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Top 100 Tech Trends in May

From Virtual Doppelganger Apps to Energy-Saving Facades

— May 24, 2015 — Tech
Efficient, eco-friendly and even effortless, these are all relevant descriptors for the top May 2015 tech trends. Yet the trends that stand out the most are the playful ones. For instance, the concept of a selfie has truly been taken to the next level through a new app called 'My Idol.' Narcissistically named, it turns people into their own virtual idol in a very convincing way.

Consumers may be obsessed with that app, but the majority of the top May 2015 tech trends revolves around leading healthy and sustainable lives. Whether that means adopting more environmentally conscious devices in the home or using pain-free medical essentials, designers have developed interesting tools that could make a huge different to people's lives in the near future. Then there are the fun 3D cheese printers to shake things up.
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Controversially Competitive Smartphones
Controversially Competitive Smartphones
LeTV's Le Superphone Hopes to Fight Apple's 'Tryanny'
Eco Branding Initiatives
Eco Branding Initiatives
Apple and The Conservation Fund Team Up to Encourage Sustainability
Brain Specimen Coasters
Brain Specimen Coasters
This Glass Coaster Set Creates a 3D 'Scan' of the Human Brain
Filtering Water Bottles
Filtering Water Bottles
Sukori by Fan Bao Brings Portability to Potability
LED Building Blocks
LED Building Blocks
Builds Upon are Light Up Bricks That Work with LEGO Pieces
Juice-Inspired Phone Chargers
Juice-Inspired Phone Chargers
This Tech Packaging Concept is Inspired by Grocery Items
Audiophile Headphone Amplifiers
Audiophile Headphone Amplifiers
The NuPrime is a High-Resolution Digital-to-Analog Converter
Merciless Mattress Cleaners
Merciless Mattress Cleaners
The Dyson V6 Sucks Up Dust Mites and Other Unsavories
Secure Table Saws
Secure Table Saws
The Bosch Reaxx Prevents Finger Accidents
Performance-Enhancing Sneakers
Performance-Enhancing Sneakers
New Balance is Using 3D Printing for Custom Sneaker Creation
Wearable Payment Bands
Wearable Payment Bands
An Alibaba and Xiaomi Partnership Challenges Conventional Retail Payments
Vintage Digital Collages
Vintage Digital Collages
These Digital Collage Illustrations by Laurindo Feliciano Are Timeless
Epic Sci-Fi Jetliners
Epic Sci-Fi Jetliners
The Star Wars X All Nippon Airways R2-d2 Plane is a Five-Year Project
Sporty Smart Goggles
Sporty Smart Goggles
The Jet HUD is a Pair of High-Tech Performance Goggles
Remote-Controlled Pterodactyls
Remote-Controlled Pterodactyls
The Flying Pterodactyl Realistically Flaps Its Wings and Screeches
Handmade Bicycle Kits
Handmade Bicycle Kits
JIGLESS is a 3D-Printed Kit for Building a Bicycle at Home
Oceanic Audio Accessories
Oceanic Audio Accessories
These Cord Holders Keep One Organized and Reference Nature's Beauty
NFC Skin Patches
NFC Skin Patches
Researchers are Developing NFC Tech to Collect and Send Bio-Medical Information
Metal-Printing Machines
Metal-Printing Machines
Vader is a Mighty Device That Creates with Molten Metal
8-Bit Camera Guns
8-Bit Camera Guns
Dmitry Morozov Creates a Fun Way to Take Photos and Instantly Print Them
Wearable Action Cameras
Wearable Action Cameras
The Panasonic HX-A1 is a Durable and Compact Wearable Camera
Medication Reminding Devices
Medication Reminding Devices
The Alzheimer's Pillbox is Designed to Increase Independence
Smart Stove Knobs
Smart Stove Knobs
The Mald Smart Knob Takes Over Your Stove
Industrial Novelty Watches
Industrial Novelty Watches
The Timeburner Pays Tribute to Early Combustion Engines
Retro 4K Cameras
Retro 4K Cameras
The Nikon 1 J5 Has Been Given a Retro Makeover
Strength-Giving Vests
Strength-Giving Vests
The CareJack Vest Helps Wearers Lift Heavy Loads Using Stored Kinetic Energy
Glowing Liqour Bottles
Glowing Liqour Bottles
The Limited Edition Skyy Vodka Electrifyy Bottle Glows to the Beat of Music
Time-Travelling Phone Cases
Time-Travelling Phone Cases
The DeLorean iPhone Case Will Bring You Back to the Future
