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Top 100 Lifestyle Trends in February

From Sci-Fi Cruise Events to Branded Fitness Pop-Ups

— February 27, 2016 — Lifestyle
These February 2016 lifestyle trends range from sci-fi cruise events to branded fitness pop-ups that encourage participants to get active anywhere. When it comes to health and well-being, standouts include pop-up wellness shops and plus-sized activewear collections that let women of all shapes embrace their curves.

In the food and beverage realm, innovations like organic hard candy treats and wine discovery stores are appealing to niche demographics. While naturally sourced confections let health-conscious foodies indulge without the guilt, hyper-personalized liquor retailers let patrons sample wine and beer blends while learning about where and how a particular product is made.

Additional February 2016 lifestyle trends include outdoor gear examples like kid-focused crossfit equipment that encourages active play along with lightning-proof tents that keep campers safe during stormy weather conditions.
Painterly Swatch Candies
Painterly Swatch Candies
These Dessert Pairings are Matched to Famed Pantone Colors
Data-Tracking Sneakers
Data-Tracking Sneakers
Under Armour's Gemini 2 is the First of Its Kind and Previewed at CES 2016
Pot Party Bus Services
Pot Party Bus Services
The 'High There Hopper' Will Shuttle Tourists Between Dispensaries
Nashville-Inspired Chicken Dishes
Nashville-Inspired Chicken Dishes
This Chain is Offering Its Own Take on a Nashville Specialty
Solid Steel Openers
Solid Steel Openers
The Machine Era Bottle Opener Would Be Your Most Robust Bar Implement
Sci-Fi Cruise Experiences
Sci-Fi Cruise Experiences
Disney's 'Star Wars Day at Sea' Features Themed Food and Events
One-Cup Coffee Brewers
One-Cup Coffee Brewers
The Drop by Drop No Pressure Coffee Machine Preserves Flavor and Aroma
Colorful Tea Cocktails
Colorful Tea Cocktails
Pantone & Mixologists Across North America Created These Colorful Cocktails
Muscle-Measuring Devices
Muscle-Measuring Devices
The 'Skulpt Chisel' Measures a User's Body Fat and Muscle Quality
Window Pane Cat Beds
Window Pane Cat Beds
The 'Kitty Cot' Cat Perch Creates a Place for Cats that's Space-Saving
Submariner Smartphone Cases
Submariner Smartphone Cases
The Submersible Waterproof Case is Prepared for Scuba Divers
Fish Tank Seating Solutions
Fish Tank Seating Solutions
The 'Aqua Sofa' is a Sofa Concept that Incorporates Aquatic Pets
Floating Forest Initiatives
Floating Forest Initiatives
Rotterdam Will Install a "Bobbing Forest" in 2016 for a Greener City
Casual Rooftop Beer Gardens
Casual Rooftop Beer Gardens
Kimoto is a Rooftop Beer Garden Located in Downtown Brooklyn
Tech-Conscious Sport Brands
Tech-Conscious Sport Brands
The New Balance Digital Sport Division is Announced at CES 2016
Repurposed Garment Leggings
Repurposed Garment Leggings
ZuVi Eco-Friendly Activewear Leggings are Made from Recycled Polyester
Handmade Wine Packaging
Handmade Wine Packaging
Moonberry Branding Was Lovingly Crafted for a Creative Agency's Clients
Fast Food Lettuce Burgers
Fast Food Lettuce Burgers
Red Robin Will Sell the 'Wedgie Burger,' A Patty Inside Lettuce
Intimate Lounge Bars
