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Top 100 Lifestyle Trends in August

From Furniture Brand Food Trucks to Edible Alcoholic Bubbles

— August 26, 2016 — Lifestyle
These August 2016 lifestyle trends range from furniture brand food trucks to edible alcohol bubbles that take the popular fad of molecular mixology to new heights. When looking at the month's most notable food and beverage innovations, standouts include zesty mineral waters and gourmet ice cream tacos that combine unexpected ingredients to create a new flavor hybrid.

When examining the world of sports, sophisticated snorkeling masks and female-centric skateboarder photographs are some of this month's most notable examples. The latter -- photographer Hannah Bailey's 'The Free Life' image series gives women in a male-dominated sport a platform to showcase their skills and passion for skateboarding.

Celebrity breakup insurance and tattooed wedding rings round off this list of August 2016 lifestyle innovations and illustrate Millennials' appreciation for non-traditional displays of romance.
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Fast Food Home Delivery
Fast Food Home Delivery
McDonald's is Now Offering McDelivery in New Zealand
Spontaneous Soda Ads
Spontaneous Soda Ads
Coca-Cola's Ad With Jordan Spieth Takes a Creative Turn
Plant-Based Meal Planners
Plant-Based Meal Planners
Lighter's Personalized Meal Plans Reject the Standard American Diet
Extra-Large Camping Hammocks
Extra-Large Camping Hammocks
This Durable Hammock is Longer and Wider Than Comparable Products
Olympian Volleyball Uniforms
Olympian Volleyball Uniforms
Lululemon Created Clothing for Athletes at the Rio Summer Olympics
Coffee Brand Film Clubs
Coffee Brand Film Clubs
Roof Top Film Club is Hosting Movie Nights for Nespresso Club Members
Sidewalk-Embedded Street Signs
Sidewalk-Embedded Street Signs
Sydney is Installing Ground Traffic Lights for Phone Holders
Striking Shark Cocktails
Striking Shark Cocktails
This Beverage Recreates a Drinkable Shark Attack to Celebrate Shark Week
Celebrity Breakup Insurance
Celebrity Breakup Insurance
Taobao is Offering Insurance Based on Taylor Swift's Love Life
Succulent Cheese Steak Sandwiches
Succulent Cheese Steak Sandwiches
Country Deli's Philly Cheese Steak is a Mouthwatering Delight
Glowing Barware Accessories
Glowing Barware Accessories
Jakobsen Design's Glow-In-The-Dark Barware Accessory Embodies Elegance
Solar Hot Dog Roasters
Solar Hot Dog Roasters
This Solar Cooking Device Roasts Hot Dogs to Perfection Without Any Fuel
Color-Coded Soccer Posters
Color-Coded Soccer Posters
Sean Ford Recreated the UEFA Euro Teams with Simplistic Graphic Designs
Halal Confectionery Stores
Halal Confectionery Stores
'Blossom & Bean' Sells Halal Marshmallows and Gummy Candy
Health-Tracking Headphones
Health-Tracking Headphones
This Device Supplies Its Wearer with Informative Health Updates
Turbocharged Racing Drones
Turbocharged Racing Drones
The Falcon FPV300 Helps You Stay Ahead Of the Competition
Weight Loss Eyeglasses
Weight Loss Eyeglasses
These 3D-Printed Glasses Monitor Use of the Chewing Muscles
Athletic Innovation Labs
Athletic Innovation Labs
Under Armour’s New Product Design Facility Uses Robots
Printed Robot Salamanders
Printed Robot Salamanders
Thsi 3D-Printed Animal Replicates the Movements of an Amphibian
Mexican Microbrewery Concierges
Mexican Microbrewery Concierges
Personally Selected Mexican Microbreweries Catered Every Week
Superfood Produce Popsicles
Superfood Produce Popsicles
The Eat Pops 'Restore' and 'Green Detox' Ice Pops Contain Raw Veggies
Zesty Mineral Water
Zesty Mineral Water
Mattoni's Mineral Water Drinks Come in Lemon, Orange and Grapefruit Flavors
Food Decoration Spoons
Food Decoration Spoons
The HocuSpoon Uses Stencils to Artfully Transfer Spices to Food and Drinks
Multi-Functional Small Coolers
Multi-Functional Small Coolers
This Bottle is Well Insulated and Can Even Mix Drinks
Tennis Ball Speakers
Tennis Ball Speakers
HearO Gives Championship Tennis Balls New Life as Portable Audio Players
Chef-Curated Meal Services
Chef-Curated Meal Services
'Real Life Food' Provides Fresh Prepped Foods for Busy Lifestyles
