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Top 70 Social Media Trends in May

From Avatar Video Chat Apps to Social Home Video Challenges

— June 3, 2020 — Social Media
The rise of social media has never been more prevalent than during these social distancing times, and the May 2020 social media trends showcase how brands are pivoting their models to accommodate the shifting realities brought forth by COVID-19.

Many of the May 2020 social media trends underscore the importance of staying at home including a new initiative by GoPro. The camera brand launched a social media challenge named #HomePro that asks fans to use its camera equipment to showcase their at-home activities. Fans can use the hashtag on social media for a chance to win a Hero8 Black or Max camera, as well as access to GoPro Pus for five years.

Another brand making use of social media is film company Universal that recently launched hashtag-based watch parties for the early release of 'The Hunt,' 'The Invisible Man,' and 'Emma.' The feature allows fans to connect and interact while watching the same content apart.
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Test Site-Displaying Navigation Apps
Test Site-Displaying Navigation Apps
Apple Maps Will Now Show COVID-19 Testing Locations
Anti-Disruption Social Media Features
Anti-Disruption Social Media Features
Facebook Created a New Quiet Mode for Mobile Users
Virus-Related Social Media Chatbots
Virus-Related Social Media Chatbots
Facebook and the WHO Created a Chatbot for the Messenger App
Social Media Virus Surveys
Social Media Virus Surveys
Facebook and Carnegie Mellon Created a Survey to Track COVID-19
Organized Team Messaging Apps
Organized Team Messaging Apps
The Leverice Team Messenger App Prioritizes Important Information
Desktop-Compatible Direct Messages
Desktop-Compatible Direct Messages
Instagram Makes Direct Messages Available for Desktop Users
Hashtag-Based Watch Parties
Hashtag-Based Watch Parties
Universal Celebrates the Early Releases of Three New Movies
Dedicated Messenger App Releases
Dedicated Messenger App Releases
Facebook Launched a Desktop App Due to Increased Traffic
Monetized Social Live Streams
Monetized Social Live Streams
Facebook Has a New Streaming Feature Where Users Pay for Access
Live-Streamed Haunted House Tours
Live-Streamed Haunted House Tours
Weird Homes Tour Lived-Streamed the Hodge Planchette Collection
Virtual Draft Charitable Campaigns
Virtual Draft Charitable Campaigns
Bud Light Asks NFL Draft Viewers to Boo the NFL Commissioner
Multimedia-Compatible Social Platforms
Multimedia-Compatible Social Platforms
Pinterest Added New Software Tools to Empower Creatives
Smartwatch Social Media Apps
Smartwatch Social Media Apps
The Facebook Keep in Touch Apple Watch App Streamlines Communication
Branded Educational Videos
Branded Educational Videos
Pebbles is Launching a Social Media Series to Support Creators
At-Home Cocktail Inspirations
At-Home Cocktail Inspirations
Edinburgh Gin is Helping Turn Cupboard Ingredients into Cocktails
ASMR Celebrity Documentaries
ASMR Celebrity Documentaries
ASMR Singer Alaina Castillo Debuted a New Spotify Documentary
Bespoke Relaxing Video Soundscapes
Bespoke Relaxing Video Soundscapes
Old Pulteney Launched the 'From Couch to Coast' to Help Relax
Grocery-Branded Isolation Activites
Grocery-Branded Isolation Activites
Marianaos Debuted Virtual Events to Keep Customers Entertained
Intentionally Uninteresting Podcasts
Intentionally Uninteresting Podcasts
Ts&Zzz is a Podcast for Sleep That Reads Terms and Conditions
AI Interview Feedback Tools
AI Interview Feedback Tools
LinkedIn Created AI Tools for Users to Get Feedback on Soft Skills
Social Event Organization Apps
Social Event Organization Apps
The 'Husfest' Social Event Platform Streamlines Planning
AR Currency Scanning Filters
AR Currency Scanning Filters
The New Snapchat Filter Encourages Users to Donate to COVID-19 Relief
Accessible Virtual Hangouts
Accessible Virtual Hangouts
Facebook's Messenger Rooms are Open to Non-Facebook Users
LGBTQ+-Friendly Live Stream Quizzes
LGBTQ+-Friendly Live Stream Quizzes
The Big Pub Quiz! Show is Available Live Every Thursday at 7pm
Social Media-Integrated Browsers
Social Media-Integrated Browsers
The Latest Opera Desktop Browser Boasts Instagram as a Built-In
Historical Series-Themed ASMR Videos
Historical Series-Themed ASMR Videos
The 'Outlander' TV Network Debuted a Series of ASMR Videos
Branded Live Workout Videos
Branded Live Workout Videos
Michelob Ultra is Streaming Workouts to Help Support Trainers
Virtual Prom Parties
Virtual Prom Parties
#HousepartyProm Gives Teens a Chance to Celebrate with Friends Safely
Content Co-Watching Features
Content Co-Watching Features
The Instagram Co-Watching Feature Allows Friends to Browse Together
Podcast Hangout Platforms
Podcast Hangout Platforms
Virtual Podcast Hangouts By Podyssey Connect Fans Over Video Chat