Intimate Lounge Bars
This Palermo Bar is a Daytime Cafeteria and Nighttime Lounge Bar
Edible Pop Bottles
Edible Pop Bottles
The Solid Coke Turns the Carbonated Beverage into a Solid Consumable Form
NYC Borough Coasters
NYC Borough Coasters
This NYC Coaster Set is a Must-have for Big Apple Obsessives
Fruity Floral Simple Syrups
Fruity Floral Simple Syrups
This Trio of Cocktail Syrups Includes Fruit and Floral Blends
Tree-Themed Running Shoes
Tree-Themed Running Shoes
The Latest Air Huarache by Nike Reveals a Nature-Inspired Design
Psychedelic Eco-Friendly Activewear
Psychedelic Eco-Friendly Activewear
teeki Yoga Gear is Crafted from Recycled Water Bottles
Free-Standing Wine Cellars
Free-Standing Wine Cellars
The Sommi Offers an Antiquated Wine Room that Can be Added to Any Home
Healthy Multi-Position Pillows
Healthy Multi-Position Pillows
The Two-Position Sleeper Pillow Inhibits Tossing and Turning
Lightning-Proof Tents
Lightning-Proof Tents
The 'Bolt' Tent Protective Shelter Shields Adventurers from the Elements
Emotion-Tracking Wearables
Emotion-Tracking Wearables
Sentio Solutions' Feel Band is Being Unveiled at CES 2016
Hi-Tech Yoga Pants
Hi-Tech Yoga Pants
The Nadi Tights Actively Helps to Correct Poses for Proper Form
Ergonomic Yoga Blocks
Ergonomic Yoga Blocks
The Curved Shape of 'Bhoga' Blocks Help Yogis Deepen Their Practice
WiFi-Free Language Translators
WiFi-Free Language Translators
The ili Translator is a Necklace Set to Be Revealed at CES 2016
Barrel-Aged Spirits Kits
Barrel-Aged Spirits Kits
This Spirit-Aging Kit Introduces a Barrel-Free Aging Method
Versatile Plus-Size Activewear
Versatile Plus-Size Activewear
Forever 21's Newest Collection Celebrates First Plus-Size Fitness
Branded Bike-Share Programs
Branded Bike-Share Programs
Nike BIKETOWN is a Joint Initiative with the City of Portland
Multifunctional Workout Desks
Multifunctional Workout Desks
The Rebel Treadmill Desk Provides a Dual Experience for Workers
Hyper-Real Packaging Illustrations
Hyper-Real Packaging Illustrations
Biji Coffee Company's Branding Features Hyper-Real Portraits
Customizable Jar Aquariums
Customizable Jar Aquariums
These Sleek Fish Tank Bowls are Minimal and Personalized to the Owner
Burger Sauce Vending Machines
Burger Sauce Vending Machines
McDonald's Australia is Offering Bottled Big Mac Sauce to Patrons
Rigorous Fitness Communities
Rigorous Fitness Communities
SBC Members Can Customize Healthy Diet Plans and Access a Digital Gym
Liquid Mint Dispensers
Liquid Mint Dispensers
Momints' Mint Tube Packaging Securely Transports Gel-Filled Liquid Capsules
Fashionable High-Performance Leggings
Fashionable High-Performance Leggings
K-DEER's Stylish and Eco Fitness Gear Improves Performance
Eccentric Open-Kitchen Lounges
Eccentric Open-Kitchen Lounges
This Budapest Bar is Perfect for Enjoying a Drink with a Big Group
Smoke-Free Indoor Grills
Smoke-Free Indoor Grills
The Homping Indoor Barbecue is Designed with Urban Dwellers in Mind
Mess-Free Coffee Brewers
Mess-Free Coffee Brewers
The 'American Press' Provides a Hands-On Coffee-Brewing Experience
Metal-Latticed Mezcal Bars
Metal-Latticed Mezcal Bars
This Mezcal Bar in Oaxaca Features a Stunning Interior Facade
Slow-Paced Lifestyle Eateries
