation
Near-Death VR Experiences
Near-Death VR Experiences
New York's 'VR World' Allows Users to Come Back from the Digital Dead
Autism-Specific Smart Glasses
Autism-Specific Smart Glasses
The Brain Power Autism System Has Gamified Life Skills Training
VR Retail Showcases
VR Retail Showcases
Walmart's Store No. 8 is Imagining the Future of Retail with Virtual Reality
Streamlined All-in-One VR Headsets
Streamlined All-in-One VR Headsets
The '3rd Eye' VR Headset Cuts Down on Bulk for a Compact Design
AR Card Games
AR Card Games
Yu-Gi-Oh! Has Been Reinvented as an Augmented Reality Card Game
Gym-Specific VR Fitness Plans
Gym-Specific VR Fitness Plans
The YMCA in Minneapolis Offers a Virtual Reality Workout