Virtual Influencer Health Campaigns
Virtual Influencer Health Campaigns
The WHO Launched a Prevention Campaign with a Virtual Persona
Social Media Gaming Apps
Social Media Gaming Apps
Facebook is Launching a Dedicated Gaming App for Mobile Streaming
Virtual Wine Tastings
Virtual Wine Tastings
Walsh Family Wine is Hosting a Virtual Series Called DRINKWELL on Facebook
Video-Chat Podcasting Tools
Video-Chat Podcasting Tools
Anchor Lets Users Easily Turn Their Video-Calls Into Podcasts
Travel-Inspired T-Shirt Giveaways
Travel-Inspired T-Shirt Giveaways
Contiki and Teemill Joined Forces to Combat Fast Fashion
Daily Designed Restaurant Menus
Daily Designed Restaurant Menus
Narda Comedor Uses the Hashtag #ComedorEnCasa to Boast Sales
Live Pizza-Making Series
Live Pizza-Making Series
CAULIPOWER & CHILL. is a Weekly 15-Minute Pizza-Making Series
Social Media Virtual Concerts
Social Media Virtual Concerts
Fiat Chrysler Launches a Virtual Concert Series on Facebook Live
Hotel Social Distancing Ads
Hotel Social Distancing Ads is Offering to Pay for Your Next Food Delivery at Home
Self-Care Live Chat Series
Self-Care Live Chat Series
Netflix and Instagram Partner for the 'Wanna Talk About It?' Series
Communal Media-Streaming Services
Communal Media-Streaming Services
Metastream Allows Users to Watch or Listen to Content Together
Influencer-Focused Mother's Day Campaigns
Influencer-Focused Mother's Day Campaigns
Shapermint's Mother's Day Campaign Sees Early Success
Pig-Themed ASMR Channels
Pig-Themed ASMR Channels
ASMR Suna is a YouTube Channel That Features Adorable Piglets
Social Media Cooking Shows
Social Media Cooking Shows
Stella Artois is Launching an Instagram Cooking Show for Virus Relief
Multi-Generation Beauty Campaigns
Multi-Generation Beauty Campaigns
'Generations of Beauty' Fights Loneliness During the Pandemic
Social Media-Silencing Initiatives
Social Media-Silencing Initiatives
Facebook Quiet Mode Stops Notifications and More
Stress-Relieving ASMR Channels
Stress-Relieving ASMR Channels
Gibi ASMR is a YouTube Channel That Focuses on Role-play and Makeup
Virtual Graduation Ceremonies
Virtual Graduation Ceremonies
Natural Light Will Be Hosting a Virtual Ceremony on Facebook Live
Customizable Social Avatars
Customizable Social Avatars
Facebook Avatars are Digital Lookalikes That Enhance Communication
Grocery-Branded Virtual Events
Grocery-Branded Virtual Events
Supermarket Chain Kroger Debuted Weekly Stay-At-Home Online Events
Virtual Fashion Event Challenges
Virtual Fashion Event Challenges
Vogue and Billy Porter are Launching the #MetGalaChallenge
TV-Based Video Chat Platforms
TV-Based Video Chat Platforms
Facebook's Portal TV Enables Users to Chat, Co-Watch & More
Interactive Virus Mapping
Interactive Virus Mapping
Facebook Created an Interactive COVID-19 Map Based on Mass Survey Data
Social Home Video Challenges
Social Home Video Challenges
GoPro Launched a Social Media Challenge to Encourage Staying Inside
Pandemic-Themed ASMR Videos
Pandemic-Themed ASMR Videos
ASMR Darling Launched an Anxiety-Relieving, COVID-19 Video
Virtual Motherhood Communities
Virtual Motherhood Communities
Motherhood Maternity is Virtually Bringing Moms-to-Be Together
Friendly Recommendation Apps
Friendly Recommendation Apps
The 'Friendspire' App Helps Users Get Input from Friends on Topics
Real-Time Video-Sharing Apps
Real-Time Video-Sharing Apps
Kast Uses Screen Capture, Voice, Text, and Video Chat Technology
Virtual Co-Viewing Rooms
Virtual Co-Viewing Rooms
Watch2Gether Helps People Chat, Shop & Enjoy Audio & Video Content
Face-to-Face Social Media Networks
Face-to-Face Social Media Networks
The HouseParty App Boasts Calls, Texts, Games, & Screen-Sharing
Social Media Cocktail Competitions
Social Media Cocktail Competitions
The Cocktail Service Created The Drinkstagram Awards
VR-Based Co-Watching Platforms
VR-Based Co-Watching Platforms
Bigscreen TV & Bigscreen Cinema Brings People Together in VR
Digital Hangout Platforms
Digital Hangout Platforms
Kosmi's Platform is an All-in-One Digital Socializing Experience
Interactive True Crime Podcasts
Interactive True Crime Podcasts
Solve Uses Snapchat and Instagram to Supercharge Its Stories
App-Based Support Groups
App-Based Support Groups
The Lyf App is the World's Largest Virtual Support Group
Fashion-Forward Custom Gaming Experiences
Fashion-Forward Custom Gaming Experiences
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Engages Streetwear Fans
Neon Green Virtual Sofas
Neon Green Virtual Sofas
Crosby Studios Launched a Nike-Branded Augmented Reality Sofa
Empowering Pandemic Emojis
Empowering Pandemic Emojis
&Walsh Offers Comic Relief with a Set of Custom Designed Emojis
Avatar Video Chat Apps
Avatar Video Chat Apps
The Itsme App Helps Users Make New Snapchat Friends with a Digital Avatar
AR-Enabled Magazine Covers
AR-Enabled Magazine Covers
National Geographic Created Its First Augmented Reality Cover