Slow-Paced Lifestyle Eateries
Yoshinoya is a New Taipei Restaurant with a Relaxing Atmosphere
Cylindrical Fish Tanks
Cylindrical Fish Tanks
The Norrom Aquarium Modernizes the Classic Design in a Chic Way
Romantic Dual Jacuzzis
Romantic Dual Jacuzzis
This Bathroom Tub Design is Meant to House Two People Side-by-Side
Ultra-Reflective Activewear
Ultra-Reflective Activewear
These Reflective Garments are Designed for Running and Biking at Night
Commuter-Delight Brand Events
Commuter-Delight Brand Events
This Celebrity Cruises Activation Delighted Consumers on Blue Monday
Stylish Compression Tights
Stylish Compression Tights
The Nike Power Speed Tight Helps People Run Faster
Canine Hammock Beds
Canine Hammock Beds
The Howelpot Pet Hammock Offers a Lounging Rest Area for Dogs
Discreet Prohibition-Inspired Bars
Discreet Prohibition-Inspired Bars
The Bootlegger is a New Speakeasy Located in London
Luxe Activewear Collections (UPDATE)
Luxe Activewear Collections (UPDATE)
Tory Burch's 'Tory Sport' Puts a High-End Spin on Activewear
Shrouded Skincare Shops
Shrouded Skincare Shops
The Second Aesop Taipei Shop is Located in the Hip Neighborhood of Daan
Exercising Desk Striders
Exercising Desk Striders
The WIRK Orbit Turns Sitting Stationary at a Desk into a Workout
Smoke-Curbing Cigarette Boxes
Smoke-Curbing Cigarette Boxes
RegulSmoke's Smoking-Stopper Controls and Curbs Cigarette Intake
LED-Embedded Hammocks
LED-Embedded Hammocks
The ENO DoubleNest LED Hammock Camp Bed Provides Comfort in the Wilderness
Premium Greek Oil Packaging
Premium Greek Oil Packaging
'PROTON' Premium Olive Oil is Encased in a Ceramic Bottle
Kids Crossfit Equipment
Kids Crossfit Equipment
The HearthSong Rope Climber Lets Kids Train and Play at the Same Time
Healthy Pet Food Bowls
Healthy Pet Food Bowls
The Buster 'Dog Maze' Dog Food Bowl Prevents Canines from Eating Too Fast
Clandestine Retro Speakeasies
Clandestine Retro Speakeasies
This Hong Kong Speakeasy is Hidden Behind a Stamp Shop
Botanical Organic Hard Candies
Botanical Organic Hard Candies
Sweet Botanicals is an Organic Hard Candy Brand with Style
Whimsical Patisserie Branding
Whimsical Patisserie Branding
Patisserie Ludwig is Replicates the Parisian Experience in Karlsruhe
NYC-Inspired Lifestyle Shops
NYC-Inspired Lifestyle Shops
BAY is a New York City-Inspired Lifestyle Shop in Vejle, Denmark
Sophisticated Performance Sportswear
Sophisticated Performance Sportswear
The Newest Lacoste Sport Collection Fuses Function and Style
Retro Futuristic Toasters
Retro Futuristic Toasters
The Tix Toaster Appliances Offer Nine Different Bread Cooking Settings
Meditative Chocolate Bar Branding
Meditative Chocolate Bar Branding
Hush Chocolate Boasts Relaxing Patterns in Pastel Hues
Customizable Tea Startups
Customizable Tea Startups
Indian Chai Cafe Chaayos Hopes to Honor Their Heritage With Desi Chai
Vibrant In-Store Restaurants
Vibrant In-Store Restaurants
The Botanic Kitchen is a Nature-infused In-Store Restaurant Concept
Dog Drinking Fountains
Dog Drinking Fountains
The Pawcet Provides an Easy Way for Pooches to Gain Backyard Hydration
Chai Tea Delivery Startups
Chai Tea Delivery Startups
Chai Point Offers On-Demand Chai Delivery to Four Indian Cities
Wine Discovery Stores
Wine Discovery Stores