Selfie Camera-Equipped Vehicles
Selfie Camera-Equipped Vehicles
The Honda Selfie Car May or May Not Be an April Fool's Day Joke
Better and Faster: Circularity
Better and Faster: Circularity
Jeremy Gutsche's Trends Innovation Keynote Discusses Intersection
Smart Payment Mugs
Smart Payment Mugs
Users Can Pay For Their Drinks Using the Environmentally Friendly Coffee Cup
Light Graffiti Photography
Light Graffiti Photography
Inspired Light by Patrick Rochon Transforms Infiniti Vehicles
Branded Workout Challenges
Branded Workout Challenges
Nike's Better For It Challenge Gets People Fit in 90 Days
Hybrid Makerspace Machines
Hybrid Makerspace Machines
BoXZY is an All-In-One 3D Printing Machine, CNC Mill and Engraver
Tech-Inspired Honest Posters
Tech-Inspired Honest Posters
Ajit Johnson Cleverly Depicts People's Dependence on Devices
Brick Record Players
Brick Record Players
This Functional LEGO Turntable is Made Almost Entirely Out of the Block Toys
Rainbow Cubed Art
Rainbow Cubed Art
Coen Kaayk Creates a World of Digital Cube-Like Art That Resembles Barcodes
Luxurious Smart Watches
Luxurious Smart Watches
The Olio Model One Has An All-In-One Design
Self-Expressing Smartwatches
Self-Expressing Smartwatches
The Noodoe is a DIY Wearable Creative Types Can Wholly Customize
Outfit-Creating Apps
Outfit-Creating Apps
Lovelooks Lets You Arrange New Clothing Combinations and Buy Them in App
3D-Printed Pixel Art
3D-Printed Pixel Art
Mark Bern's 2D Creations are Tranformed Into 3D Canvas Prints
Energy-Saving Facades
Energy-Saving Facades
This Smart Facade Blocks Light When Exposed to Strong Sunlight
Photochromatic Apparel
Photochromatic Apparel
Fashion and Tech Collide in the Photochromia Capsule Collection
Nanotech Toothbrushes
Nanotech Toothbrushes
The New Misoka Toothbrush Uses Ions to Clean Teeth Instead of Toothpaste
Undercover Distress Devices
Undercover Distress Devices
This Location Tracker Informs Loved Ones of Your Unsafe Circumstances
Calf Muscle-Relieving Exoskeletons
Calf Muscle-Relieving Exoskeletons
This Unpowered Ankle Exoskeleton Improves Walking Efficiency
Interactive Street Theatrics
Interactive Street Theatrics
This Astounding Theater Project by Xtnt Mirrors Google Street View
Pivot Air Purifiers
Pivot Air Purifiers
The Compact Zephyros Air Conditioner Rotates for 360-Degree Freshness
Touchscreen Tables
Touchscreen Tables
Ideum's Pro Lab Multitouch Table Features 24 Terabytes of Storage
Analog Smartwatches
Analog Smartwatches
This Horological Smartwatch Blends Classic Style and Connectivity
Jewelry Printing Platforms
Jewelry Printing Platforms
Trove Facilitates Custom Jewelry Creation In-Browser
Stone Smartphone Protectors
Stone Smartphone Protectors
Native Union Releases a One-of-a-Kind Marble iPhone Case
Effortless 3D Modeling Apps
Effortless 3D Modeling Apps
MakerBot PrintShop's Shape Maker Turns 2D Drawings into 3D Models
Collaborative Puzzle Chairs
Collaborative Puzzle Chairs
Makershop's Printed Chair Was Created by Over 70 Designers
3D-Printed Family Portraits
3D-Printed Family Portraits
Twindom Transforms Photographs Into 3D Sculptures
Concert LED Wristbands
Concert LED Wristbands
The Country Music Awards Lets Fans Rock Out with Hi-Tech Souvenirs
Makeover-Assisting Apps
Makeover-Assisting Apps
The YouCam Makeup App is a Virtual Cosmetic Kit
Digital Makeup Artists
Digital Makeup Artists
MODA by Foreo 3D Prints Complete Cosmetic Looks in 30 Seconds
Cheese 3D Printers
Cheese 3D Printers
Andrew Maxfield-Parish Creates a Cheap and Clever Dairy Processor
Conductive Ink Keyboards
Conductive Ink Keyboards
Inko iPad Case is a Smooth Leather Tablet Accessory with Drawn Circuitry
Kids' Programmable Pendants
Kids' Programmable Pendants
Linkitz are Wearable Hi-Tech Puzzle Pieces That Respond to Commands
Backpack BBQ Grills
Backpack BBQ Grills
The GoBQ is a Foldable Fabric Grill That Can Withstand High Temperatures
Portable Media Projectors
Portable Media Projectors
Lenovo's Mobile Projector is Designed for Streaming on the Go
Smart Hand Prosthetics
Smart Hand Prosthetics
The Handiii 3D Printed Bionic Arm Uses a Smartphone to Control Movement
Laser-Firing Drones