Artificial Memory Implants
Artificial Memory Implants
'Neurofeedback' Allows False Memories to Be Added to the Brain
3D-Printed Pizzas
3D-Printed Pizzas
Beehex 3D Makes Uniquely Shaped Pizzas with Additive Manufacturing
Boozy Coffee Popsicle Recipes
Boozy Coffee Popsicle Recipes
These Homemade Coconut Coffee Ice Pops Contain Kahlua As Well
Wizardly Breakfast Experiences
Wizardly Breakfast Experiences
The 'Breakfast at Hogwarts' Experience Lets Fans Dine Like Wizards
Ultra-Healthy Burgers
Ultra-Healthy Burgers
The 'Nutri-Burger' is Branded as the World's Healthiest Burger
Candy-Coated Popcorn
Candy-Coated Popcorn
Retro Corn Combines Candy and Popcorn for Snacking
Bespoke Soap Ordering Services
Bespoke Soap Ordering Services
The Soapy Soap Company Provides Custom Soaps with Vegan Ingredients
Kid Meal Deliveries
Kid Meal Deliveries
Startup Tuckrbox Allows Children to Design and Enjoy Healthy Lunchboxes
Self-Freezing Sodas
Self-Freezing Sodas
The 'Super Chill!! Coca-Cola' Vending Machine Offers the Beverage in Ice Form
Cone-Topped Ice Creams
Cone-Topped Ice Creams
The 'Little Mostro' Cone Offers a Unique Flavors Topped with Mini Cones
Body Image Photo Campaigns
Body Image Photo Campaigns
A Student Created Photos That Magnify Body Image Issues that Girls Face
Miniature Superfood Farms
Miniature Superfood Farms
Malgorzata Blachnicka Created a Farming System Designed for Counter Tops
Fresh Italian Food Trucks
Fresh Italian Food Trucks
This Fresh Food Truck is Run by a Real Italian Prince
Local Labeling Systems
Local Labeling Systems
'Localize' Uses Local Food Labels to Help Consumers Support Their Community
Rosé Wine Gummies
Rosé Wine Gummies
Sugarfina's Rosé All Day Rosé-Infused Gummy Bears are an Elegant Summer Treat
Tonic-Infused Sparkling Water
Tonic-Infused Sparkling Water
'Sparkling Bitters' Makes Sparkling Water Flavored with Bitters
Grotesque Anti-Smoking Ads
Grotesque Anti-Smoking Ads
These Collaged Images of Smoking Effects Aim to Deter Addicted Users
Dairy-Based Energy Drinks
Dairy-Based Energy Drinks
Live Real Farms' Dairy Drink Puts a New Spin on Energy Beverages
Affordable Fitness Trackers
Affordable Fitness Trackers
The Garmin Vívofit Fitness Band is Simple, Long-Lasting and Motivating
Ghost-Themed Burger Menus
Ghost-Themed Burger Menus
J.S. BURGERS CAFE Created a Colorful Ghostbusters Menu for the Film
Durable Waterproof Bags
Durable Waterproof Bags
Showers Pass's 'Cloudcover' Line is Rugged and Waterproof
Stock Market-Inspired Bars
Stock Market-Inspired Bars
Asia's 'Wolf Market' Lets Patrons Drive the Prices of Drinks Up or Down
Healthy Dog Subscription Boxes
Healthy Dog Subscription Boxes
Barkables' Subscription for Dogs Delivers Beneficial Treats Monthly
Luxurious Floating Mattresses
Luxurious Floating Mattresses
The Casper Mattress Floatie is the Brand's Latest Product Offering
Portable Pneumatic Casts
Portable Pneumatic Casts
Consumers Can Set Fractures Using the 'AirCast' Without Medical Training
Pour-Over Coffee Stands
Pour-Over Coffee Stands
The 'Professor' Stand Was Created with Both Design and Function in Mind
Experiential Event Services
Experiential Event Services
'Joymode' Supplies Everything Needed to Create Memorable Experiences
Intricate Whimsical Cakes
Intricate Whimsical Cakes
These Cakes Were Inspired by Fairy Tales and Nature
Cold-Pressed Chia Seed Drinks
Cold-Pressed Chia Seed Drinks
These Cold-Pressed Juices are Packed with Superfood Ingredients
Colorful Condiment Jars
Colorful Condiment Jars
These Sweet and Savory Condiments are Made with a Unique Ingredient
Connected Cycling Devices
Connected Cycling Devices
'Beakor' Brings the Internet of Things to Urban Cyclists
Selfie Coffee Cups
Selfie Coffee Cups
Lavazza Serves Special Coffee to People Waiting in Queue for Tickets
Gourmet Ice Cream Tacos
Gourmet Ice Cream Tacos
Dominique Ansel's Latest Creation is a Sweet Ice Cream Taco
Fungi-Cultivating Coffee Makers
Fungi-Cultivating Coffee Makers
The HIFA Drink Brewing System Recycles Coffee Grounds into Plants
Healthy Antioxidant Gummies
Healthy Antioxidant Gummies
ARYA's Daily Chewy Gummy Products are Enriched with a Curcumin Formula
Furniture Brand Food Trucks
Furniture Brand Food Trucks