This Winestore Features Clever Signage and an Interactive Tasting Station
Branded Skate Park Pop-Ups
Branded Skate Park Pop-Ups
The Nike SB Garage Recently Opened Its Doors in Brooklyn
Dual-Use Camping Equipment
Dual-Use Camping Equipment
The Apex Camping Shelter is Either a Hammock or a Tent to Suit Needs
Pop-Up Wellness Outlets
Pop-Up Wellness Outlets
The Newest Version of the STORY Retail Space is Themed After Health
Holiday Candy Pawnshop Pop-Ups
Holiday Candy Pawnshop Pop-Ups
The Skittles Holiday Pawn Shop Trades Candy for Unwanted Gifts
Sprawling Italian Food Markets
Sprawling Italian Food Markets
Eataly Munich is the Latest in the Empire's Growing List of Stores
Bespoke Mixology Kits
Bespoke Mixology Kits
This Ralph Lauren Vanderbilt Mixologist Box Boasts a Rosewood Construction
Upscale Indoor Food Markets
Upscale Indoor Food Markets
DekaMarkt's 'World of Food' is a Sophisticated Grocery Store Market
Curbside Cupboard Pop-Ups
Curbside Cupboard Pop-Ups
This KD Pop-Up Celebrated the Launch of the Brand's New Name
Geometrical Rock Candy Packaging
Geometrical Rock Candy Packaging
This Paper Candy Packaging Makes Rock Candy Portable
Wooden Cupcake Transporters
Wooden Cupcake Transporters
The CakeBox is Perfect for Transporting a Cake or Cupcakes
Futuristic Fresh Food Shops
Futuristic Fresh Food Shops
This Madrid Food Shop Only Sells Bread, Fish and Meat
Anti-Debt Housing
Anti-Debt Housing
The 'Porta Palace' is a Small Mobile Home that Rebels Against Mortgages
Experimental Coffee Shops
Experimental Coffee Shops
This Cafe Offers Unusual Coffee Drinks Made from Premium Beans
Revamped Fast Food Packaging
Revamped Fast Food Packaging
The New McDonald's Packaging Will Be Launched in 2016
Traditional Culinary Boutiques
Traditional Culinary Boutiques
Romanian Flavors is a Bucharest Grocery Store with Style
Health-Monitoring Patches
Health-Monitoring Patches
The 'BioStamp' Premiered at CES 2016
Crack-Preventing Egg Packaging
Crack-Preventing Egg Packaging
The EGG6 Egg Carton Box Preserves the Shell With a Mattress Box
Animal-Human Hybrid Portraits
Animal-Human Hybrid Portraits
The Animeyed Series Showcases a Woman Sharing Her Eye with Creatures
Winter-Themed Whiskey Pop-Ups
Winter-Themed Whiskey Pop-Ups
The Hedonist Project and Diageo Launch a Festive Holiday Bar
Festive Chocolate-Covered Pop-Ups
Festive Chocolate-Covered Pop-Ups
The Cadbury Christmas Grotto is Part of Its UK Advent Tour
Luxe Boxing Gyms
Luxe Boxing Gyms
'The Burrow' is a Stylish Boxing Gym That Blends Retro and Modern Aesthetics
Vibrantly Branded Juice Detoxes
Vibrantly Branded Juice Detoxes
DETOX3 is a Detoxifying Juice Brand Based in Barcelona
Boutique Boxing Gyms
Boutique Boxing Gyms
'Shadowbox' in New York City Boasts a Rustic and Upscale Aesthetic
Branded Fitness Park Pop-Ups
Branded Fitness Park Pop-Ups
This Reebok Pop-Up Brings the Gym Outside in London
Discreet Engagement Ring Boxes
Discreet Engagement Ring Boxes
This Thin Ring Box Helps Users Keep Their Upcoming Proposal Secret
Versatile Camping Trailers
Versatile Camping Trailers
The TigerMoth Camper Trailer Provides Ample Amenities for Campers
Female Sexuality Start-Ups
Female Sexuality Start-Ups
OMGYes is a Bay Area Start-Up Aimed at Empowering Female Sexuality