Laser-Firing Drones
Patrick Priebe's Laser Drone Can Shoot and Burn Things
Popsicle Handset Protectors
Popsicle Handset Protectors
A Stick Phone Holder Makes Gripping Your Mobile Easier for All Tasks
Portable Color Lamps
Portable Color Lamps
The Philips Hue Go Lamp Includes 16 Million Colors
Luxurious Stone Electronics
Luxurious Stone Electronics
The Clique Small Objects Collection Blends Marble with Technology
Better and Faster: Redirection
Better and Faster: Redirection
This Speech on Innovation by Jeremy Gutsche Overviews a Key Pattern
Electric Aircraft Engines
Electric Aircraft Engines
Siemens' Prototype Electric Aircraft Motor is Surprisingly Powerful
Handy Electric Lighters
Handy Electric Lighters
The Illume ArcLighter Can Initiate Flames in Style and Without Fluid
QR Code Stamps
QR Code Stamps
The Variable 2D Bar Code Seal Pulls Digital Info From Your Phone and Imprints It
3D-Printed Solar Engines
3D-Printed Solar Engines
Andreas Haeuser's DIY Solar Energy Panels Have a Low-Temperature Engine
Smart Kitchen Countertops
Smart Kitchen Countertops
The Countertop by Orange Chef System Connects to the Apple Watch
Cinematic Action Shot Kits
Cinematic Action Shot Kits
The Joby Action Jib Kit Lets You Capture Cinematic Action Shots
Eco Coffee Pods
Eco Coffee Pods
The Droops Coffeemaker Would Use Dissolvable Java Capsules for Responsible Brewing
Better and Faster: Acceleration
Better and Faster: Acceleration
Innovation Keynote Speaker Jeremy Gutsche Shares Pattern Shortcuts
Chic Blood Sugar Bands
Chic Blood Sugar Bands
Hi-Tech Wearable Accessory Measures Glucose Levels by a Futuristic Fashion
Interactive Footwear Displays
Interactive Footwear Displays
Munich Sports' Interactive Displays Use RFID Technology
Fire-Starting Pens
Fire-Starting Pens
The Endure Survival Pen Can Start Fires and Shoot Flares
Intimate Celeb Portraits
Intimate Celeb Portraits
Photographer Andreas Laszlo Konrath Captures Hollywood's A-List Actors
Futuristic Rocking Chairs
Futuristic Rocking Chairs
Durotaxis by Alvin Huang is Made Using 3D-Printing Technology
Free Vending Machines
Free Vending Machines
Innovative Vending Solutions Encourages People to Tweet for Snacks
Desert Water Makers
Desert Water Makers
This Innovative Concept Imagines Gathering H2O in the Driest Conditions
Tech-Assisted Responsive Apparel
Tech-Assisted Responsive Apparel
Ruff Uses 3D Printed Smart Fabric to Interact with the Body
Smart Artisan Coffeemakers
Smart Artisan Coffeemakers
The Poppy Pour-Over Coffee Machine Automatically Orders Beans When Low
Anti-Gravity Phone Cases
Anti-Gravity Phone Cases
Zero G Turns iPhones into Hands Free Devices
Supersonic Cargo Planes
Supersonic Cargo Planes
The PAK TA Heavy Transport Craft Concept Will Fly At 2,000 KM/H
Cyclist-Protecting Campaigns
Cyclist-Protecting Campaigns
The Volvo Life Paint Makes Bikes and Helmets Much More Visible
Complete USB-Sized Computers
Complete USB-Sized Computers
The Google and ASUS Chromebit Turns Monitors into Working Computers
Autonomous Planters
Autonomous Planters
This Self-Watering Planter is Perfect for Forgetful Users
Autonomous Electric Vehicles
Autonomous Electric Vehicles
The Chevrolet FNR Concept Appeals to Young Chinese Consumers
Virtual Doppelganger Apps
Virtual Doppelganger Apps
The My Idol App Lets Users Create a Digital Version of Themselves
Virtual Vino Pop-Ups
Virtual Vino Pop-Ups
This Virtual Wine Vending Machine Pop-Up is Inside a Subway Station
Crystalline 3D-Printed Shoes
Crystalline 3D-Printed Shoes
Iris van Herpen's Bespoke Shoes Blend Natural & Man-Made Forms
Interactive Travel Agencies
Interactive Travel Agencies
The Addin Store Has Tourism Displays That Customize to Dream Vacations
Website-Inspired Stores
Website-Inspired Stores
Web-Enabled Retail Displays Update Constantly with Online Content
Smart Greenhouses
Smart Greenhouses
The SmartGreenHouse Offers a Twist on Urban Gardening
3D-Printed High Heels
3D-Printed High Heels
The 'Re-Inventing Shoes' Project Explores 3D-Printing For Shoe Design
Cafe-Inspired Tech Offices
Cafe-Inspired Tech Offices
This San Francisco Office Takes Its Design Cues from Coffee Shops