The #TogetherWeEat Campaign Has a Truck That Serves Food from IKEA
Female Skateboarder Photography
Female Skateboarder Photography
Hannah Bailey Pays Tribute to Women Boarders In 'The Free Life'
Dog-Friendly Office Spaces
Dog-Friendly Office Spaces
Kurgo Allows Workers to Bring Pets to Work to Interact with Products
Expansive Folding Canoes
Expansive Folding Canoes
The Onak Canoe Offers Room For Three People Plus Their Gear
Tree-Preserving Bike Racks
Tree-Preserving Bike Racks
These Multi-Use Racks Help in Fighting the Mountain Pine Beetle Problem
Nutritionally Balanced Snacks
Nutritionally Balanced Snacks
The New Balanced Breaks Snacks are Made for Nutritious Snacking
Retro Arcade Consoles
Retro Arcade Consoles
'Dreamcade Replay' Offers Thousands of Classic Game Titles for Free
Decadent Dessert Pizzas
Decadent Dessert Pizzas
Baskin-Robbins' New Polar Pizza Puts a Warm Weather Twist on Pizza
Ice Pack-Shaped Bottles
Ice Pack-Shaped Bottles
The Jägermeister 'Coolpack' Helps Consumers Drink from a Chilled Bottle
Birthday Cake Croissants
Birthday Cake Croissants
The Birthday Cake Croissant is For People Who Love Celebratory Pastry
Inspirational Superfood Packaging
Inspirational Superfood Packaging
TruVibe's Superfood Products are Packed to Motivate and Inspire
American Anime Cafes
American Anime Cafes
The Hello Kitty Cafe is Now is Opening as a Semi-Permanent LA Cafe
Politically Surreal Street Art
Politically Surreal Street Art
'Trump X Magritte' Mixes the Politician into the Surrealist's Ouvre
Smart Meditative Headbands
Smart Meditative Headbands
'Elf mmmit' is a Smart Wearable Device That Relieves Stress as Its Worn
Posture-Improving Chairs
Posture-Improving Chairs
The Sprang Chair Promotes Dynamic Sitting For Better Health
Miniature Engagement Photos
Miniature Engagement Photos
Ekkachai Saelow Shows Couples as Mini Characters in Fantasy Worlds
Luxury Campground Communities
Luxury Campground Communities
The 'AutoCamp' Transitions People into Small Home living
Candy Bar-Flavored Desserts
Candy Bar-Flavored Desserts
These Frozen Desserts are Inspired by Popular Chocolate Brands
Rugged Teardrop Trailers
Rugged Teardrop Trailers
This Off Highway Vehicle is Designed For Bold Outdoor Exploration
Colorful Superfood Branding
Colorful Superfood Branding
These Superfoods Are Packaged With Youthful Designs
Cat-Carrying Hoodies
Cat-Carrying Hoodies
These Cat Hoodies Were Made to Comfortably Carry Pets in the Summer Months
3D-Printed Face Masks
3D-Printed Face Masks
Facade Urbane Transforms Ordinary Air-Filtering Masks Into Art
Mineral-Themed Wedding Cakes
Mineral-Themed Wedding Cakes
These Geode Wedding Cakes Put a Twist on Traditional Cake Designs
Modular Jet Drives
Modular Jet Drives
The Bixpy Jet Drive Promises Improved Watersport Performance
Redesigned Snorkeling Masks
Redesigned Snorkeling Masks
These Snorkeling Masks Make Practice Much Easier
Mixed-Gender Saunas
Mixed-Gender Saunas
This Finnish Sauna Lets Men and Women Bathe Together
Tattooed Wedding Rings
Tattooed Wedding Rings
These Matching Tattoos are an Unconventional Alternative to Rings
Edible Alcoholic Bubbles
Edible Alcoholic Bubbles
The Bubble Lick Edible Bubbles are a Creative New Cocktail Garnish
Sustainable Coffee Carts
Sustainable Coffee Carts
'Nespresso on Wheels' Shares Nespresso Coffee Pods' Recycling Efforts
Prenatal Monitoring Devices
Prenatal Monitoring Devices
The 'Thread' System Gives Parents Pregnancy Updates
Circular Coffee Machines
Circular Coffee Machines
This Coffee Machine Concept Was Inspired by Dyson
Stretchable Beach Blankets
Stretchable Beach Blankets
Beach Bottoms is a Compact and Stretchable Beach Blanket
Futuristic Levitating Drinkware
Futuristic Levitating Drinkware
This Flying Cup Defies Gravity
Amorous Interracial Portraits
Amorous Interracial Portraits
Nude Photographs of This Elderly Interracial Couple Have Gone Viral
Disability-Conscious Cookware
Disability-Conscious Cookware
The 'Oneware' Series Makes Cooking a One-Handed Task
Dessert-Filled Croissants
Dessert-Filled Croissants
Churned Creamery's Croissant Dessert is Filled with Ice Cream Scoops
Naked Restaurant Events
Naked Restaurant Events
The Black Cat Eatery in Berlin Offered Discounts to Nude Patrons