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30 Artisanal Packaging Designs

From Artisanal Confection Packaging to Sailor Tattoo Beer Branding

— August 2, 2014 — Art & Design
The modern consumer product market has evolved to not only require quality but craftsmanship, which is being reflected in the wave of artisanal packaging designs that are flooding the marketplace. The concept of an artisan product has begun to invade the mainstream market; drugstores, grocery stores and beyond are starting to carry more hip, rustically packaged products to satiate demand for authenticity in product marketing.

The entrance of the artisanal packaging aesthetic into the mainstream market is interesting as it doesn't necessarily need to have any of the qualities of a truly artisan-based product. Not to say that there aren't exceptions found here, but the majority of new wave artisanal packaging designs hold a product within that's mass produced yet gives the feeling of a connection to the manufacturer.
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Playful Liqueur Branding
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